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Droys' IM Fusion 10 2/7/19 Update


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Bad ass video !


Sucks about the firefish also.. I'll be honest you had quite a few fish for a 10g though - firefish tend to get stressed around boisterous tank mates like clowns.


Though as I say that I got the opportunity for a "free" firefish tonight so it's in QT right now... I have a banggai as well that seems to do okay (all "streamer" fins are in-tact) so I'm hoping the firefish is accepted. If not I'll pass it along.


Regarding your shrimp - I love it!!! I have a mantis shrimp that's about 2-3" long (Neogonodactylus curacaoensis) but it's SUUUUPER shy and I think I might try to trade it in for a pistol - preferably an "industrious" variety such as yours. Not sure I'll put a goby with it - but possibly.

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Man, that little dude works hard! Great video :)

Thanks, the only problem is he keeps wrecking my damn tank! LOL

Bad ass video !


Sucks about the firefish also.. I'll be honest you had quite a few fish for a 10g though - firefish tend to get stressed around boisterous tank mates like clowns.


Though as I say that I got the opportunity for a "free" firefish tonight so it's in QT right now... I have a banggai as well that seems to do okay (all "streamer" fins are in-tact) so I'm hoping the firefish is accepted. If not I'll pass it along.


Regarding your shrimp - I love it!!! I have a mantis shrimp that's about 2-3" long (Neogonodactylus curacaoensis) but it's SUUUUPER shy and I think I might try to trade it in for a pistol - preferably an "industrious" variety such as yours. Not sure I'll put a goby with it - but possibly.



I was even considering taking the Firefish to the LFS because he was getting picked on so much the last couple of days, but I thought the rescape might calm them down. Prior to the Goby/Shrimp intro everyone was doing fine, the Firefish was even swimming with the clowns as if it were one of them.

I'm going to give them some time to get their act together, then I might consider adding more. ;)


If you do get a Pistol Shrimp, you should consider a goby. They make the shrimp happier, plus there's some really pretty ones.

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Updated FTS!




Well everything has finally starting to get settled down, Water params stayed pretty well during the transition. The water is still a little cloudy but MUCH better than it was the last couple of days.




The new and improved (Pistol Shrimp Proof :P ) Acan Rock.




My purple frogspawn is finishing up splitting, you can see it really well here.






You can see how my sps have all turned brown :(

I'm also pretty sure I lost the Blue Laser in the transition.




I've noticed the duncans are very happy, I just fed the 2 heads before this pic. The farthest left Favia did get stung pretty badly by an unknown coral, and has lost half of its tissue on one head. Everything else bounced back very well.




A better view of the RFA, I love this thing, good thing I got another one coming ;)




I glued the GSP to my back wall. I've since abandonded the lawn idea. I like acans and Favias too much. :rolleyes:

I know it's kinda cliche now days, but I love when the entire wall is covered with the stuff.






I finally got some good pictures of my YWG. I was bummed I wasn't able to capture his blue spots better. I love how he glows when on watch, also my son named him...Dora, yes after the explorer.


That's it for now. I have an awesome shipment coming in tomorrow. I can't wait. :haha:

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Well my orders came in.

Some small mishaps/fatalities.

First order was another batch from AquaSD, and everything was perfect.

packaging was excellent as usual, and all my corals/ Nems where happy and extended in the bags!

I got:

1- Neon Green (Toxic) Bubble Tip Anemone

1- Fire Stick Zoas

1- Green (Toxic) Acro

1- Ultra Red Rock Flower Nem

1- Green and Red Aussie Blasto

I also received 3 Freebies!

2- Unknown Zoas

1- Red and Green Favite

Here's a few really quick pictures I took.










I also got an order from saltwaterfish.com They packaged everything pretty well. but the box was pretty large for the order and with only one tiny heat pack. things didn't look too good.

I ordered a tail spot blenny, another YWG, and a little Clown Goby. I also ordered a maxi mini Nem, as well as a cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp, sexy shrimp, & 2 Pom Pom crabs.

Almost all dead...

well the maxi nem made it, as well as one little pom pom crab and the cleaner shrimp. but i'm waiting to hear back from them on their DOA policy.

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Got some new pictures, thought you guys would like to see them. (Still working on the White Balance)






Rock Nems



Red/Green Blasto



Red Stripped Acan



Purple Ring Lord



Grinch Lord



Unknown Favites



Rainbow Favites



Chalice w/ Unknown Polyps



Green People Eaters



Agave Zoas



Unkown Zoas



Supposed "Radioactive Dragon Eyes"



And lastly my favorite the YWG

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Assume you're still using the Ghost skimmer, are you happy with it? I feel like I've asked a ton of people but I am looking into skimmer options for my Fusion 20.

