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Top Shelf Aquatics

Chris' Reef


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Me too, at first I wanted an RA, but I'd hate to program it. A friend of mine gave me a acjr with dc8, I'm not gonna use it now. Hey a new jbj on amazon is like 60ish I think.


In other news I'm addicted to this game called 8 ball pool on the phone.

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Me too, at first I wanted an RA, but I'd hate to program it. A friend of mine gave me a acjr with dc8, I'm not gonna use it now. Hey a new jbj on amazon is like 60ish I think.


In other news I'm addicted to this game called 8 ball pool on the phone.


I thought the RA would be a pain too, but really it isn't bad at all the generator is pretty simple to use and the forum was very helpful as well.


Yeah the AC Jr is really basic, but it got the job done for a few years and ran my old 14g great. For the small amount I plan to ask of it, it will work out alright until I decide to just get another RA or two lol


8 ball pool? I race and hunt :)

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Well I better call it a night, gotta get up early and do stuff for the boys birthday and all that good stuff, then hopefully get the tank wet tomorrow night :)

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Silicone on the overflow box isn't curing right and still sticky after 48+ hours.... not going to risk it and going to go get some new silicone and reattach it...... and wait another 24+ hours before adding the rest of the water.... yup threw 20gs in it already :)

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No humidity isn't an issue for me, my furnace has a dehumidifier built in ;) It was an older tube, shoulda just got a new one but I needed so little I figured it wasn't going to be a big deal..... ####ed myself over and gotta wait another day or two good thing I am waiting on a skimmer huh? :)

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Lol tomorrow #####!


I'm a Cracka, look at the kids, they are mine :) lol


I'm just pissed at myself for this stupid mistake setting me back, coulda had it runnin today...

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Why not post a pic of your light hanger in the mean time? : )


Its PVC tube with 4 angle fittings.... nothing that special lol


Maybe tomorrow I will post a pic of it, I'm beat and headin to bed now tho its been a long day...

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Its PVC tube with 4 angle fittings.... nothing that special lol


Maybe tomorrow I will post a pic of it, I'm beat and headin to bed now tho its been a long day...


Hope the kid had a great b-day!

I'm simple and prefer pics over blah, blah, blah. : )

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Hope the kid had a great b-day! I'm simple and prefer pics over blah, blah, blah. : )


Yeah he liked his presents a little to much, woke up at 1 wanting to play some more LOL


I hear ya. I wasn't going to post anymore pics until it was wet, but since that should have happened lastnight and it was my screw up I will offer up one final pic until its wet.


Sooooo here is a side shot/ pic of the ultra simple light holder:


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What is the light again? Glad the boy had a great birthday.


I decided to finally put the gen1 radion I have had for a couple years now to use I got it free and didn't really need it at the time lol) and will hang it ~12-14" above the water which I am hoping will give enough spread/coverage with the original non-TIR lenses.


Thanks man :)

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Lol free is good!


The painted trim looks great too, what style of overflow are you running?


Yeah can't complain about free thats for sure... and it seems pretty nice too lol


Thanks man, the stock flat black just looks dingy and stands out like a sore thumb, with the white trim it blends a little more into the room and stand (which is trimmed out in the trim from the room as well) I painted the last tank and really liked it so figured I would do it again. I love the rimless look, but with wrasses there aren't many good options for putting a top on it that don't take away from the clean look so this is the next best option and allows me to put a screen lid on the tank to keep the fish in as well :)


The overflow box is DIY (not the prettiest but it is functional and eventually won't be seen anyway), with dual 1" drains. I don't know if the standpipe style has a name but it is just the bulkheads running through the glass with street 90's turned down inside the box, into a T with a 1" pipe that runs down into the sump below the surface of the water, and above the T there is a short piece of pipe with a cap on it. I drill the side of the cap into the pipe with both the inside of the cap and outside of the pipe sanded so the cap is easily turned making the air inlet adjustable..... It makes for a damn near silent drain :)

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Yeah he liked his presents a little to much, woke up at 1 wanting to play some more LOL


I hear ya. I wasn't going to post anymore pics until it was wet, but since that should have happened lastnight and it was my screw up I will offer up one final pic until its wet.


Sooooo here is a side shot/ pic of the ultra simple light holder:



Cool hanger! And I like the white trim. I was looking at mine just the other night....wishing I had done the same. My stand is also done with the trim and painted white. Damn.

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