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Tigahboy's 67g Reef Project


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All that product came out of left-field. I think it would be dope to sport the nano liscense plate covers. ha

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okay. i give up. haha. I received the 3/4" standard bulkheads just now and they aren't the right ones either!!! Basically the holes are made for 3/4" pipes, but the bulkhead itself is designed to fit in holes made for 1" bulkhead fittings. So my holes are too small to fit these bulkheads!!


ARG! I have headache now.

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Haha, Tigahboy i bet you are getting a headache. So basically you have to make holes bigge to fit other bulkheads?

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not a big problem, its acyrlic, just wip out the ol dremel with a sanding wheel and dont go bigger then the flang on the bulkhead

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yeah you gotta watch out for that, the hole sizes for bulkheads can be screwy. Can Socal Creations drill the holes a little larger?

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they probably could. they've been real good to me so far. it would require another trip out to the boonies of LA (no offense to anyone out there) w/ a big tank in the passenger seat of my honda civic 2 door. ;)

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Originally posted by Tigahboy

they probably could.  they've been real good to me so far.  it would require another trip out to the boonies of LA (no offense to anyone out there) w/ a big tank in the passenger seat of my honda civic 2 door.  ;)


Look its acrylic all u need to do is go to home depot pick up a hole saw drill bit thingy u know what im talkin about and zap that int oa drill and bam ur done its simple...

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Originally posted by Case

Look its acrylic all u need to do is go to home depot pick up a hole saw drill bit thingy u know what im talkin about and zap that int oa drill and bam ur done its simple...


No No No, please don't do that. Hole saws work great to drill new holes, but not so great to expand existing holes. What we would do is use a router with a jig and route the hole bigger. Yes a dremmel could work, but then you run the risk of getting the hole too large, or uneven or what not (also would void any warranty on the tank, any tank, not just ours). We would prefer that we do the work as that prevents any type of mishandling and cracking of the tank. Granted it is very hard to crack a tank by enlarging a hole (unless with a hole saw!), but it can happen none the less. I suggest trying to find the right BH's and your problems can be solved. Dennis I will look right now, and get back to you about the BH's.

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Tigah, this has turned very ugly for you, Atleast you can unload the bulkheads in the selling forum. You could also think about getting some new loc-line. But hey either way it is more money.

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Originally posted by Case

Look its acrylic all u need to do is go to home depot pick up a hole saw drill bit thingy u know what im talkin about and zap that int oa drill and bam ur done its simple...


Having tried to drill a hole through acrylic with a hole saw bit I can tell you that it's not as easy as you would think.


It turned into a 4 hour ordeal and I almost broke the entire back panel of my tank.

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okay. I emailed customaquatic.com. I'm starting to doubt that they'll have them either. we'll see. And even if I got em, what if I need to replace one down the road...=/


maybe I should cave and do threaded x threaded?

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i'm thinking it'd be best if you send it into socal again ... it might be worth the trip and who knows maybe it could be a 1 day type thing where u drop it off, go grab a bite to eat, and come back a few hours later, u might be able to see them in action? haha

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I am going to take my bulkheads to the tank builder when I have mine done because of what happened to you. I am sorry you're having so many problems... prob. very temporary and you'll be able to show off your beautiful new tank soon. You know we'll be jealous.

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maybe i am missing something and I am sounding like a retard saying this......but home depot and lowe's carry a PLETHORA of pvc adapters/fittings/etc as I'm sure you've seen. Wouldnt it be easiest to just get a male or female (which ever you need, not sure if the bulkhead is male or female) threaded to slip peice?

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It's not that I can't make the existing bulkheads available work. There's many ways to connect the pvc adapters to the existing bulkheads. But I'm being super duper anal basically and want specifically a straight PVC pipe to bulkhead connection. no threads or teflon tape to deal with. Similarly, I do not want to use those PVC adapters to connect the threaded loc-line to the front end (inside tank portion) of the bulkheads for aesthetic reasons.


And considering there's only slipxslip or threadxthread available in a 3/4" bulkhead made for a 1.5" hole, either way I will have to compromise one or the other by using the adapters. Just a personal thing, but I don't trust threaded bulkheads (and yes, many use them and do fine I'm sure). And I just don't like the look of white pvc slip to thread adapters for the loc-line (which only come threaded).


But seeing that I can't find any thread x slip 3/4" black bulkheads made for 1.5" holes, I will have to resort to thread x thread.


Hope that clears things up a little. I know it sounds silly that I can't find "bulkheads." haha. just being really anal about the EXACT bulkheads I want.

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