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.9 gallon pico zoa reef


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Got everything figured out with the light. My typhon was acting a ass,so I got ahold of Jeff at Steve'sLED and they're giving me a refund and I'm going to get a refurbished Storm controller from Coralux with a case.


I think I'm going to take the red & cyan out of the light and possibly add 2 3up's from Steve's using Luxeon Royal Blue,2500k White and possibly Cool Blue or just only run 2 leds and leave the 3rd spot open and run them on the white channel. The red led was way to intense for my liking,even over my tank at the whites @ 100% and the blue channel @ 150-160% you could still see blue.

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Personally,center overflows take up valuable real estate,unless you're configuring your scape around that. Kinda like Christine did in her 30c. Damn you freak,hush it !!! They do though,unless I'm really just fu*king stupid. Idk. Probably the stupid part. How about you send me some frags :D remember,I'll spit on it first hahahahaha.
Had to lmao.


Got everything figured out with the light. My typhon was acting a ass,so I got ahold of Jeff at Steve'sLED and they're giving me a refund and I'm going to get a refurbished Storm controller from Coralux with a case. I think I'm going to take the red & cyan out of the light and possibly add 2 3up's from Steve's using Luxeon Royal Blue,2500k White and possibly Cool Blue or just only run 2 leds and leave the 3rd spot open and run them on the white channel. The red led was way to intense for my liking,even over my tank at the whites @ 100% and the blue channel @ 150-160% you could still see blue.
Just buy a light that works. You seem to be hated by the light gods
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Got the tank emptied the tank today,taking everything back to my house tonight. Going to get everything situated and try and figure out a nice scape for the 2 gallon.


Once Coralux opens back up on the 11th I'm going to order a refurbished Storm from them,and get that set up.

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Eh got bored tonight,grabbed the tank,light and scape from the .9 gallon filled it up with water and slapped the filter on it to see what flow would be looking like with the AC50 and AC20 impeller,kinda impressed. Honestly,I dig this set up more than my 7 gallon,kinda pisses me off.


Te scape is gorgeous,the light looks better,simple,low iron,and just plain awesome.. Really makes me wanna down grade :(



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  • 2 weeks later...

Bit of a update,Coralux is finally open,so I'm going to order the Storm for the tank and maybe order 2 Luxeon 3ups from Steves consisting of 1 nuetral white,1 true cool blue or cyan and 1 warm white on each to replace the red and green led. I really wish they had a hyper violet led to put on here,that'd be awesome but no..


Also heading to Living Reef tomorrow to get a couple of pieces :D

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Got the controller and temp probe ordered yesterday from Coralux and the order has already shipped !!!!

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Controller finally got here. Took mine off and out the new one on my tank.




Rigged up a extra fan I had laying around with a swiffer wet jet charger cord which was 350mA and the fan is a max of 500mA so it's not that strong but still moves a good amount of air.




Got bored lol grabbed the .9 threw a scape together to mess with the light for setting purposes:



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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

that light is badass looking!

Thank you. You can see more of it's badass'ness in my 7 gallon hahaha. I've been meaning to delete this thread.

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  • 4 months later...

Sooooo... Look who has been brought back from the dead :D




I added some NutraFin Cycle,actually probably a little too much lol. I also need to figure out how to hand the light and figure out if a 700mA driver is too strong to power my fan. But once the tank cycles,I'm going to bring some Zoa's from my 2 gallon and throw them in here.

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Tested params today,cycle is well on its way:


PO3- .5-1

Ammonia- like 8ppm


Nitrites- .0-.5ppm

Nitrates- 10-15ppm


According to API. I started the cycle with NutraFin Cycle,and some mysis. I'm hoping by the end of the week it should be done. We'll see though. Also got the light hung,fan mounted and let the diatoms bloom !!



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Tested again today and stuffs looking better. I'm sure the cycle will be over by the end of this weekend,I hope. Ammonia is way down from the 8ppm it was 2 days ago.


Ammonia- 2-3ppm

Nitrites- .25-.50ppm

PH- 8.2-8.4

Nitrates- 10ppm

P03- 0.5ppm

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I was wrong about te cycle being over soon,ammonia and nitrites are both SUPER high. I'm half tempted to do a water change tomorrow and see what things look like.

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You might dose prime too, if ammonia gets too high it can kill your bacteria.

I may have to stop and get some,I know it's cheap. I'm going to bring some water and a piece of rock off my rock with in my Pico here at my house to my sisters where the tank is. It should be pretty mature at 7-8 months old and has Coralline growing on it along with some pink and green.



I was really hoping to be be able to grab some Zoa's from my tank and a few Acan frags and out them in here.

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Grabbed some Prime,dosed .5 ml I'm going to test tomorrow and dose again accordingly too how much Ammonia is left.

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This tank is getting on my nerves lol I'm going to add more prime tonight:


Ammonia: 2ppm

PH: 8

Nitrate: 2ppm

Nitrites: 2ppm

Salinity: 1.026

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Prime doesn't get rid of ammonia, it just makes it non toxic. Unless the ammonia is processed into nitrates or removed via water changes, it will still read on your test kit.

I did a 32oz water change last night,in hopes to knock the params down,and no success. So I'm going to do another one tomorrow in hopes to maybe see a change in params. We'll see though.


Also,there may be a change in the light. I've been speaking with Jeff @ StevesLED's,they'll be adding a spot on their 3up's where you can add a Semi (preferably a 430nm) so I may order 2 of them once they're on the site.

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