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Stop!! Do Not Buy A Nano Cube


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I'm sorry guys....sNEIRBO saved the day. All this talk about cracks...well....guess what I saw on my 24 today??? Upper right corner over the glass bend. I'm sorry but I can't attribute this to 'normal' shipping stuff. I never saw this crack before and I studied this tank. Please, anyone out there...DO NOT BUY A NANO CUBE UNTIL THIS ISSUE IS RESOLVED. I'm going to have to rapidly change up. Unfortunately, I purchased mine over Ebay and I'm not sure I have the same protection as others. Unless you are willing to gamble your money away,and lose your livestock, based on posts here and now my OWN tank...I DO NOT RECOMMEND BUYING A NANO CUBE . I know I have been a big supporter of this tank, but, my sentiments are now changed. I feel obligated to post this on the other forums and my thread. sNEIRBO..what is the phone number for JBJ? SH



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I strongly urge ALL nano cube owners to thoroughly inspect their tank and WOULD NOT BUY ONE UNTIL THIS IS RESOLVED. PROTECT YOUR BEAUTIFUL CORALS, LIVESTOCK AND INVESTMENT. SH

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Steelhealr I am so sorry to hear about that crack. Your tank was looking so nice too. What are you looking to get for a new tank?


Since you already have the cube stand , maybe look into having built or building a cube tank yourself. The 24g nano cube has about the same outside dimensions as my 25g cube. It is just 1/4 glass on all sides and has 1/2 on bottom, measures 18x18x18. You could easily pick up the glass at a local glass shop. Or take the opportunity to get a drilled tank and sump set up.


Sorry to hear about the tank. Good luck

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Advantages of helping people out to make a thread:








No cracks when I zoom. This crack is delayed, not on shipping



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I think its time to start getting a list together of all of the people that have had cracked tanks. This failure rate is way too high, I thought my explosion a few months ago was a fluke now Im even more nervous that its going to happen again.


I also think it might be time to think about legal action against JBJ to recoup the loss and damages suffered due to this flaw. I know personally I lost about $700-800 in livestock and carpet cleaning. Even though their warrenty says it does not cover this stuff, the warrenty that they issued will not hold up in a court of law with this flaw they they have not fixed, nor addressed or even thought about doing a recall on their cheaply made product.


How long until something really serious happens with this flaw, like water leaking in the ballast or other electrical near the cube and start a fire or worse.

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I agree.....just too frequent and I'm telling all of you that this crack was NOT there on shipping. Two tank pix zoom nicely on my computer and you'd see it on those views. Thanks for everyone's support. Good question, what to go into now.....what a loss of time and investment. I'm not sure what tank to go into. I may have to look into Outtafocus' suggestion. Outtafocus, do you have design plans you'd like to share for that tank? lol. I'll call JBJ on Monday. Although the warranty, like everyone else's who modded, is voided, I want to see if they will be of help. If not, and they can't help me out of good faith, well, I'm not a litiginous person, but, I would hate to think how many people are out there who have a pending livestock and financial loss. Well Chris????? SH


Ironic...someone should post a POST CRACK TANK RESCUE thread. It

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SH -


Your mailbox is full, the PM won't go through. I'm running down to my basement now to check the new cube.



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omg this is horrible. i feel so bad for everyone who this has happened to. unfortunately i have a 12dx coming from nanotuners.com and it should be here today so hopefully I won't get this problem as well. this has me pretty nervous.

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Hi...I both emailed and left voicemail with JBJ today and explained my involvment here and what is happening with my tank. I'll keep people posted here. SH

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You're not going to believe this - I just inspected my tank - looked at it through the tank from the other side - 3 small cracks in the right corner that have not yet propagated past the plastic skirt.


Old timers - look at your tanks as I did - do you see any minor cracks that have not gone past the skirt yet?


SH - If you didn't notice that crack before chances are it is fresh, because that would be pretty hard to miss. Failures happen in a hurry. If you're not ripping your tank down already, you better start looking for buckets, another tank, etc.


Since failures do happen in a hurry - especially with glass - that's why I've never subscribed to the "shipping is inducing stress" theory. If there was enough stress induced during shipping, you'd just open up a box a glass shards, it would shatter / fail while in transit.


I'm going to start looking for a tank that is close dimensionally to the Nano Cube and modify it with the back chambers to keep the clean look. Maybe I should just go buy that 60 Gallon Acrylic I was eyeing before I bought Cube-Uno . . .


I wonder if this is a possible tooling issue at the "overseas supplier" of the glass?


Chris - you've got a lot of money and time invested over at nanocustoms. You better get JBJ on this in a hurry before they get sued out of existance, and you don't have anyone to sell product to!


And I was just starting to be able to sleep through the night again too! DAMMIT!

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OMG, I’m so sorry. I just feel terrible for you and everyone else who has invested so much time and money.


All right, it’s recall time!!!! Enough is enough!!!


For everyone else here a quick description of my crack (s) taken from my thread:


…” small pinhead size bump next to a divot of the same size surrounded by a one inch grey halo smack dab in the middle of the front left corner bend…noticed other cracks, one on the inside of the first chamber and a series of micro cracks running horizontally on the right corner bend…”


Is it possible someone more known on this board could start a simple sign up thread to see exactly where we are at, in terms of how many there are of us? I’ll do it, but I really feel it should be someone who has been here longer.



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For the tank building, go to www.garf.org

Go to the "how to" pages, click on aquarium construction and tips.

This brings up a big list, click on the first item "DIY custom tank building page, design a tank to your own specs"

It brings up a size calculator. Just type in your specs and it will give you a list of glass cut sizes and instuctions.

very good site.

This isnt a good pic, was from initial setup.


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Sorry to hear about your cracked nc. Now I'm wondering if the horizontal "scratch" on my glass is actually a crack. I'm going to inspect it further and try to post a pic.





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i wonder if it is a manufacturing issue. i think if you heat acrylic too fast, and then cool it too fast, it can leave stress fractures.


i bet they where pumping them out so fast, just to get them on the market, that they got a little lazy in the molding process.

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This is not a joke and not accidental. Look...SNEIRBO has another crack. You know...as I study my tank...I wonder if the left side of the tank...the glass bend...has small bubbles in it. I'll have to look into this afterward. However, I do think that failure can happen and I must find a new tank. Outta..thanks...I'm heading over to that website today. I would totally switch tanks if it weren't for the stand, etc. But..I won't let that stop me if building one is out of the question. I have a 46G BF FW and I like the lines of a bow. Again...sNEIRBO, Damage, Outtafocus, Ataramon, all..thanks for your help. I'm sure you all know how much work we've all put into this for our families and also the time we've put in HERE to help others so that they could enjoy a marine tank. SH

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Not sure...will check it out. I went to outtafocus' site....it does give instructions on how to build your own, but, a true build out starting from scratch with glass, silicone, etc, but..not too clear on how to build the 'braces'. SH

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