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Tamberav's 40 Breeder


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Some are slight regional differences, but most are just single aberrations.


Isn't that what a designer clownfish is kinda? breeding those aberrations.

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Isn't that what a designer clownfish is kinda? breeding those aberrations.

Those are genetic changes in the clownfish, no telling if it is with the angels.

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Those are genetic changes in the clownfish, no telling if it is with the angels.


Unless someone was able to breed them! yee!


Pipe dreams :(

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Picked up a 29g at Petco. Hubby helped me carry it in and then we went to dinner...


Me: So you didn't even ask what the aquarium is for. I think I have broken your spirit.

Hubby: *haha* Yeah pretty much... the thought had crossed my mind to ask but.. I don't even want to know anymore.

Me: You know that marriage license we signed.. you see.. it had some hidden fine print *evil grin*

Hubby: "yeah... it said.... "You're ####ed"

Me: "I wonder why all men aren't gay"

Hubby: "It isn't that easy to just be gay"

Me: "When guys realize how evil women are, do they like put on some gay porn and try to like it? y'kno... test the waters? Then you're like.. "ah man... I just can't get into it, my life is going to suck" :(



Disclaimer: me and my husband just have a sick sense of humor.

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I think I'm going to record a video for that marine depot thing. Late submission but we only have 3 ppl on nano-reef doing it and 5 can be chosen. Maybe with some nano-reef love.. .we can make 4 of the winners from nano-reef? Assuming I can still enter.


If you hate me, I understand though :D

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Okay guys I put this together last minute.. no seriously.... like 30 min ago. My lights were off so you get to see my boring sump :)


There are FIVE people who can participate and 4 of us are here on nano-reef so please vote for us all!!!


Here is my link: http://bit.ly/1dzifTt

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I picked up the nem yesterday. He had a powerhead blowing on him for a few hours but the thing wouldn't come off. He got a little rip from trying to get him off. I offered to just buy the whole rock to save it from being pestered anymore. He agreed so I got about 100 polyps of bam bam's and a piece of red monti for $30.


I went to chisel the nem off the rock and it didn't like the vibrations and let go. So he's in my tank looking for a spot to hide acting all pissed off and deflated.


Going to QT the rock. It's kind of huge so not sure what I am going to do with it, maybe break it up? I saw brittle stars, bristle worms, and tons of Collonista snails. His fish were very healthy so I doubt there is any Ich but going to check out whats on the rock for at least a few days.


P.S. 11 days to vote :D

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Well, I chiseled the corals off and dipped them and added them to the DT. The rest of the rock is still in QT.


Nothing came off it but tons of worms and pods and one brittle star.


Will try to get a pic when they open up.

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Ok i voted tamb! :)


:wub: Thanks Angel!



Very nice score for $30!


No kidding! Minneapolis is about 2.5 hours away and often people there are tearing down tanks and offering large colonies of coral for 20-40 bucks. I really wish I didn't live so far. There have been so many things I've wanted to buy.

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I seriously question my sanity sometimes with the number of animals I have. It's not even THAT many so kudos to anyone who has more!


1 dog

2 cats

2 gerbils

4 aquariums


The dog needs a bath.. now shes gotta pee.. gotta feed her.. she needs her vitamin! The cats are out of dry food but don't forget to feed them wet food... scoop the litterbox.... two hungry mantis shrimp to feed.. 4 mandarins... 5 sun corals need target feeding... gerbils need their cup of food.. oh their out of water and they need a bedding change.. oh snap.. is it water change day already?


Anyone else ever feel that way?

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Lol thats more work than kids.I have my reef and my one year old and thats enough for me....my reef is very easy the way I built it very quick maintenance.

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The dog needs a bath.. now shes gotta pee.. gotta feed her.. she needs her vitamin! The cats are out of dry food but don't forget to feed them wet food... scoop the litterbox.... two hungry mantis shrimp to feed.. 4 mandarins... 5 sun corals need target feeding... gerbils need their cup of food.. oh their out of water and they need a bedding change.. oh snap.. is it water change day already?


Anyone else ever feel that way?

That's exactly why I sold off most of my pets. I had a dozen tarantulas, a few scorpions, water dragon, and leopard geckos. I got into saltwater and decided that was enough so I thinned the herd.

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That's exactly why I sold off most of my pets. I had a dozen tarantulas, a few scorpions, water dragon, and leopard geckos. I got into saltwater and decided that was enough so I thinned the herd.


When the Gerbils pass (only live a few years) I definitely won't be replacing them. They are cool and the perfect cat TV but I have enough animals. I kind of want to thin out the aquariums but me and my husband can't agree on which ones or which fish stay/go so that hasn't happened.

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Picked off a pair of black ice clowns for 100 bucks at petco:



I gatta stop buying fish or I will be upgrading again...


Nice Fish. I want a pair of those.

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Nice Fish. I want a pair of those.


Thanks! They turned into black snowflakes instead of black ice. Petco mislabeling things isn't too big of a surprise. I still really like them though!







Reminder to everyone that there is 7 days left to vote. Seven days left to watch me make a fool of myself on future videos ;) Thank you! :)



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Lol thats more work than kids.I have my reef and my one year old and thats enough for me....my reef is very easy the way I built it very quick maintenance.


Ya I love it! It is going to look great when it grows in!

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Had a club meeting tonight. Was fun :) The lightning clownfish look really great in person. They glow under the lights.


I came home with a bunch of random goodies, coral dip, fish food, coral vitamins, bottled bacteria, ect. Matt gave everyone a coral from DD who donated frags to the last frag swap so I cam home with a Stardust Cerealis Acropora.


Here is a pic of it:




Got a few tiny frags of assorted things from some other people.


We had a quiz game and got a raffle ticket for each answer right. I went all in on a 12g mr aqua long + led's but I didn't win. The other prizes was coral. I probably should have went for the coral since they drew multiple times for that. Oh well.


We also had a speaker from Reef-Builders (Jake Adams). He had some interesting stuff to say. He talked about how he doesn't use live rock and has a "coral tank" and uses a canister filter instead of a skimmer and that his tank is crystal clear and the canister filter doesn't get dirty. He felt skimmers took a lot of good stuff out (not that they don't have their place though). That when he does use live rock, he uses dense rock so debris can't get trapped in it. That theres plenty of bacteria in the tank already. And he uses bare bottom tanks as sand isn't found on coral reefs and it just traps debris. But this was all for a 'coral tank' and not a 'reef tank'.


It was interesting to hear someone talk about basically everything opposite of what most people advocate on nano-reef. It opens your mind to new ideas. I personally find sand and rock aesthetically pleasing though and I can't imagine a tank with only corals and nothing else but I could see how his ideas could work nice on a 'coral tank'.


I will probably update with a new full tank shot picture soon. I know it has been awhile!

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