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Coral Vue Hydros

Tom's Aussie Nano


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Good news, I've finally managed to track down a tank to upgrade to! Aqua One Mini Reef 120. 120 litre, 2ft rimless cube + sump. Australia just got this model in, so my LFS will be getting a couple within a few weeks, and I will be setting it up hopefully within a month or two.


Question for when I transfer everything over.. Provided the water parameters match the current tank, am I able to just start with a bag of new dry sand, and throw everything into the new tank without it going through a cycle? I'd be adding some additional live rock, which will be completely cured beforehand. I was planning on running a fine net through the current sand bed to pull out all of the many worms and snails that live in it and adding them to the new set up when the times comes rather than transfer any of the substrate over. Never transferred a tank before, so all advice would be appreciated :)

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Pretty good plan. just keep in mind tons of sludge normally will come from the sand also fine net idea often doesn't work for me ever, you always loose the very small and nescesary animals. In my experience after removing rock and livestock from old tank and putting them in a separate container, agitate the sand in old tank releasing the muck and run the filter and do it again until the muck is gone and water is no longer turbid, then you can reuse old sands. If though there is too much muck to clean you can store sand to the side and over time collect sand specimens for reintroduction. I do both methods so of course I have jars full of just sand and algae sitting around my "lab".

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Doesn't really matter too much about the sludge I suppose, removing the stuff living in the sand will be the final thing that I plan on doing. I was mainly interested in keeping the dozen or so snails that live in the sand and the bristle worms, all of which should fit in the net. I really want to just go with a new sand bed in the new set up rather than re use any of the old stuff, just seems like too much hassle..


But in summary, a cycle shouldn't really be expected at all then doing it this way?

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I'm also really at a loss for what lighting to go with. I was considering just using Giesemann T5 tubes, probably a 4x 24w fixture. Currently using two of those with LED strips and growth is awesome. The new tank will be 45cm deep. I'd be keeping much of the same livestock I currently have, a mix of SPS, LPS and softies. Please, everyone, everywhere, feel free to chime in on what the best option for lighting would be.

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Doesn't really matter too much about the sludge I suppose, removing the stuff living in the sand will be the final thing that I plan on doing. I was mainly interested in keeping the dozen or so snails that live in the sand and the bristle worms, all of which should fit in the net. I really want to just go with a new sand bed in the new set up rather than re use any of the old stuff, just seems like too much hassle..


But in summary, a cycle shouldn't really be expected at all then doing it this way?

id expect a cycle, the new sand will need to be colonized by bacteria.

As for lights I can't really help you good there, sorry.

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Thomas I just did this. 20 tall to 20 Long. 3ware ago. Transfered everything. http://www.nano-reef.com/topic/358926-swapped-20h-swap-to-20l/page-3

Thanks, will have a bit of a read through! Was it a success overall?


id expect a cycle, the new sand will need to be colonized by bacteria.

As for lights I can't really help you good there, sorry.

Would using clean sand prevent there being anything to make it have a nutrient spike?

As for lights.. I still have no idea what I should get.


I've been looking at an ATI Powermodule 4x T5 Fixture, or a Fluval Quad Unit with blue moon LEDs. Fluval unit is half the price, but ATI allows you to dim and program.. I'm not really intending on adding more SPS than what I already have, and would just be concentrating on more LPS. And I don't know enough about LEDs to even try and make a decision there.

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Got some shots of the Acanthophyllia before and during feeding. They have the coolest feeding response.





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As of lights out last night no issues. My torch is looking better it wasn't happy about the new flow. But it's acclimating to it's new location. Parameters remained stable, i checked periodically throughout the weekend. I've noticed significantly more evaporation with this tank having more surface area and a poor fitting glass top. I have a top off line in my corner overflow with a little 100 gph power head cycling to keep the water from going stagnant. It's a daily top off now. Where it was a weekly top off before.

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Thanks, will have a bit of a read through! Was it a success overall?



Would using clean sand prevent there being anything to make it have a nutrient spike?

As for lights.. I still have no idea what I should get.


I've been looking at an ATI Powermodule 4x T5 Fixture, or a Fluval Quad Unit with blue moon LEDs. Fluval unit is half the price, but ATI allows you to dim and program.. I'm not really intending on adding more SPS than what I already have, and would just be concentrating on more LPS. And I don't know enough about LEDs to even try and make a decision there.

there certainly should be no nutrient spike from the sand, the problem is that some denitrifying functions happen in the sand, since you have taken the active sand bed out there, there is now that chunk of microbial functions taken out of the tank, the new sand bed will then need to be colonized, any cycle should be quite small, but better safe than sorry.

Got some shots of the Acanthophyllia before and during feeding. They have the coolest feeding response.





lol that looks awsome
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As of lights out last night no issues. My torch is looking better it wasn't happy about the new flow. But it's acclimating to it's new location. Parameters remained stable, i checked periodically throughout the weekend. I've noticed significantly more evaporation with this tank having more surface area and a poor fitting glass top. I have a top off line in my corner overflow with a little 100 gph power head cycling to keep the water from going stagnant. It's a daily top off now. Where it was a weekly top off before.


