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uchiha's Via Aqua 18g


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Nice tank uchiha. I can't believe i missed this thread for so long.


What does your tank maintanence consist of? water changes, dosing, etc.? Sorry if i missed it in the thread already. I was mainly looking at pictures but didn't see it mentioned.

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we need new full tank shot update men.


your tank is like nicotine... (it makes me always dream...or makes me always to see ur tank since its soooo nice...)

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i'll get a full tank shot soon... i still have a lot of nasty ass hair algae that is not going away... :(


RowaPhos has been in my tank for more than a week and it's doing nothing, it has proved to be a waste of $$$ so far.


on another note, i had a question for you guys, what the heck is this SPS on the left side of my zoo's? i included the zoo's in the pic so that you could see the size of the polyps on the hairy thing... they're VERY thin polyps and are bright green under my halides (i couldn't quite capture the same color in the picture).


anyways, it's some sort of encrusting SPS i just don't know what type... it looks pretty cool so i'd like to know the name of it if anyone could help me out :)

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did a lil research on "pavona" and it most certainly looks like the description on liveaquaria...thanks!


it's a really cool piece, was semi bleached and half dead when i got it but it's made a full comeback and looks pretty good now :)

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Uchiha, im not sure if I asked this already or not. I just went through the whole thread again (cant get enough). Where did you get that MH pendant and how much was it? I was thinking of upgrading my lights soon.

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Cesar: my lighting fixture is the Original Via Aqua "fixture." what i did was pull out one PC bulb and in the space of that i added the 150w MH. go back to page 4 to see pix of the "fixture." there's also a pic at the bottom of the page to show how i placed the MH and PC bulbs. price of MH upgrade was $200...

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thanks ditch! i appreciate the compliments.


i'm having a helluva time controlling algae in my tank for the past 2 weeks. im getting a massive amt. of hair algae and i've recently added a bi-color blenny to see if it would help eat some, unfortunately there's been no dwindling of the algae. it's getting to the point of annoying : anyways, once the algae dies down i will supply more pix again :)

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I'm very seriously considering doing the same MH upgrade to my hood (read: "completely bite your setup"), since you've proven it can be done. :)


2 questions:

1) Have you ever tried running the actinic and MH simultaneously for an extended period?


2) What's you opinion on the feasibility of running a 250W HQI rather than than 150W?

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1. i have tried running the actinic and MH simultaneously... but not for extended periods. i've done this for about 3 days with no ill effects. the PC lamp being so close to the MH has not shown any signs of wear and tear and i will safely say that the MH bulb WILL be "OK" next to the PC lamp. if you do run both on at the same time i suggest you have some way to effectively & efficiently cool the hood


2. i think if you can fit a 250w DE HQI in, and you can find a way to cool that guy, it's TOTALLY possible. anything that can fit under the hood will work. just be careful about heat... that'll probably be your biggest problem. there's a lot of heat coming from the 150w already so i'm assuming 250w will be a notch hotter than the 150w's. but... if you can fit it, it's possible :)


hope that helps...good luck! :)

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Awesome tank man!


What is the length of your hood? I have a VA and my hood is about 15" long and 2.5"high. Would the retrofit kit you used work on my hood? Can you please provide specifics as to what kind it is? I have been looking at buying a MH pendant to hang over my tank, but I think I will try to mod my hood.

Also, is PC necessary? I don't think I would want to run both. Would it be ok if I just had the 150w MH?

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Meercat_Maric: my aquascape was epoxied together. took me couple tries to get it the way i wanted... but patience & persistence pays off.


JonPM: i don't know the dimensions of the hood... but if you mount the MH bracket sideways as pictured in earlier pages of this thread, you can see that it will fit either a 70w or 150w MH perfectly (it even gives space for clearance for UV glass to slide through). PC is not necessary, but i run it just b/c i like the dawn/dusk cycle. as previously mentioned, i run it OPPOSITE of my MH so that both lights are NEVER ON AT THE SAME TIME. the actinic PC lamp only runs 1 hour before and 1 hour after the MH is on. if you're interested in the 150w MH retrofit or the 70w retrofit, contact or PM member: LampDr ...he will set you up with EVERYTHING you need.


here's the picture on page 4 of this thread to show you what i mean by mounting the MH sideways



btw, thanks again for your compliments.


**ps. my tank is full of uncontrollable algae that i'm currently trying to get rid of...this is why i haven't posted any updated tank shots yet. i will post them ASAP once i get rid of this algae


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moonlight setup was purchased from Target.. they have a "car section" and they sell the LED setup for $9.99... all i did was plug it into a 2 prong adapter (from a cigarrette lighter plug), and that was it! good luck with your retro.

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How hot does your lighting setup get? I am thinking about retro fitting 2x150w HQI into a 130w 48" JBJ formosa hood. The only thing I'm worried about is heat buildup within the fixture. It has two fans, but I know how hot Halides can get, I don't want anything to burn or melt...



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never measured how "hot" it gets, but i do have one of those large (about 10'') Honeywell fans directed at my fixture. this keeps temps down so that the hood is only "warm" to the touch... PC fans (or the cheapo ones that come built into some lightings fixtures) will not cool a MH setup to the point of it being just "warm" ... so beware of heat if you are going to use PC fans for your JBJ hood.

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on another note... here's another critter i added to my clean-up crew to help with this messy algae i got all over the tank...


my sally light foot crab! put em up!

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