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Sk8n Reefer's Nuvo 16

Sk8n Reefer

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Yea love that green cap, just picked up a frag of one tonight. Just have to wait for it to grow!!


Its funny that it was your biggest fall, mine was as well when i smash my collar bone.

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Yea love that green cap, just picked up a frag of one tonight. Just have to wait for it to grow!!


Its funny that it was your biggest fall, mine was as well when i smash my collar bone.

Nice caps are one of my favorite for sure. Ya, the collarbone is painful- I snapped 3 ribs also and my whole left side had road rash! My only regret was not getting it on film- that would have been great!

This coral is seriously ridiculous. Does the powerhead even move?


Yup, still turning- I have to shoot water through it with a baster once a week or so to flush it out and I fragged a piece of the poci that was starting to stop the spin ?. Doesn't spin very quickly though
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When are you coming to town? I need to make a trip to Cherry Corals. I called for an appointment. Just waiting to hear back from them.

Nice! I am jealous - probably this summer. Post up a report about them and pics if they let you. Stop in Flint and have a glass of ice cold water?

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You know I will... :lol:


Nice! I am jealous - probably this summer. Post up a report about them and pics if they let you. Stop in Flint and have a glass of ice cold water

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Love seeing your pics man! Definitely looking good..... I'll check out the 50 in a little bit :)


Nice! I am jealous - probably this summer. Post up a report about them and pics if they let you. Stop in Flint and have a glass of ice cold water


You know I will... :lol:



The waters really not as bad as they are making it out to be..... I mean I won't drink it, but its not like the media is portraying it.... shocking I know :lol:

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Love seeing your pics man! Definitely looking good..... I'll check out the 50 in a little bit :)






The waters really not as bad as they are making it out to be..... I mean I won't drink it, but its not like the media is portraying it.... shocking I know :lol:

Thanks man, don't worry- the poci frags are not staying ?
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this is bananas! Seems like it's almost at the water surface level?9x6B49n.jpg


Yes, it totally is-the little colony to the right is sticking out of the water - getting belted by sun ?

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Transferred more corals over the weekend - still have the purple stylo, Idaho grape, poci's and some shrooms


Big boy hanging out in the purple stylo




Benny wondering where everyone is going ? His side of the tank is pretty much unchanged though




As the tank looks today......still a lot of corals in there - not sure how they all used to fit ?



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We're ready when you are for a new FTS of the cube! :D


Excited for you, it's always fun to get a larger canvas.

Thanks man, I am slacking on getting my 50 into my signature - here's a link


I just got all caught up on this thread, all I can say is wow, your tank/s rock!

Thanks Droy008! Ya, the 50g is really starting to take shape now ?

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my largest hermit is hanging out with the purple stylo all week. He perches on the Idaho grape outcropping and makes his way over ?







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Those are some sweet pictures! I love that it's so sharp that you can see his little eyes :)


My hermit likes to hang out on my Idaho grape too. I guess because it's large and flat, and it catches a lot of food as it circulates around.

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Those are some sweet pictures! I love that it's so sharp that you can see his little eyes :)


My hermit likes to hang out on my Idaho grape too. I guess because it's large and flat, and it catches a lot of food as it circulates around.

Good point, ya after feeding he's in there searching around. Sometimes we hand feed him a piece of flake ? Not sure why he's hang on the purple stylo so much though. Our tailspot sleeps in the Idaho grape everynight ?
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awesome looking setup, thats gotta be the prettiest return ive ever seen!




hahaha! thanks- yes it becoming quite a little colony ?

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Transferred more corals over the weekend - still have the purple stylo, Idaho grape, poci's and some shrooms


Big boy hanging out in the purple stylo




Benny wondering where everyone is going His side of the tank is pretty much unchanged though




As the tank looks today......still a lot of corals in there - not sure how they all used to fit



Still looks great!

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