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Diatom bloom started. Should i use prodibio ?


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No they stop the diatoms we have shown in the thread 


leaving them in to go away naturally is fine, but for ten pages we cleaned tanks and nobody reported growback issues. The steps must be done carefully, if someone desires to deep clean, we show how well to rinse the setup such that upon reassembly, the sandbed can be lifted and dropped down in the running tank without clouding at all

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11 hours ago, brandon429 said:

No they stop the diatoms we have shown in the thread 


leaving them in to go away naturally is fine, but for ten pages we cleaned tanks and nobody reported growback issues. The steps must be done carefully, if someone desires to deep clean, we show how well to rinse the setup such that upon reassembly, the sandbed can be lifted and dropped down in the running tank without clouding at all

Hi again. I got new photos. Im a bit exited for start tank but now ı understand , diatom is continuing. Brown spots go on to the sand. I see new dominant points so ı should wait 7-10 days for put fish or coral. 

Nitrate : 2 

thats nice i think. 

And ro water got 0 TDS so 

ı think these values can say us to , thats not dangerous thing. Thats only diatom. 

27. Day  of tank and 18. Day of diatom. 

What do you think :) 

note: lights are all on (like red , day white  and white , all %100 during photo. 


Thank you :) 



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It looks just fine for sure, those early colorations and pigments are the various animals and plants that cycle in and out of the rocks and sand, finding their ideal anchor points relative to light and flow and nutrient and random distribution, its totally good. any portion we want to clean, guide or change along the way is ok because the base bacteria we care about, the filtration bacteria, don't mind those cleaning runs any time. Many would say to stock some corals and slowly move up, no big changes required so far. the sand looks fine and clean too, either way to proceed is just fine.

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34 minutes ago, brandon429 said:

no big changes required so far

Thank you ! 

So do you have same ideas after saw photos ? Like must to do big water changes. ? 

After ı came home today , i decided to phases continuing on. So ı dont want to big changes. But thats only idea of my Heart ?

also NOTE ; Fiji branch rocks are taken from lps. That colors not diatom i think thats bacteria and coraline alg maybe. White rocks are Mine and dead 30 days ago. 

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I wouldn't do much extra, Id add a few frags. Remember though to think about water changes/cleaning the sand as optional events, they're never harmful. the thread shows in detail you can run them unlimited on a reef, its not possible to change too much water. all that means is if you are happy with the condition, no need to act but if you want something made gone you can clean it like we did. I would just buy a few starter corals for your system to start enjoying it, a few new zoanthid frags to try is about ideal

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22 minutes ago, brandon429 said:

would just buy a few starter corals for your system

Im scaring. Reason; ı put 4 conches and probably they died. Im not sure but they are not moveing. So my brain says , conches died, a coral or a fish will die whenever. ... 

ıf conches be happy in system and clean sand, ı will try coral or fish. But now thats not possible i think :/ 

all parameters are ok but why conches are not happy i cant understand. 

!! :/ 

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not sure, don't feel bad my reef is perfectly normal but once I put in a few cerith snails and I never saw them again, not even when cleaning the sand a few yrs later. another thing:kenya tree corals don't grow well in my vase no explanation...I wouldn't worry if a niche animal cant make it. adding a conch wasn't my first recommend anyway, try some cheap corals and test for ammonia, if there's no ammonia taken from a proven/reliable ammonia test kit then the conchs haven't hurt anything.


So far, you are using totally opposite actions vs what the rinse thread shows, so I do expect the tank to not be as clean as it can be.

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19 minutes ago, brandon429 said:

not sure, don't feel bad my reef is perfectly normal but once I put in a few cerith snails and I never saw them again, not even when cleaning the sand a few yrs later. another thing:kenya tree corals don't grow well in my vase no explanation...I wouldn't worry if a niche animal cant make it. adding a conch wasn't my first recommend anyway, try some cheap corals and test for ammonia, if there's no ammonia taken from a proven/reliable ammonia test kit then the conchs haven't hurt anything.

From the beginning ım using Salifert Test kits for all parameters. 

I will do new test tomorrow and share in here. But you mean to proven; is salifert proven test kıt ? 


