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8 inch wild squamosa from Tonga via Live Aquaria.




Blue Squamosa going on 6 months (i think- cant find the invoice).




who makes that blue led light bar?


Thats a 48 inch ecoexotic blue stunner strip.

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That's not a clam, it's a space station.




I really love this picture. Its a classic all time favorite. I saw Harison Ford on Leno ( or maybe Conan ) the other night, and although I do love him, I think he's getting a little senile. He just didnt appear "correct". somewhat slow as well..

Hey your Pearlberry is doing great, Maybe I should hold on to it a little longer. Me likey.





NEW STUFF ALERT!!!! Arriving Tuesday from LA.




5.5 inch Tonga Maxima

12 cerith snails

red dragon acro

yellow NPS tube coral

2 blue velevet nudis

2 halmida plants

malanarus wrass

4 spingeri damsels









Growth of cultured giant clams (Tridacna spp.) in low pH, high-nutrient seawater: species-specific effects of substrate and supplemental feeding under acidification




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Hey I know a guy selling a Maxspect Razor 27" starting next week :)


HMmmmmmmm. Let me know how much. Ya never know.





I heard you like anthias BXfgrg2.jpg













I W A N T I T !*!*!*!*!*!*!*

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I really love this picture. Its a classic all time favorite. I saw Harison Ford on Leno ( or maybe Conan ) the other night, and although I do love him, I think he's getting a little senile. He just didnt appear "correct". somewhat slow as well..

Hey your Pearlberry is doing great, Maybe I should hold on to it a little longer. Me likey.





NEW STUFF ALERT!!!! Arriving Tuesday from LA.




5.5 inch Tonga Maxima!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 cerith snails

red dragon acro

yellow NPS tube coral

2 blue velevet nudis

2 halmida plants

malanarus wrass

4 spingeri damsels






Growth of cultured giant clams (Tridacna spp.) in low pH, high-nutrient seawater: species-specific effects of substrate and supplemental feeding under acidification






I thought the Tongan Maximas were not very good

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I thought the Tongan Maximas were not very good

Great timing, because I just had this conversation with Metrokat. I would go as far as to say ANY large maxima is very risky. Even Dr. Macs. but if I had to list them in order from best to worst it would go like this.


1) Pacific East Aquculture ( Palau source)

2) Pacific east aquaculture ( Polynesian source even though they carry PM)

3) Live aquaria Tonga

4) Live Aquaria Tahitian

5) Live aquaria ORA < worst of all


I still try clams low on the list from time to time if they have traits that I really like because I am always experimenting, THis Tonga will be in a dedicated clam tank in my own personal living room where I can keep an eye on it. It will be fed very well with no skimming whatsoever, and fed a wide veriety of live foods. I dont give up easy...or ever. LOL . Pictures soon.


Oh, you mentioned something about my box being full??? Its fine now. THanks.







I can point you to a purchase date for almost every clam you have bought since I have known you. :slap: How do you lose email receipts!




like this :




delete. Anyway I save hard copies. Im old.







Woowwww, those clams look happy.



:D happy as a clam.

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hey Zeph, QT this guy for me? I'll pick it up next month and trade you for a Razor :-P





Whats funny is I just texted Kat about this fish, and then I see this. GMTA.


Zeph are you going to start a new thread for the 40b with all the Maximas in it, it would be easier to follow

I can barely keep up with one thread let alone two. I will do it right here really soon.

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