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Nanofreak's Z'z & P'z Paradise....


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Hmmm i might be having trouble keeping up with what build threads are for what right now since you have so many of them.

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Yep, saving up for some nice lenses. The kit lense that comes, or came with this camera had some debatable issues. Hence I bought just the body for now.


Hmmm i might be having trouble keeping up with what build threads are for what right now since you have so many of them.
Me to. Maybe I can merge them all into one and call it cluster ####.
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I have two tanks. I just don't want to show anyone the biocube. :P i haven't been sub two tanks for a long time.

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Before setting up the other two I had four tanks going. I told myself I wouldn't come to this,but unfortunately it's inevitable. This means one more. J/k, gonna work on pimpin out these ones now.

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shoulda seen the fresh water pimpage i had going once. nearly 12 tanks in house granted that 4 or 5 weren't mine depending on the climate an a lot were small.


heck when i started my biocube it was going to be a dwarf lion tank. and then i went to a frag swap.

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I happened to be working at Petco when someone came in and told me about this so called frag swap right in town. I had already had a 10 gallon salty, but after the trip to the swap, everything went into full warp speed.

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Well, my pos skimmer broke today. I dropped it while trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with it. The bracket got busted I to pieces. I'm not all that worried, I won't have a huge bio load, so WC's should be ok. I did order a aquatic life skimmer from MD. There is zero room for much of anything besides another PLS-50, which I don't want.

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I heard they are not selling anymore? I saw a thread about it. You can visit the page still though. I'm not sure if it's true or not.

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I looked into those a year ago. I know I saw something about them not being available. It was on here to.

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13971615772_633c69f830.jpg 13971615292_8d68ff3549.jpg Left side 13971632211_55cd157989.jpg Right side 13994800203_01b14b5743.jpg


Haha, deffinetly getting there. And now we wait for glory of the grow out!


Have to say, this aquascape is sick. You sure you don't want to look into mp10s? :)

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Meh? I might upgrade. I have three mp10's, just not on this tank. I have a spending problem. Every time I think about an mp10, I end up buying coral, or putting cash into the other tanks. They actually work pretty good, for now. ;)


Thanks for the scape comment, it's one of my favorites so far.


I do have a new light on its way. :)

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Not on my tablet, but I'll ninja on my computer. I think I know your ninja skills......ninja!


Light will, or should be here Wednesday! :)

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