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Assume you're still using the Ghost skimmer, are you happy with it? I feel like I've asked a ton of people but I am looking into skimmer options for my Fusion 20.



I am, I love it. It was loud at first but now I have it to where I clean it once a week and I usually have a nice brown/green sludge to wash out. I wouldn't hesitate to get one for the IM20.


Great pics! I have some acans in my 4g tank that look exactly like those Grinch lords. It's one of my favorite acans :)


Mine too! I love how the green fluoresces in contrast to the reds. I will definitely be getting more ;)

Also, I'm happy to see thing are looking more positive in your tank!

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So remember earlier when I said I saw the legs of a brittle star in the tank? Well look who decided to make an appearance today. :D




I finally finished something that I had been wanting to do for a while now.

The back of the tank has always been an eyesore for me, and I wanted to be able to keep the evaporation down as well. But my previous attempts were silly at best.

So after seeing some of the awesome work that some people are doing on here with acrylic (I'm talking about you Smiz) I decided to try it out. :ninja:


Here's what I've come up with:



I had cutouts for the cables, ATO, as well as the Ghost skimmer.


Here it is installed:



Sorry for the blurry pic, but you get the idea. You can also see the piece I have over the main area.



I also picked up a Maxi Mini Nem the other day and was letting it get settled in before I showed it off, but then I noticed some rather strange behavior with my female clown lately, and I'm 90% sure she is trying to host it. Which as far as I know they don't like.

Here's a couple pictures I snagged of her shenanigans.



Funny Clown is Funny :lol:


And lastly since the GBTA has decided to settle front and center I had to get an updated FTS :)





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Nice tank and I'm glad you like your nems. They're easy to care for and they look pretty and most of mine were harmed by other things, not them harming things, I know a lot of people are concerned about stings but it's always been reverse for me. That shrimp, he reminds me of a snow plow. I have the orange spotted in my tank with Gertie. I had a watchman once but he died in my Evolve8, never knew why.

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Nice tank and I'm glad you like your nems. They're easy to care for and they look pretty and most of mine were harmed by other things, not them harming things, I know a lot of people are concerned about stings but it's always been reverse for me. That shrimp, he reminds me of a snow plow. I have the orange spotted in my tank with Gertie. I had a watchman once but he died in my Evolve8, never knew why.

Thank you!

I love anemones, they are one of the biggest reasons why I got into reefing.

I am most certainly not done with RFA either. They offer up so much color and are an awesome transition from rockwork to sand bed.

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Well, came to work today after being sick all weekend as well as monday, and what do I find?

A dead min max nem, broken skimmer and a small ph spike.




So I fixed the skimmer, removed the dead nem, and did a 10g water change.

Then I noticed the stag and barbies pink stick had RTN.:(


I suspect they got hit with an ammonia spike after the Nem died.


Gah, when it rains, it pours.

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sorry about the issue. do you know what happened to the maxi mini? they should be pretty hardy.

Not entirely, my current theory is that my clown had stressed it too much.

She was trying to host it earlier, and I did see her nip it a couple of times.

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oh crap!

:/ things happen.

I am running into issues with the clown pair. I've narrowed things down to 3 potential outcomes.

1: Sell the large female (she's the most agressive)

2: get a bigger tank

3: get another nano.


I currently have a bid on ebay for a tank so I guess we'll see. ;)

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Saltwaterfish.com came through on their guarantee today. I got 4 fish and a new sexy shrimp shipped to my office, and they all arrived happy and healthy today.

I must say this is a farcry from the last batch I recieved, all the fish are plump active and healthy, whereas my last batch they where all dead. :(

So I know have 8 fish in my 10g tank.:D


Before anyone gets crazy and starts stabbing me, I just ordered a second tank (MTS?) so that I can house the fish in a more comfortable manner.

So far everyone is getting along great!

I'll upload some pictures tonight. ;)

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Okay, so I promised pics.




The cutest little six line wrasse you've ever seen!




Teeny weeny clown goby




Super shy tailspot (I'm in LOVE)




Second super sexy shrimp.


I also picked up a little royal gramma, but he hasen't come out of his cave since he was put in there. :(

He did eat some mysis earlier so i know he's alive and well.




I then turned my attention to my other corals and I noticed I now have a baby blasto!




Also my clown has completely fallen in love with the GBTA and I snagged an awesome shot today.




This thing is enormous! It's moved to the right side of the tank now and has fully extended. :D




And finally an updated FTS.

Oh and good news, my rics seem to be coloring back up from what I'm now calling "Teeny's Ghost Syndrome".




Here they where almost 5 days ago. :(



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New tank is on its way!






It's a Marineland 5g "Portrait", got it for dirt cheap, so it should be up and cycling next week.

I will have to start a new thread I guess.

Here's the conundrum, do I keep it at work or bring it home?

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