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Innovative Marine Aquariums

The "my wife doesn't like fish tank furniture" build


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Yep, my wife hates fish tank furniture.. but shes a cool wife, so we talked it over and came to a compromise. I agreed to look for an accent table, buffet, or other piece of furniture that I would hide all the fish tank stuff in, and the tank would just sit up top so the furniture doesn't look like standard issue fish tank stuff. I didn't realize it would be such a pain to do so, though. 

I actually started this build almost two years ago, but it's just now getting to where I intended it to be. To make a long story short, I explain what happened (with pictures):

I found a buffet for $200 at a resale shop.. One of those old school, super solid, destroy your back pieces of furniture. I set up a mr aqua 8G up as my downgrade tank, as my wife and I were expecting a new addition to the family.



I planned to refinish it before I shut down my other tank and transferred everything to the 8, but our daughter decided to make an appearance a lot quicker than we imagined. lol



The 8G looked pretty cool, just sitting by itself there..




But as life goes, the tank got put on the back burner while dealing with a newborn and finishing up my degree (environmental biology, woot!), and it suffered to a point where I gave all my coral to a friend to save it from dying and told him he could have it all, but that I would ask for a small frag whenever I set up the tank again


Fast forward 6 months and Ive graduated college, settled into a new job, gotten used to taking care of a small human being, and Im starting to make some progress on this project!


I got to refinish the stand, finally! Went with a dark cherry.




-after- (it helps when your old job lets you use a full size auto paint booth to refinish and bake the paint!)





After I refinished the stand, the tank came in! I had it custom made from Planet Aquariums to make sure it fit on the buffet. comes out to about 41.5 gallons. And of course, after going back and forth about pricing and sizing, I failed to mention on the final order that the tank was rimless.. so I had to cut the trim off myself.




I ordered and played around with the rocks, and Im pretty sure Im going to 86 the island on the right.




Once I finally had some time, I got the new tank set up on the stand and this is how it sits for now.







Also, I got these in the mail, just need some time to install it all! An eshopps eclipse overflow (knock off reef savvy ghost overflow), 40 lbs of special grade sand, and an ATI 6 bulb fixture.





I still have a crap ton of things left to do before this thing gets wet.. again. Hoping for more time to dedicate to the tank!

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Sexy tank. I love the scape.


Advice on care of tank and little people: automation = friend. I have a 2 year old and an 8 month old and if my 85 hadn't been so automated it would have gone down the tubes. lol Granted, I'm the woman, so I was taking care of the tank, the toddler, and growing another human at the same time so my mind was a bowl of jelly. But still, automation probably saved my tank. lol There were days when my youngest would need to be held for 14 hours stretches (very needy baby) and I'd just forget about the tank entirely.


In those situations, automation is your life line.


What are your plans for lighting and stocking?

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Sexy tank. I love the scape.


Advice on care of tank and little people: automation = friend. I have a 2 year old and an 8 month old and if my 85 hadn't been so automated it would have gone down the tubes. lol Granted, I'm the woman, so I was taking care of the tank, the toddler, and growing another human at the same time so my mind was a bowl of jelly. But still, automation probably saved my tank. lol There were days when my youngest would need to be held for 14 hours stretches (very needy baby) and I'd just forget about the tank entirely.


In those situations, automation is your life line.


What are your plans for lighting and stocking?

Thanks! And don't worry, I know all too well about "pregnancy brain", my wife forgot everything, all the time, lol. Automation is a friend indeed! I failed to mention in the OP that this system does have an apex, but I hadn't gotten the dosers dialed in yet to the 8's alk/ca usage and all that.. This is what underneath the tank looks like:



I built the sump out of glass from a friends leaky 65g hexagon that he didn't want anymore. Only cost me 10$ for that sump! lol







For lighting, I sold the radion after I found out ecotech wasn't making the gen 3 upgradeable to the gen 4. That was one of the big selling points to me, and I felt pretty upset with them for doing that. So I decided on an ATI 6 bulb fixture, which just arrived in the mai last week!


As far as stocking goes... the coral will be mostly sps with a select few lps, and a zoa/paly garden. The fish list is still up in the air, however, I was thinking maybe 3 dispar anthias, 3 blue/green chromis, and a midas blenny to give lots of color and movement.. but like I said, still unsure at the moment.


That stand came out sweet. What did you use on it to have to bake it? It came out great!

Thanks! I used minwax polyshades, but I baked it so I could take it back home with me the same day I sprayed it. I really didn't want to leave the stand over at my old work, the boss probably wouldn't have appreciated it, lol.

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Almost forgot about this, I made a 2-part stirrer using some old pc fans and rare earth magnets to help keep my fusion 1 and 2 at a more consistent concentration.. I had problems when I was dosing it before in another tank and I found that small power heads helped to fix the problem. I just like to make things, so I decided to give it a try.. it works pretty good!












This is also sitting idle for now.. the next step I need to take is brace underneath the stand with some 2x4's and finish plumbing the sump again!


