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Coral Vue Hydros

My precious little Jebo


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he has one more frag. he sells for $10 each polyp. they get to be the size of a quarter at it's largerst. he's got another frag available for $30.


hit him up at eBay@BubbleDVD.com

i'm sure he'll be happy to sell whatever's left. he goes by whodah on RC :P


now you know my secret!






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lol. YES i did! i just happen to have an 8:30am class *cries*

so sometimes i sleep late and go to class dead.


did YOU?????

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anyhoo, i took a lotta the frags i liked. he could email you a n updated list of frags with prices and if you want you can ask him nicely to frag a piece for ya :P


frag#21 of the armageddon should still be available..i think. just ask :D

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doesn't seem like it! but you not sleeping makes sense because you have to stay awake to be the "coral sniper"


you find a good deal online (ie the green rimmed teal blastos) and you pm on a quickdraw, snatch it, and run away trailing smoke behind you all the while laughing maniacally.


you damn "coral sniper!"X)

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lurked here a while off and on, signed up for an account today.


just glanced through yer thread here Babycakes. you've got some nice pieces! :)


heya yoshiod9! woot2.gif

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lol whodah. welcome to Nano-reef.com! make yourself comfortable ;)


when you mean nice pieces i'm sure you mean the ones from YOUR collection. lol

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i've always thought about having black sand...


but then again, seeing how much detritus builds up over time, i can't imagine how i'd ever keep it clean (besides vacuuming the substrate every week to keep it spotless) -- something i really don't have the patience to keep a regular habit of.


Janie, you should switch out the black sand to aragonite based sand if you ever have to move your tanks, or you can just do it when you're bored one day :) it'll be a fun weekend project.


if it were me, i'd even consider bare bottom... hmm, that has me thinking :

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I'm running BB on two tanks now and results are great! I plan on builing a faux sandbed though, for aesthetic reasons only.

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i'm taking out the black sand little by little everytime i do a water change. i get the premixed saltwater from the LFS now instead of mixing my own..which takes toooo long.


i'm starting to not like the black sand because the lawnmower blenny is eating A LOT. he switched from starving himself to feeding on the brine shrimp i feed all my lps with. it's getting quite annoying because he takes ALL the food of my pink brain and the pink brain isn't plump as before.



fish eating a lot = lost of poop


so the black sand isn't pretty unless i suck up all the detritus when i do a WC.


i'll post some crappy pics of my new zoos now :P

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some crappy pics. excuse the warm tone of my pc lighting. hopefully i'm upgrading to mh soon.





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IMO, the "warm" tone of your pc lighting looks pretty good. I think alot of corals look better under yellower light vs bluer.


Great little tank BTW.

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thanks vondigity! :P

yeah but i still have to upgrade. my tank actually looks 'dark' to me :P

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lol sir winston! one day i'll frag some of these and send them to you. when i think they grew enough. maybe this summer :P

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For a second there, I thought it was a picture of skittles on the LR. But that's just me and my bad eyesight. lol.

You've got a very nice selection of zoos goin' on in your Jebo, BC. Very very girly (in only the nicest way possible). :)

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omg Janie, your tank is beautiful!!!


looks like you have an intense collection of zoo's! :)


where's the dendro?

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Thanks guys. yeah everything is still in the works so the top is still really messy IMO. :)


winnie, yeah i'm trying to go for the girliest tank so thanks for the compliment! :flower:


Daniel, the dendro is in a little cave at bottom left of the pic. i haven't epoxied him yet because i'm still trying to figure out where everything is going to go and i just realized i was too stupid to realize how little real estate i have left. lol sooooo i'm actually going to buy a 16x16x8 acrylic tank for $35 so i could make it into a hospital/prop tank with PC lighting. actually it'll probably be my acan prop tank....since i accidentally bought/got too many of them. i don't know how i have so many...well the same could be said for my amount of skirts and purses. lol



NO MORE BUYING! i am done. done done done done



until i get these orange green clavs. then i am DONE.


yeah sir winston, i'll see if i could trade frags by the end of the summer :D and maybe we could meet at a LFS.we'll see which zoos grow the fastest, some i have only 2-5 polyps of, others i have a lot. i'll post a 'zoo collage' soon.

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