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Cultivated Reef

One Year 12g Nanocube DX


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Thanks Travis, Stock lighting, origional bulbs actually. Not much for mods, just the cassette skimmer, minijet 606, and removed vinyl on chamber 2 for cheato.

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Thanks for the beginning pics, i just wanted to see what the rockwork looked like behind all those amazing corals. Great tank.

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"Thanks Travis, Stock lighting, origional bulbs actually. Not much for mods, just the cassette skimmer, minijet 606, and removed vinyl on chamber 2 for cheato."


First of all VERY NICE TANK


Second, Can you take a picture of the back of the tank ?

I'm looking to get the 12dx as well... since your tank has enjoyed this much success... its obvious your setup is correct...

also where can you get this cassette skimer, as for the cheato? do you have a light supply for it ?



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Just do a search for cassette and there should be plenty of info.


Here is the back, I use the shorter chamber wall as my water level marker (need to top off :) ).


And an old pic of the back it is completly filled with cheato now


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...



have never seen anything like it. awesometank



can you list your corals and what is the predominant green coral on right ?


also what is in your back chambers and what schedule on water changes and

supplements are you using.


do you think the chaeto is the way to go to lower nitrates. mine seem to always be high and i do 2 - 3 gallons a week change i put some chaeto in main tank but would like to do the back mod if you think it helps.




i have some pom pom xenia that is taking off and was wondering how to manage it?

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Very nice I have seen the forest of leathers before I like if alot that has to be in the top 3 NC12 I have seen thought. Is that a Neon Green Hammer I see? If so are you intrested in fragging it.




But the way I will say what other have said above in more basic terms

TELL US EVERYTHING you do to your tank. Share you succese

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FREAKIN AMAZING!!! My wife and I were just discussing how crowded my tank was getting and I started to agree; but I'll have to rethink that now? I figured I would have to upgrade lighting etc. but your running stock for a year?


Since I moved my fire fish out of my tank, my nitrates always register zero even after a two week period without a water change. I have been afraid to put fish back in the tank but after seeing your clowns...I don't know. How do they effect your nitrates?


I think the questions that eveyone wants answered (I know I Do) are:


1. Whats your maintenance routine?

2. Do you use anything other then rubble and Chaeto in the back?

3. How do you manage all that xenia?

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I would like to recommend a new contest. Something to do with crowded tanks. Many of us fight the urge to overcrowd our tanks, with legitimate fear of crashing our system. Then you come along this post. Here is a perfect example of a tank, packed full to the max, crowded by most's standards. It even has two clown fish none the less, AND IT IS STOCK! There is no 55g fuge slaved to the back of this 12g NC. Simple, amazing, crowded. What do you think? Worth a go?


Certainly there are ethical issues to be addressed. How many folks will cram a bunch of stuff in a tank for the photo only to move it back to their 210G custom reef and then those who crash their tank and loose it all...but aren't there ethical issues concerning just keeping reef tanks at all? Just a thought...

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Hey sorry guys, I didn't know my thread got bumped back up.


I'll try to answer some questions:

1. Whats your maintenance routine?

- You guys are probably going to hate me, but I really dont do much of anything. I honestly havent tested anything other than salinity, in about 9 months. Not sure if my test kits were bad but they never showed much.


So for maintenance:

Daily - top off, and feed fish - small amount of Spectrum Small(tiny) pellets , then every third day I feed mysis, to the fish and corals.


Weekly - Scrape glass and 3-4 Gallon water change, Reef Crystals and Glacier RO water from grocery store. I have gone two weeks and still no reading on nitrates, but I do notice more algae on the glass so I stuck to weekly changes. I syphon out of chamber 3 first as much as I can then move to the display. No vacuming though.


I just upgraded to a Maxijet 600 last week. I also just started dosing 1/2 a cap of marine snow every couple days. Because my feather duster lost his crown, its starting to grow back.


I do keep my salinity at 1.026, thats alittle different than most people.


2. Do you use anything other then rubble and Chaeto in the back?

Chamber 1: Rubble, and cassette skimmer mod.

Chamber 2: Cheato, with palm light behind the tank.

Chamber 3: 50W Ebo Jager, and Maxijet 600


3. How do you manage all that xenia?

The xenia is pretty easy, I have these surgical tong things, and just rip it out. Then I use fishing string to sew it onto rock, and trade it in at the lfs,lol.

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can you list your corals and what is the predominant green coral on right ?

Kind of had to list but I'll try.


I'll go clockwise, fom the top left:

GSP - Everywhere!! Its taking over my tank.

Bright Red Shrooms

Yellow Center Solomon Zoos.

Rainbow? Acan.

Ugly Brown Frilly Shroom.

Redish Lobo - Very bottom Right Corner.

Pinkish Blasto Wellis

Fire/Ice Zoos - Below Clown hard to see.

Geen Hammer - I think it might be a Frogspawn though.

Pink/Green Echinophilia - Bottom Left, My sexy shirmp loves eating it.

Pink Xenia

Green Xenia

Orange/Green/Blue Yuma - Hard to see up top

Orange Yuma, Cant see up top.

2 Blue Ric. Fla. In the center.

Green Skirt/Orange Mouth Zoos - in center also

Hot Pink Zoos - You cant really see either.



2 False Clowns

1 Blue Dwarf Hermit

2 Astrea Snails

1 Sexy Shrimp

1 Hawiian Feather duster

1 Nass. Tonga Snail

1 Scary Hitch Hiker Crab

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WOW your tank looks absolutely amazing. I love how full and clean it looks. The progression pix from the first month til now are so cool. Your clowns must be in heavin in your tank LOL. Any plans for upgrade?

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Thanks, yes I am planning on upgrading. A custom Frameless 20L or similar dimensions. Setting up a frag tank right now, that should help fund the new tank.

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