EDIT- Added video and schematic as requested in post #10




The formula I used to calculate what size resistance I needed for the potentiometer was V=IR, where V is voltage, I is current and R is resistance. I realized afterwards that I did my original calculation wrong, but it got me in the ballpark, and that's all that mattered, lol.

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Sweet ass setup - It's definitely not common but I sort of like the look of a smaller tank sitting in the middle of this huge buffet cabinet. And you did an awesome job staining it that dark cherry color.


So I think you should post a video on the magnetic stirrer. I don't need one but I think it looks awesome and I'm interested in the details if you're willing to share!


Rocks look nice as you have them, but I also liked your mock up pics. What made you decide not to use the piece you cemented together?


Good luck!

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Sweet ass setup - It's definitely not common but I sort of like the look of a smaller tank sitting in the middle of this huge buffet cabinet. And you did an awesome job staining it that dark cherry color.


So I think you should post a video on the magnetic stirrer. I don't need one but I think it looks awesome and I'm interested in the details if you're willing to share!


Rocks look nice as you have them, but I also liked your mock up pics. What made you decide not to use the piece you cemented together?


Good luck!

Thanks! I updated post #8 with a a quick video I shot about it, and added a schematic of how I wired it. I can do an in-depth video later, if anyone needs it!


Also, I decided to scrap the island on the right in the mock up because once I got it in the tank, it was really crowded and I wanted to lean more on the minimalist side for this tank, and have lots of swim room and room for the corals to grow. What I may do is get a small dome shaped rock to put in the front right side and do a zoa/paly garden, and have all the sps on the top of the main rock structure.

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Almost forgot about this, I made a 2-part stirrer using some old pc fans and rare earth magnets to help keep my fusion 1 and 2 at a more consistent concentration.. I had problems when I was dosing it before in another tank and I found that small power heads helped to fix the problem. I just like to make things, so I decided to give it a try.. it works pretty good!












This is also sitting idle for now.. the next step I need to take is brace underneath the stand with some 2x4's and finish plumbing the sump again!


EDIT- Added video and schematic as requested in post #10




What are you using as the stirring magnets or whatever they are? and where does someone get them?

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What are you using as the stirring magnets or whatever they are? and where does someone get them?

You can get both the magnets for the fan and the magnetic stir bars on eBay for a couple bucks. The magnets I used are nickel plated neodymium rare earth magnets, and were 1/4" thick x1/2" in diameter. The stir bars are just called magnetic stir bars, and the ones I'm using are coated with a non-reactive and non-corrosive PTFE material, basically teflon I believe. Also, they sell magnetic stirrers already ready to go on eBay if you dont want to DIY, but they are pretty expensive. $75-80 per stirrer iirc.

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I love your cabinet! I love that you went with a larger tank too. Enjoying this build a lot.

I wish I had that spray paint job workshop close by, I need to paint a metal table or two and can't seem to find a place to do it as I live in an apartment. Too windy in my patio, garage has camera, stairwell is tiny and people do use it. No access to the roof but would also be very windy if I did. Sigh.

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Thanks! And don't worry, I know all too well about "pregnancy brain", my wife forgot everything, all the time, lol. Automation is a friend indeed! I failed to mention in the OP that this system does have an apex, but I hadn't gotten the dosers dialed in yet to the 8's alk/ca usage and all that.. This is what underneath the tank looks like:



I built the sump out of glass from a friends leaky 65g hexagon that he didn't want anymore. Only cost me 10$ for that sump! lol







For lighting, I sold the radion after I found out ecotech wasn't making the gen 3 upgradeable to the gen 4. That was one of the big selling points to me, and I felt pretty upset with them for doing that. So I decided on an ATI 6 bulb fixture, which just arrived in the mai last week!


As far as stocking goes... the coral will be mostly sps with a select few lps, and a zoa/paly garden. The fish list is still up in the air, however, I was thinking maybe 3 dispar anthias, 3 blue/green chromis, and a midas blenny to give lots of color and movement.. but like I said, still unsure at the moment.



Thanks! I used minwax polyshades, but I baked it so I could take it back home with me the same day I sprayed it. I really didn't want to leave the stand over at my old work, the boss probably wouldn't have appreciated it, lol.

this is honestly one of the cleanest builds I've ever seen, the buffet table idea was such a smart move lol
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I love your cabinet! I love that you went with a larger tank too. Enjoying this build a lot.

I wish I had that spray paint job workshop close by, I need to paint a metal table or two and can't seem to find a place to do it as I live in an apartment. Too windy in my patio, garage has camera, stairwell is tiny and people do use it. No access to the roof but would also be very windy if I did. Sigh.

