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Cultivated Reef

Made in Africa - A Shallow Reef


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Testing 1... 2...;

I ran some tests yesterday, parameters are so out of whack it's unreal. Alk and Cal have crept up with usage being down since the move and Mag is strangely low.


KH: 9.9

Ca: 470

Mg: 1170


I switched the dosers off yesterday to let things come down slowly, KH was back down to 8.9 earlier so I'll let it come down for another day or so, so that it's more in line with the 7-7.5 that I prefer to run and then re-adjust my dosages to hopefully stabilise it. Mag I'll dose back up to 1300, that's easy enough.


It's amazing how things change when there is a small interference in the routine.

My husband is from south africa, durban area. I need to show him this thread. He may find it neat <3

Oh cool. Durban is great. :)

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WOW, 9.9dKH is not good. That's what I'm dealing with from dosing Tech M to try to get rid of the bryopsis. I hope your not seeing any tissue loss. 8.9 is a lot better than 9.9, so you should be back in line soon. I'm sure the mag at 1170 is probably helping to throw things off a bit too.

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WOW, 9.9dKH is not good. That's what I'm dealing with from dosing Tech M to try to get rid of the bryopsis. I hope your not seeing any tissue loss. 8.9 is a lot better than 9.9, so you should be back in line soon. I'm sure the mag at 1170 is probably helping to throw things off a bit too.

Not ideal no but everything seems OK. I've had a little tissue loss on my Secale but that wasn't from this. Everything should be back into range tomorrow then I can make some adjustments and see how that rolls. :)

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My tank would be fine for a long time, and suddenly go outta wack....I had a horrible time with dosing and consistancy no matter how dilligent i was.... hop you get it straight. Love this tank.

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My tank would be fine for a long time, and suddenly go outta wack....I had a horrible time with dosing and consistancy no matter how dilligent i was.... hop you get it straight. Love this tank.

My tank was very stable pre move. I'll get it sorted, just waiting for everything to get back into sync. :)

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KH back down to 7.3, which is great. Usage has dropped by roughly 50% which is pretty crazy, I've made some adjustments to dosing so let's see how this goes. :)




Oh and my LEDs are not turning on, will have a look at whats going on later. These renovations are testing my patience. :lol:

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Such clean photos. Love it. Following.

Thanks. :)

hey man, finally getting my tank started. I'm ordering sand right now and was wondering how many pounds you used?or kilos a grams or what ever you guys use over there :)

Metric FTW! :lol: 18KG of Fiji Pink.

Hey what are you running your mp10's at?

80% and sometimes 90% :)
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really amazing photo.


I don;t have the tank or photography of you, But I really enjoy watching my tank when it gets some early morning natural sunlight. Makes it look much softer

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reef heaven

I was really hoping my Flame Hawkfish would perch on that Acro for the photo to make it sweeter. :lol:


I was wanting to see the mornign sun pic.

Glad I could deliver. I'm sure there will be loads more in the future.


That is an awesome picture! :bowdown:

Thanks. :)


So nice

Thanks man.


I wish our lights could more closely represent a sunrise like that. Everyone runs blue for sunrise, but I like the warmer tones instead.

Indeed, the sun is still the best. :)




Wow dude,that looks absolutely off the chain.

Thanks man. :)


really amazing photo.


I don;t have the tank or photography of you, But I really enjoy watching my tank when it gets some early morning natural sunlight. Makes it look much softer

Early morning and afternoon sun is great for sure. As long as you can enjoy it that's all that matters. :)
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