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Liz’s WB 60.2


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Looks like a type of fireworm to me for sure. Never had one myself but it looks less like the bristle worms in my tank and more like fireworms pictured online

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Agreed. As cool as he is and as much as I like having all sorts of creatures in my tank, this guy has to go. If you zoom in that last pic he is actually quite beautiful. 

In other news: I found my first dot of coralline growing on my overflow box. It’s nice to see it anywhere other than my rock. 

Husband ordered me the Hanna Master Tester w/bluetooth. So ill get to see how high my phosphates are- still battling some algae in the display. System is still super new so its whatever. 

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Yes he was big! 

Today I got the Hanna Master kit. 

Nitrate is a bit low and I was expecting my phosphates to be nuts. Need to test what my new saltwater is for ALK. 7.2 is quite low I usually try to run my tanks 8-9dkh. Just personal preference. 

Edit- measured my alk of the new salt water 8.9dkh. Big difference and now I know what I need to be doing. Thankfully the doser is just about ready to be used and I bought the aquaforest components . 




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  • 2 weeks later...

I suspect my maroon clown has been ripping off tips of my torch coral. There are pieces  of torch in the bottom of the tank. I caught her and she is sitting in a make-shift accumulation box. Hopefully the torch will open again. I like her, but I like my corals more. So she will likely beed a new home if I notice the torch recovers while she is locked away. 

My sps STNed. They were doing ok until they weren’t lol. I purchased an ICP test but I am guessing the tank is still too new for them/not stable enough. 

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Ordered three azure damsels from an online company and two were DOAs. So sad. The company didn’t even use styrofoam. They used a cardboard box with a cheesy thin foil-like lining, news paper and heat packs that only one fish was near. They arrived super cold. 

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On 12/12/2023 at 12:49 PM, Elizabeth94 said:

Ordered three azure damsels from an online company and two were DOAs. So sad. The company didn’t even use styrofoam. They used a cardboard box with a cheesy thin foil-like lining, news paper and heat packs that only one fish was near. They arrived super cold. 

Sometimes a deal is too good to be true. 

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On 12/12/2023 at 12:49 PM, Elizabeth94 said:

Ordered three azure damsels from an online company and two were DOAs. So sad. The company didn’t even use styrofoam. They used a cardboard box with a cheesy thin foil-like lining, news paper and heat packs that only one fish was near. They arrived super cold. 

that’s terrible, what the hell were they thinking? Azure damsels are so hardy and long-lived, it takes a lot to bring one down. i’d love to know what company did this.

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It was live aquaria. I figured id try them out as I stocked my last tank using Divers Den and the fish were always packed great and I never lost one. I figured they at least knew how to ship a fish. 

The new surviving damsel is doing okay. My torch coral is opening back up since the clown was put in a breeder box. Ill need to sell her as she is just too rough on corals.. I need to find a trustworthy online retailer for fish since my local stores are too far and we just had a huge closure of a bridge that has made a 20min drive into 2+hrs…


16 hours ago, natalia_la_loca said:

that’s terrible, what the hell were they thinking? Azure damsels are so hardy and long-lived, it takes a lot to bring one down. i’d love to know what company did this.


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  • 2 weeks later...

So I decided to set up a new tank for the clown fish. New Waterbox 10 with anemones and softies only. Going to try and make it an ultra low maintenance tank. In the 15ish years doing this I have never had a bubble tip anemone due to the fear of them stinging corals or walking into a pump and crashing a system. 

I ordered an AI Prime and one of their new mini DC pumps. 

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1 hour ago, Elizabeth94 said:

So I decided to set up a new tank for the clown fish. New Waterbox 10 with anemones and softies only. Going to try and make it an ultra low maintenance tank. In the 15ish years doing this I have never had a bubble tip anemone due to the fear of them stinging corals or walking into a pump and crashing a system. 

I ordered an AI Prime and one of their new mini DC pumps. 

ultra low maintenance tanks are my favorite

😁 looking forward to seeing what you set up!!

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Tanks looking so empty. But the torch is looking quite great now, back to 100% after my clown tormented it. I ordered some corals, sticking with LPS to test the tank a bit. I hope everything goes well. 

I also forgot that I already ordered a Nero 5, and accidentally ordered two. So plan is to move a nero 3 to the new 10gal and have two 5’s and one 3 on this tank. 


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Curious to see these ICP results.


I've always wanted to do a nem tank, they're so stunning!!  I have been eyeing up those axis pumps.  I might upgrade my return.  Interested to see your thoughts after you play around with it!

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Another member mentioned these pumps a month or so ago and AI also released a gyre type pump. I tried the gyre and as much as I wanted to love it- it wasn’t following the schedule I made. I was frustrated after toying with it for a full day and just ended up returning it. 

But I have high hopes for this little return pump!

Im eagerly waiting for these ICP results too. But I sent it out too close to the holidays so I’m expecting it to take a while. Lol. 

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Boring still- but tank is back on track. I have more LPS coming on Friday. 

Got my ICP tests back but I am sick with covid and it is taking too much brain power for me to interpret them. I know my iodine was super low. 

I switched to Nyos salt, so for all I know my levels are different than the icp I did weeks ago. 


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On 1/3/2024 at 3:50 PM, Justind823 said:

We're just getting over Covid as well, not fun.


Where'd the sand go?

 Sorry to hear that. It totally kicked my butt this time around, I am still sick and lost my taste and smell. Stinks. 

I sucked the sand out. I chose a coarse sand because this is supposed to be an sps reef down the line. The coarse sand was so ugly and it held onto so much nasty stuff. I love sand, but I think im going to stick to bare bottom. It actually looks quite nice in person. 

Im testing out the tank with some more lps, but I think ill order some sticks next time. 

“Fat head” gold torch, pink goni, aussie tracyphyllia, rainbow chalice and some acan lords. 



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Have this stuff coming for my other waterbox -softy anemone tank. I have to grab a photo of it another time.. the one digitata is for this tank.



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Current state of tank. The stuff on the bottom is from the aquaforest life source mud. I add it a couple days before a water change. 

So much empty still. Have to remind myself it can take years to get a full reef. 



Wanted a photo of the trachy and the dottyback was checking me out. He is so beautiful but hard to photograph.  



The ten gallon has been set up for a while- ill make a thread once I get more life in it. 


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Tank is sailing along. I have started using the doser on a schedule now. Taking it slow, I don’t trust my math to auto dose the full amount the tank is using. Just incase its wrong and I over dose. Right now I believe my alk consumption is .1dkh a day. 

I got my next sps test frag- an orange digitata. I have had it for a few days now and its still happy which is good. I lost all my other sps frags a month or so ago because I auto dosed too much and alk went from 8.9 to 13 in a matter of a week. 😂 





I do love how “alive” the rock looks. I have a bunch of sponges and tunicates all over. But I think I need some more copepods. 

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