Thanks! I think the slightly bigger tank fits the cabinet jussst right! Also, if you have a small mom and pop autobody shop around you, you can always call them and ask if their painter would spray something for you in their booth. Just explain that you have something you want sprayed, and you'll provide the paint to do so, if they can just spray it for you. When I used to work at the body shop, we had people randomly bring tables and other furniture that they wanted sprayed, and we would spray it with the paint they provided. Just give them a call, the worst they can say is no.


this is honestly one of the cleanest builds I've ever seen, the buffet table idea was such a smart move lol

Thanks! The buffet idea was really due to my wife's wants, so I guess it worked out for the better, lol. I'm still in the process of cleaning it up more, I've just gotta come across the extra time to do so. I have time to make this thread right now because I'm sitting home, bored out of my mind while recovering from eye surgery.. Dr. says I can't cut any wood, sand anything, or use power tools for a few weeks, just to be on the safe side .. He always ruins my fun. lol

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Thanks! I think the slightly bigger tank fits the cabinet jussst right! Also, if you have a small mom and pop autobody shop around you, you can always call them and ask if their painter would spray something for you in their booth. Just explain that you have something you want sprayed, and you'll provide the paint to do so, if they can just spray it for you. When I used to work at the body shop, we had people randomly bring tables and other furniture that they wanted sprayed, and we would spray it with the paint they provided. Just give them a call, the worst they can say is no.


Thanks! The buffet idea was really due to my wife's wants, so I guess it worked out for the better, lol. I'm still in the process of cleaning it up more, I've just gotta come across the extra time to do so. I have time to make this thread right now because I'm sitting home, bored out of my mind while recovering from eye surgery.. Dr. says I can't cut any wood, sand anything, or use power tools for a few weeks, just to be on the safe side .. He always ruins my fun. lol

lol more time for online shopping and fish and coral ideas? There's a plus and minus to your down time! But hope you have a speedy recovery dude, cool that the buffet table worked out in both favors and also really enjoy the darker color scheme
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Awesome, I love the stand! I like old furniture like that! You may as well get a bigger tank now before it gets wet.. you have all that space. ;)


And I like how you think… I want the ATI and eshopps overflow on my next tank (already dreaming). Your fish list is perfect, lots of swimming fish!

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lol more time for online shopping and fish and coral ideas? There's a plus and minus to your down time! But hope you have a speedy recovery dude, cool that the buffet table worked out in both favors and also really enjoy the darker color scheme

For sure! I've been scoping out this site and others to see if there are any ideas that I like better than my current fish list

... that and playing the "add a bunch of expensive sps pieces to my cart then close the window" game, lol.

Awesome, I love the stand! I like old furniture like that! You may as well get a bigger tank now before it gets wet.. you have all that space. ;)


And I like how you think… I want the ATI and eshopps overflow on my next tank (already dreaming). Your fish list is perfect, lots of swimming fish!

Thanks! I unfortunately think this tank is as big as I will go on this buffet.. don't want to have to wind up bracing the whole thing with steel tubing, lol. And yep, pretty excited to try the eshopps eclipse, and this is my first tango with T5's! I've always had LED, so this is a whole new adventure to try out!

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For sure! I've been scoping out this site and others to see if there are any ideas that I like better than my current fish list

... that and playing the "add a bunch of expensive sps pieces to my cart then close the window" game, lol.

Thanks! I unfortunately think this tank is as big as I will go on this buffet.. don't want to have to wind up bracing the whole thing with steel tubing, lol. And yep, pretty excited to try the eshopps eclipse, and this is my first tango with T5's! I've always had LED, so this is a whole new adventure to try out!

lol do that all the time, I also tell my lady I'm about to purchase this and watch her trip out :lol:
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For sure! I've been scoping out this site and others to see if there are any ideas that I like better than my current fish list

... that and playing the "add a bunch of expensive sps pieces to my cart then close the window" game, lol.

Thanks! I unfortunately think this tank is as big as I will go on this buffet.. don't want to have to wind up bracing the whole thing with steel tubing, lol. And yep, pretty excited to try the eshopps eclipse, and this is my first tango with T5's! I've always had LED, so this is a whole new adventure to try out!


Look forward to seeing how you like the eshopps--it looks pretty slick! And after seeing all the t5 tanks, I'm a convert. Right now I'm running led/t5 (with two fixtures), and loving it. Think your sps will appreciate it too!

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I'm sure you've thought about it but it might get pretty humid in the fuge compartment of the cabinet. The wood could take a hit, is there a ventilation fan for that compartment?

Thanks for the advice about the auto body shop, I will certainly try that route.

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I'm sure you've thought about it but it might get pretty humid in the fuge compartment of the cabinet. The wood could take a hit, is there a ventilation fan for that compartment?


Thanks for the advice about the auto body shop, I will certainly try that route.

good catch, I drilled holes in the back of my cabinet for ventilation
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I'm sure you've thought about it but it might get pretty humid in the fuge compartment of the cabinet. The wood could take a hit, is there a ventilation fan for that compartment?


Thanks for the advice about the auto body shop, I will certainly try that route.

Yea, I have rolled that thought around in the back of my mind for awhile. There are vent slots already in the back panel of the cabinet that allow air in, but I'm unsure if the passive venting is good enough.. I may need to just go ahead and pull the trigger on some more fans.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not much new going on with this tank just yet, but I did get my mini coral/invert quarantine tank rolling and the cycle started. I had some aiptasia get into my old 30g that came in on a hermit shell. The hermits were the first thing in the tank, and in came the pests with them. Lesson learned, Lol. I'm going to try to do everything I can to prevent any pests from entering the new tank, without breaking the bank.



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