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Kimber's Old Tank Thread


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10 hours ago, Sancho said:

You need some high class beer bottle caps ;)


That requires me to buy high class beer - and I don't drink beer... ;) Send me some and I'll make you magnets! 

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1 hour ago, kimberbee said:

Y'all are in luck... 


Nick is working late again tonight so I got bored and made a video! 



Disappointed....no Weeeeezer soundtrack available?

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8 hours ago, teenyreef said:

Nice video and the tank looks very happy! What did you use to edit the video?

I just used the YouTube editor available on the website. :blush:


8 hours ago, jack1978 said:

Disappointed....no Weeeeezer soundtrack available?


41 minutes ago, spectra said:

Tank looks great! and am with Jack also........................no Weeeezer ;) 

FUNNY STORY... So I had used Weezer music in one of my videos I had posted over a year ago, then I found out a couple months ago that Geffen (the record label that Weezer signed to) was monetizing it for themselves!! Nice they didn't flag it for removal for copyright infringement, but they aren't making a few cents off my video!!! 

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Look at me with another long post!!! 


It was a chill spring day a year ago that I moved tanks from my old apartment to my now fiance's home. Andromeda, her 18 rock flower anemones, a handful of gorgonians, and a purple plating sponge all made the move from an IM 20 to their current home in an IM 10.





I'm using the stock pump, rw-4 for circulation, and inTank media basket with polyfil and chemipure blue nano. My original 50w NeoTherm heater was acting wonky a few months ago, so that has been replaced. For top off I am using the Smart ATO Micro. I made a quick video about my equipment a few months ago, some of your might have already seen it. But for those who haven't: 



All 18 RFA's are still with me, though I am having a hard time getting the smallest 4 to grow. Cassiopeia (an OG nem shrimp from when everything was in the IM 20) shrimp passed away. And a PSW I got in May along with 2 porcelain crabs only a lasted a few months in the tank. I haven't added anything else since then other than a few snails. 






Plans for the future include trying again with a PSW and spotted anemone shrimp. Perhaps some sexy shrimps as well. I do feel like the tank could use a little more movement - Andromeda isn't that exciting. I also want to add a skimmer and change to only every other week water changes. This tank hasn't had too many algae issues, so I think with adding a skimmer I will still be ok. 




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Tank looks great! I wish my 10 would look that clean....... I have probably 25 RFAs in a 10 along with a tail spot, Yashi and 2 green banded gobies........not sure why but it always looks like crap.......maybe I need a RW4 in it.....or just take it down......

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2 minutes ago, spectra said:

Tank looks great! I wish my 10 would look that clean....... I have probably 25 RFAs in a 10 along with a tail spot, Yashi and 2 green banded gobies........not sure why but it always looks like crap.......maybe I need a RW4 in it.....or just take it down......

How do you your green bandeds do in there with the RFAs? I want to add a couple fish when I'm ready but am worried about something smaller getting eaten because I have some RFAs that are palm sized and VERY sticky (at least to me)! 

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3 minutes ago, kimberbee said:

How do you your green bandeds do in there with the RFAs? I want to add a couple fish when I'm ready but am worried about something smaller getting eaten because I have some RFAs that are palm sized and VERY sticky (at least to me)! 


They do great. I have had them in there for at least 6 months or more. They live in the big rock that al the RFAs are attached to. Sometimes I see the smaller one on the glass. Great little fish and love them. I am scared they will get lost in my 100 but want to take the 10 down someday.


I think my biggest RFA is about 3" or so.

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Christopher Marks

Happy 1st birthday! This tank really looks spectacular, the collection of RFAs and gorgonians creates such an interesting system. Adromeda the clownfish has really unique markings too, the band on it's 1st dorsal fin is rad.


Oh, I fixed up the formatting on your post too :) 

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I really like the little historical retrospective and future plans birthday write-up. I am not planning to shamelessly copy you. Oh no, surely not.

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A nice walk down memory lane and I agree with Christopher that the tank looks spectacular with RFAs and gorgs.  A unique combo for sure.

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1 hour ago, vlangel said:

A nice walk down memory lane and I agree with Christopher that the tank looks spectacular with RFAs and gorgs.  A unique combo for sure.

Thanks Dawn! It really works out great that they both get along. So much less stress when you don't have to worry about who is moving where and the consequences of anyone possibly getting stung!!


Even the purple plating sponge isn't bothered by the rfas. And occasionally one will park it right in the middle of the sponge!

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27 minutes ago, Rory282 said:

Congrats on the tank birthday, looks fantastic! Did you ever use a skimmer on this tank?


I have not yet used a skimmer in this tank. I have been doing weekly water changes for the past 11 months, but for the last month I skipped to every other week. So far that's working ok, and I still clean the glass and change the filter floss every week. I did have a little GHA problem only very briefly, but I use a toothbrush to scrub it off every week or so. I also use the toothbrush to clean the back wall - I think it helps the RFA colors pop against a black background! 

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Hey!! I'm happy to see things doing so well here my friend!!  Your reef is looking great!! You also take some fantastic photos! 

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