Cool, I am very concerned about causing a small cycle and losing anything so I want to plan it carefully. Your transfer seemed to go really well! I'm switching to a completely open top with no lid so I'm expecting to have a similar problem with evaporation :(

there certainly should be no nutrient spike from the sand, the problem is that some denitrifying functions happen in the sand, since you have taken the active sand bed out there, there is now that chunk of microbial functions taken out of the tank, the new sand bed will then need to be colonized, any cycle should be quite small, but better safe than sorry.

lol that looks awsome

If the bioload was not increased through any additional livestock, would using additional cured live rock compensate for the bacteria that will be removed when the sand is replaced? And thanks! :D Should see Carl when he catches a nassarius snail..

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Adding more rock definitely will do the trick, its all about keeping stability lol. Does he swallow the whole snail?

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Sweet! How much live rock would you expect would need to be used in place of the current amount of sand I have? Conservative guess, I have around 3-4kg of sand, and would be adding at least 4-5kg extra of live rock. He ate one, spat half the empty shell out a few days later after looking extremely unhappy, but I had to pull the rest out, didn't look like it was all coming out on it's own. The nassarius I've got all have extremely smooth shells so no damage fortunately. When he catches the bigger ones they just struggle a lot for a few minutes and end up getting away, the feeder tentacles are extremely sticky.

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I think you'll be fine adding that amount of rock and live sand. I went from sand to BB, doubled my tank volume and rock and had no significant cycle. All the rock was well cured though.

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I planned for weeks and read and everything went out the window. Write your plan out a few times it will evolve over a couple weeks and you won't over look anything. Watch YouTube videos of tank moves too

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I think you'll be fine adding that amount of rock and live sand. I went from sand to BB, doubled my tank volume and rock and had no significant cycle. All the rock was well cured though.

That's good to know. I am still planning on keeping a sand bed, just replacing the existing one. Have been considering using a black sand for the next build. All the rock I'd be using is very much cured, full of hitchhikers and covered in corralline and usually small corals.


I planned for weeks and read and everything went out the window. Write your plan out a few times it will evolve over a couple weeks and you won't over look anything. Watch YouTube videos of tank moves too

I have a bit of time to plan because my LFS won't be getting the tank for a couple weeks at least, I'm going to just make small equipment purchases leading up to that so I have it all ready to go. Thanks for the advice!

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Black sand looks great when new or freshly vacuumed. Unfortunately it doesn't stay that way long. I got rid of mine because I could not keep it looking clean. Went to black starboard instead. Like it much better.

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I don't mind keeping up with the maintenance, most of my CUC are sand sifters and I think my corals would look a lot better against black. Is there any brand of black sand that is more sugar grain sized? I've only been able to find the larger grains.

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I don't believe Caribsea has a fine grained black... I have reef special in my display and running Bamahas oolite in my DSB refugium

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The one I used was very fine. I can't recall the brand right now, but I'll look it up and post it for you tomorrow. Be careful that whatever you pick up isn't magnetic. Many black sands are.

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I don't believe Caribsea has a fine grained black... I have reef special in my display and running Bamahas oolite in my DSB refugium

I think you are right.. Their FW Tahitian Moon looks to be the smallest, but still .5mm-1mm grain size. I've currently got the CaribSea Aragonite, the Bahamas colour looks crazy white! I like.

The one I used was very fine. I can't recall the brand right now, but I'll look it up and post it for you tomorrow. Be careful that whatever you pick up isn't magnetic. Many black sands are.

That would be awesome, thank you. Was just reading a write up about exactly that funnily enough, appreciate the heads up.

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Be aware that even 'aragonite' black sands will contain lots of iron and will be magnetic, sticking to mag-floats, pump impellers, etc. Don't plan on getting a full life out of pumps if the sand gets stirred up a lot.

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I havent moved a tank with sand, so I cant talk on that subject, but Ive moved my tank twice, without a cycle either time. Just make sure your rock stays submerged as much as possible and go for it, People make a much bigger deal out it than they should, and often end up causing themselves more problems by being "cautious"


BTW, love your meat... or something like that... my bad

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Be aware that even 'aragonite' black sands will contain lots of iron and will be magnetic, sticking to mag-floats, pump impellers, etc. Don't plan on getting a full life out of pumps if the sand gets stirred up a lot.

I'll make sure I get a reputable brand, and run a magnet through the sand to be extra sure if I go that route. I don't think there is a fine grain black sand available here anyway, so I'll probably end up with white again.

I havent moved a tank with sand, so I cant talk on that subject, but Ive moved my tank twice, without a cycle either time. Just make sure your rock stays submerged as much as possible and go for it, People make a much bigger deal out it than they should, and often end up causing themselves more problems by being "cautious"


BTW, love your meat... or something like that... my bad

I figure using clean new sand can't cause a nutrient spike, more live rock will compensate for lost biofilter from the sand I throw out.. I'll be keeping everything set up in the current tank, and then just moving everything over once the cloudiness from the sand/water clears up in new set up. Haha, why thank you. Decided not to sell it, curious to see how much more it'll grow.

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The sand I used was CaribSea Super Naturals. I did not have issues with magnetism with it. Grains are about the size of regular play sand. Really liked the look of it, just hated the fact that I could see all the detritus all the time on it.

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