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I had assumed everyone is not using salifert ammonia


salifert is #1 :) agreed that's the ideal. They too can have misreads, but not as often as the others. if salifert reagent is within expiration date, Id believe what that ammonia test says above all others. nice.

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21 hours ago, brandon429 said:

I had assumed everyone is not using salifert ammonia


salifert is #1 :) agreed that's the ideal. They too can have misreads, but not as often as the others. if salifert reagent is within expiration date, Id believe what that ammonia test says above all others. nice.

Yeah ı like Salifert too !! 

New parameters on here ! 


Saltinity: 1026 

ph: 8.00 

kh : 9.0 

ammonia: 0 


phosphate : 0.03 


Ro water TDS : 0 

(all of them measured with Salifert)


but diatom is still going on. Very hard to understand... 

and last one conch started to sleep at all time which is last moving and cleaning one ... 


next week ı will buy 2-3 conches but this time , they will be the biggest ones. I buyed little ones. Maybe thats wrong. 

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i would never use an animal to clean diatoms, based on the thread posted. its not bad to do so, its that if you check conch threads they don't have the clean beds we do. merely an option among many. the diatoms are there for reasons listed in the sandbed thread, this bed cannot pass a clouding test but that's not a huge deal, as diatoms are part of a new tank when the sand is not pre rinsed, all in the thread yep.

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18 minutes ago, brandon429 said:

when the sand is not pre rinsed

Im not sure, am i say about sand. Thats my second setup and ı used same sand. But first ı put in vinegar 1 day. After one more day ı put in carbonate. After ı put sand in Ro water. Then washed all sand with Ro water again. Then use it in new setup. 

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8 hours ago, brandon429 said:

that counts as rinsed well done ha!

There is 2 nitrate and 0.03 phosphate. 

If i use biodigest, nitrate and phosphate will go to 0 value. So is it dangerous think for a reef ??

some says nitrate and phosphate be low but 0 is bad think. 

So i mean. Using biodigest will fast process but effect nitrate value ?  

Bacteria will work and use nitrate. We dont want this ha ? 

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I would never use those additives in a reef tank. Many other people would, no correct answer


All I recommend is feeding and keeping tanks clean, all the other options people choose or not aren't as important as those in a nano.  There is no right or wrong parameter or additive, we can find successful reef threads showing all common parameters.


There's no way to correctly recommend anything but regular cleaning and water changes because beyond that it's all opinion. My threads show cleaning and feeding to be the reliable basic method that works for everyone and not once in ten pages did we take a phosphate or nitrate measure, i don't even own test kits at all. Just temp and salinity.

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3 hours ago, brandon429 said:

I would never use those additives in a reef tank. Many other people would, no correct answer


All I recommend is feeding and keeping tanks clean, all the other options people choose or not aren't as important as those in a nano.  There is no right or wrong parameter or additive, we can find successful reef threads showing all common parameters.


There's no way to correctly recommend anything but regular cleaning and water changes because beyond that it's all opinion. My threads show cleaning and feeding to be the reliable basic method that works for everyone and not once in ten pages did we take a phosphate or nitrate measure, i don't even own test kits at all. Just temp and salinity.

Yeah  i think like that. But you forgot a think. I havent fish or coral , so there is no feeding. So i afraid to bacteria can starve !? So maybe Pellet feeds can pretend to be bioptim. But there is no feeding ! 

Hmm i added live Fiji rock so maybe no need to biodigest you are right. ! 

But i wonder what are bacterias eating. Is diatom a feed for bacteria ? 

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On 10.03.2018 at 1:55 AM, brandon429 said:

that counts as rinsed well done ha!

Hi again ! 

Im here again with new updates. 

And i got a new fish. Wild percula clownfish. Its on the tank about 2 days. 

And i added 3 conches a week before. But a bad new on here ; 2 of them worked 25-30 hours with nonstop. After that they stopped and did not move about 2-3 days.when I turned it back. It can fix itself but not walking or doing anything. 

One of them is nearly working. And walking around the tanks glass. 


Why did 2 of them die , i cant understand. 

And  please can you comment about photos of sand and tank generally ? 

Thank you :) 




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Snails are sensitive to ammonia and you shouldn't have that many couches in such a small tank. Get some smaller types that can actually get up on those rocks.

