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Hawaiian biotope?


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My wife and I have visited, and dove, Hawaii a few times and loved it. Our first tank (IM 20 Nuvo Fusion) is cycling right now and we're thinking about livestock, and the idea of a Hawaiian tank popped up. Are there any resources/places I could get info and/or sort corals and fish by geography? Thanks!

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You can get fish that live in HI (or around it) and inverts and you should be able to find corals that are the same/similar like pocci/monti/lepto. They may not be coming directly from HI but you could still mimic a biotope.


Here is the list of corals:




Inverts like trochus, 'micro hermits', nerites, strombus, etc... you can find them at other websites too but this will give you a reference to look up and ID them if you don't buy directly from here:




What size tank are you doing? 





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1 hour ago, TatorTaco said:

I believe HI has a ban on import/export which would prevent you from setting this biotope up.    


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. 

I know it does, but I was hoping to find non-endemic species. So it wouldn't be Hawaii-specific livestock, but all stuff that could be seen in Hawaii.

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41 minutes ago, Tamberav said:

You can get fish that live in HI (or around it) and inverts and you should be able to find corals that are the same/similar like pocci/monti/lepto. They may not be coming directly from HI but you could still mimic a biotope.


Here is the list of corals:




Inverts like trochus, 'micro hermits', nerites, strombus, etc... you can find them at other websites too but this will give you a reference to look up and ID them if you don't buy directly from here:




What size tank are you doing? 





20 gallon IM Nuvo 20 for now. And thanks so much for those resources!

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4 hours ago, IOnceWasLegend said:

20 gallon IM Nuvo 20 for now. And thanks so much for those resources!

Np....you will need to plan out stocking carefully for fish to find the right mix but they have things like firefish... angelfish...hawkfish and so on that are found in HI.


Divers den gets some if the more rare ones in from time to time.


Worth noting....they don't have clown fish there.



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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand verified science: https://www.fishbase.se/Country/CountryChecklist.php?what=list&trpp=50&c_code=840B&csub_code=&cpresence=present&sortby=alpha&vhabitat=reef


This is a list of reef associated fish. Some many of them obviously not suitable for a 20, but it's sorted by family as in like type of fish (surgeons/tangs, damsels, butterflies, angels...that kind of identification)


There are a couple of fish I think can work in your tank: Longnose Hawkfish, smaller Antennarius species, and maybe Three Stripe Damselfish (yikes a damsel!), 

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If you can't locate this specific spearing mantis shrimp you may go for another spearer. Hint: if it has the term "squilla" chances are that it can't and won't smash your glass. However I'd make sure your corals are secured down so that mantis shrimp doesn't get creative and creates his own garden as they enjoy moving rubble and crushed coral bits around for their liking.

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