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Cultivated Reef

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Why do you obsess so much over how much a coral may or may not be worth? Btw, I agree with Ben, there is no orange in your pics. Not on my desktop, laptop, or my phone.... all red. Congrats, they are more "costly". Also, sometimes less is more. In this case you need more because less is less. You can call the tank "minimalist" all you want, but IMO, it just looks like a tank where the owner ran out of money. Even though the scolys are nice, they look like you just took pics off of liveaquaria. All you see in their pics is coral and sand, just like yours :).

Lol. I'm in love with scolys and have been doing too much research on what makes them valuable and what not. It's insane how much they can go for. Just like real estate, I do researches on those as well because it's interesting.I'm going to get more scolys to cover up the whole sand bed. Don't know how long that will take but it will be covered eventually. That is the whole point of this tank. You're suppose to see scolys only. The purpose of this tank which I've created, was to take your mind of off everything else you see in other tanks, with scolys as main focal point. I'd like to say it this way, I like to portray scolys as display models, I don't need rock scape as another distraction. But then again, this is my taste, style and perspective. Nothing can change me about that.But thanks for saying how nice my scolys look. I appreciate that.


That's why I don't like the looks. Without rock or something it looks like an LFS tank with a fish or two and some coral.

Well I can't help you with that because I'm dead on not adding any rocks to this tank. I will be adding more scolys in the near future so if you want to see more scolys, you're more than welcome to follow.


Every tank in my LFS has coral...... just sayin lol

Well, if it helps, I stop by at my lfs every week, not to just get new saltwater, but also to drool over scolys. :)


your making me want to drive to the lfs on my day off and buy my first scoly man lol

Lolol dude, start a tank thread already. I know you have an Ada running. Post some pics here or something at least. :)


Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize you had masters.... wait you don't.... so your whole point doesn't really matter since you don't even have one, and we are all talking about the ones with red that you do have. You could just get a bag of sand LOL

Lol. I'm talking about red stripes in general... It doesn't just apply to masters. It applies to bleeding apples as well. Super mans as well. But yes, I will get a master scoly soon, so you're more than welcome to subscribe. :)
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Lol. I'm talking about red stripes in general... It doesn't just apply to masters. It applies to bleeding apples as well. Super mans as well. But yes, I will get a master scoly soon, so you're more than welcome to subscribe. :)


Again your talking about corals you don't own when we are talking about the ones you do own..... your post again is pointless.

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Again your talking about corals you don't own when we are talking about the ones you do own..... your post again is pointless.


Well, I have two war paints, one that's dark green/ orange and another that's dark green / orange / purple. It would be more valuable if my orange stripes were actual red instead of orange. Guess I had to go this far to explain what I meant, because you wouldn't understand.

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Well, I have two war paints, one that's dark green/ orange and another that's dark green / orange / purple. It would be more valuable if my orange stripes were actual red instead of orange. Guess I had to go this far to explain what I meant, because you wouldn't understand.


Not really..... and they are red, everyone can see it except you.

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Can't it just be the camera or lighting making pictures look red? idk. This is a weird argument lol


I think you need a neon green and a yellow one.

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Can't it just be the camera or lighting making pictures look red? idk. This is a weird argument lol


I think you need a neon green and a yellow one.


I believe he said somewhere that the colors were on and that ALL our monitors are just off..... which is kinda hard to believe since the royal gramma and clown look like they should and none of the other colors appear to be off from what I have ever seen on a scoly.... guess it just throws reds/oranges off LOL

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Not really..... and they are red, everyone can see it except you.

Lol I can see the orange in person and through the pictures I posted. The pictures really depict its true colors. I consider red orange as orange so maybe that's the offset of confusion between us? Lol


And also, I set my camera at underwater mode, not vivid or super vivid mode. My scolys will look excessively extraordinary with vivid mode lmao!!! I'm tried it before.

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Can't it just be the camera or lighting making pictures look red? idk. This is a weird argument lol


I think you need a neon green and a yellow one.


Mmmm the pictures really depict its true colors...


I'm starting to assume that you guys are considering red orange as red, where I like to believe that red orange is actually orange since red is red lol.


Lol, I'm on the lookout for more green and yellow...and a master scoly. Time will tell, but it's hard to find good ones at a fair price. There's another saltwater event coming In April, I'm sure I will be able to spot and buy a bleeding apple, perhaps with some yellow on it. Or might just get a master.

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That's light orange.... And looks super color saturated and photoshopped since you cannot even see the sand's physical substance....


I think a nice piece of vida rock would look nice, both as a shelf for you scolys and more caves for the fish.
I've already thought about that long ago. But like I said, I think what makes this tank more unique to others is the rock less approach.
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I can make it that bright orange with out it looking saturated... Your photo was just so dark, I thought that I'd lighten it up haha!

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I believe he said somewhere that the colors were on and that ALL our monitors are just off..... which is kinda hard to believe since the royal gramma and clown look like they should and none of the other colors appear to be off from what I have ever seen on a scoly.... guess it just throws reds/oranges off LOL
Funny thing you say that, because I use the same exact setting/mode on my Camera to take these photos whether it's the clownfish or the corals. All of them are snap shotted the same way. And I don't do editing to my photos; I've only ever done so in the past for picturing my signature.


I can make it that bright orange with out it looking saturated... Your photo was just so dark, I thought that I'd lighten it up haha!
Well that's how it is, I mean going underwater mode on my camera is the way to capture the scolys true colors. Vivid mode makes it look saturated, and other modes make it look abnormal lol.
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Funny thing you say that, because I use the same exact setting/mode on my Camera to take these photos whether it's the clownfish or the corals. All of them are snap shotted the same way. And I don't do editing to my photos; I've only ever done so in the past for picturing my signature.


Well that's how it is, I mean going underwater mode on my camera is the way to capture the scolys true colors. Vivid mode makes it look saturated, and other modes make it look abnormal lol.

... turn your exposure up some lol...

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Learn!... Even my phone camera can do that without editing the photo!


I'll try.


Anyways, my new lights are coming in 2 days. More blues will probably distinguish the orange we're all talking so much about lol.

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I'll try. Anyways, my new lights are coming in 2 days. More blues will probably distinguish the orange we're all talking so much about lol.

I'm surprised that coral even lives under that light!...

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Funny thing you say that, because I use the same exact setting/mode on my Camera to take these photos whether it's the clownfish or the corals. All of them are snap shotted the same way. And I don't do editing to my photos; I've only ever done so in the past for picturing my signature.


Proving my point even more. If the colors are true and you shoot the same way every pic blah blah blah.... they come out ####ing red.


BTW Red orange, is not red nor is it orange it is red orange..... Guess maybe we all see it as orange red so with your logic it must be red LOL

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I agree. Lps under lower light than SPS! Completely and fully! BUT they still need light to survive and that I best is putting out 50 par at the bottom...

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