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23 minutes ago, Tamberav said:

Snails are sensitive to ammonia and you shouldn't have that many couches in such a small tank. Get some smaller types that can actually get up on those rocks.

I was going to say the same thing after reading all this.  I am hesitant to put a conch in my tank and it's been going for 4 years due to it being a 13g nano with their feeding requirements.  I would love it if they'd live, but I'm not sure I want to take a chance.  And my tank is stable enough that my nerites, ceriths, nassarius, and trochus snails are all 2+ years old and the little Florida ceriths I'm fairly certain are multiplying too.  :) 


With a newer tank you'll almost assuredly have to supplement feed them to keep them alive.


Lastly, I dose Prodibio in my tank.  I do bioptim and biodigest one vial every week alternating weeks.  My nitrates are 0.  My SPS and LPS are all happy campers.

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2 hours ago, Tamberav said:

you shouldn't have that many couches

In this photo 2 of them is not alive. And another problem is , after conches died i think maybe Smaller ones are not durable enough. So ı buy bigger ones from lfs. But is it true ım not sure. Biggest one died again ... 

ammonia / nitrite : 0 ZERO 

kh 9 

nitrate 3 

salt 2016 

ph 8 


every value is ok for a reef. I cant understand why conches are not happy :) maybe generally conches are not durable in every country, every tank. 

Is it like that in your tank ? 

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2 hours ago, nicholc2 said:

supplement feed

What do you mean ? Supplement feeding ? Im only using 2 types of food for percula. 

And you havent got conches . 

Why did not you buy a Conch ? 

Do you think conches are not durable and stable animal for reef ? 

Snails may be more surviver ım not sure. 

But maybe ıf you want 5 conches. You must buy 10  because 5-6 of them will die. :/ 

ı can not see any parameter wrong on system. Also that 60. Daha of tank. Thats not NEW tank. :) 

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6 hours ago, Berkay said:

What do you mean ? Supplement feeding ? Im only using 2 types of food for percula. 

And you havent got conches . 

Why did not you buy a Conch ? 

Do you think conches are not durable and stable animal for reef ? 

Snails may be more surviver ım not sure. 

But maybe ıf you want 5 conches. You must buy 10  because 5-6 of them will die. :/ 

ı can not see any parameter wrong on system. Also that 60. Daha of tank. Thats not NEW tank. :) 

I don’t have a conch because I don’t think my tank has enough food to keep one alive. If you buy 2 and one dies it’s probably not because one was bad. It’s because one starved to death. 


I think conchs are very durable and stable as long as they are given the right environment to thrive. 


When I say supplemental feeding I mean target feeding the conchs so they don’t starve to death. Buying 10 so 5 will live is very irresponsible. 


Just because parameters are perfect doesn’t mean something will survive. We all gotta eat. :-)

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2 hours ago, nicholc2 said:

We all gotta eat.

Sands  are fully load with diatom and all types of algae. And conches work perfectly 2 days. After that they stopped. 

In my other tank i got 5 conches and they are happy at the same gallon !! 

Also , ıf conches are starving, they will live 10-15 say without eat perfectly. It cant die suddenly. I think another wrong think on here. But i dont know. Someones says conches are local in this season so local ones are not durable enoug. 

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11 hours ago, nicholc2 said:

dose Prodibio in my tank.  I do bioptim and biodigest one vial every week alternating weeks.

When did you start this ? From the beginning of the tank like first day? 

Some reefers says , ıf nitrate and phosphate is low , you shouldnt use biodigest because it causes to get them 0. And zero is not value what we want. It must be low but not 0. Like 0.01 or 0.03 phosphate. And 1-5 nitrate. 

So i dont use bacteria in this case. 

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Would you agree that the sand rinse thread posted shows multiple tanks like yours being reset to clean with before and after pics


Be sure and check it out, half an hour read and your tank will never require any other additive beyond what corals eat and use,  no additive or animal will be required to keep your tank clean once that thread is understood. It shows how to fix your tank using similar tank fix examples


 at any moment you have the ability to make your tank look brand-new or you can continue with additives it's just a simple choice either way is fine

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