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Drift Monkey's ADA 60-P (Rebooted!)

Drift Monkey

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Why the lily? Well, mostly because I already had it laying around from a previous project. It saved me from having to drill another hole (not that it would have been that big of a deal) but besides that I just think it looks cool... :P


Probably gives you better return flow, appearance and less back siphon than loc-line, yeah?

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Drift Monkey

Probably gives you better return flow, appearance and less back siphon than loc-line, yeah?


The flow out of it is great, looks great, and while there is some back siphon once the return pump goes out, it slows to a really slow trickle. Once the outflow mouth hits the air, the siphon breaks. It's adjustable as well, so you can set the height of the pipe (thus setting the siphon break point) to limit the amount of water that gets back siphoned in the event of a power outage. It really works rather well, I think.


A loc-line's main advantage is easily being able to point the flow in many different directions on the fly if needed. With the lily pipe you're confined to the suction cups and either pushing flow out from the back or the side of the tank. However, I haven't really found this to be a problem.

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Drift Monkey

Day 15:


Ammonia: ~1 ppm

Nitrite: ~5.0+ ppm


The ammonia has gotten back down to where it was before that weird spike. Nitrite levels are through the roof...2-5 ppm at least...but it could be more.


This is the last week I'll be able to observe the tank for a while. I'm headed to Vietnam for 2 weeks at the end of this week....so hopefully, if it doesn't cycle by the end of this week, it'll be done by the time I get back!

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Drift Monkey

A week later...I'm getting some uber thick foam from the skimmer. The microbubbles seem less... but either way there are absolutely none in the display. It actually pulled some skimmate throughout the past week.




It might be a tad fuller than it should be because I think it fluctuated and ran high for a bit. It's not that dark or anything, but I'm really just surprised it pulled even that out.


Now I'm trying to figure out how high the foam should be since it is now a completely different consistency. I guess it's wet skimming at the top of the outlet and dry skimming at the bottom of the collection cup...

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Drift Monkey

Day 16-17:


Ammonia: ~1 ppm

Nitrite: ~5.0+ ppm


No change at all. I may have hit a wall here...but I'm just gonna leave it be. I'll do another test tonight and continue to check the parameters everyday until I leave on Saturday. I just hope it's done doing its thang by the time I return...:lol:

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Maybe just a little live rock wouldn't hurt?


I've the foam completely disappear and just have 'wet' bubbles when I didn't have any fish and my tank was super minimal coral-wise. I wouldn't worry about the level of the foam in the skimmer for now, just set it low and let it break in.

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Drift Monkey

Maybe just a little live rock wouldn't hurt?


I've the foam completely disappear and just have 'wet' bubbles when I didn't have any fish and my tank was super minimal coral-wise. I wouldn't worry about the level of the foam in the skimmer for now, just set it low and let it break in.


Perhaps...but I'm kind of wondering now if high nitrites are stalling the cycle out. Had a somewhat similar issue in my planted shrimp tanks...I had to do a bunch of water changes to get nitrites back down to a readable level and in the end Biospira (SateStart) gave it the kick it needed to fully cycle. Wondering if I should attemp the same here or just let it be...


I had 'wet' bubbles leading up to the foam I have now...my guess is the thicker foam indicates it's broken in or well on its way.

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Drift Monkey

Day 18:


Ammonia: ~1 ppm

Nitrite: ~5.0+ ppm


I'm fairly certain my cycle is stalled. I'm doing a 10 gallon water change now to lower the nitrites back down to readable levels.


Fun night ahead... <_<

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Drift Monkey

~50% water change done.


Ammonia: ~.25 ppm

Nitrite: ~2.0 ppm


Levels went down...but not as much as I honestly thought they would. Hopefully this gets my cycle out of a rut. I'll test tomorrow to see if anything changes.

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Drift Monkey

Day 19:


Ammonia: ~.25 ppm > < ~.50 ppm

Nitrite: ~2.0 ppm


No real change. Ammonia might have gone up a smidgen, but nitrites are still holding at 2 ppm.

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Drift Monkey

Day 21:


Ammonia: ~.25 ppm

Nitrite: ~2.0 ppm maybe 5 ppm


Everything seems to be stuck at these levels. <_< Anyway, this is the last test before I leave for Vietnam for tomorrow. My RO/DI reservoir is topped up and confirmed to be operational! Hopefully this thing will cycle through while I'm gone.


The next posts I'll make will likely involve pictures from Vietnam! B)

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Drift Monkey

Nice man! Hope your trip goes well. Text me when your stateside and we can kick it!


Hopefully I'll be picking up some coral from you by then! Hopefully...:P

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  • 2 weeks later...
Drift Monkey

I had over 3600 notifications after my trip... :o


I'm back...exhausted, but I didn't wanna leave. Pics of the trip to come.


I have yet test my water, but hopefully I'm cycled... :lol:

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Drift Monkey

good way of cycling.. lol


Yeah man...took the wait out of it for sure. I guess I'm gonna add some ammonia back to the tank and see if it processes.


About time, ... :)


Howdy stranger!

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Hey, I know that you have your razor hung from the ceiling and I have the same set-up and was wondering if you know how to lower the fixture? I can raise it by unscrewing those little things near the fixture and pulling the extra wire. But I can't figure out how to lower it. Do you know how?

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Deleted User 4

Yeah man...took the wait out of it for sure. I guess I'm gonna add some ammonia back to the tank and see if it processes.



Howdy stranger!


I am no stranger to you!! :)

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Drift Monkey

This thing stocked yet?


Slow down cowboy...I've only just come back from overseas! :lol: Soon enough...soon enough...


Hey, I know that you have your razor hung from the ceiling and I have the same set-up and was wondering if you know how to lower the fixture? I can raise it by unscrewing those little things near the fixture and pulling the extra wire. But I can't figure out how to lower it. Do you know how?


Did you run out of slack for the wire? Must be a helluva high ceiling you're hanging her off of!


I am no stranger to you!! :)


Glad to have you back bud! :)

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Slow down cowboy...I've only just come back from overseas! :lol: Soon enough...soon enough...




Did you run out of slack for the wire? Must be a helluva high ceiling you're hanging her off of!




Glad to have you back bud! :)

No haha I figured it out. Didnt know you had to unscrew those things and then push down to lower the light

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Drift Monkey

No haha I figured it out. Didnt know you had to unscrew those things and then push down to lower the light


Ah yeah, you have to push it down to give it slack. Glad ya figured it out...took me a minute to figure that out as well.

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