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Bought my first clam today and I'm in love!


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Been waiting a long time to get a clam and I finally got one! Its flourescent blue and looks/acts super healthy. I've had my tank setup for about 10 months now and thought it was about time to buy what really got me into the hobby in the first place. Its only a couple of inches big so I'll have to feed it, I have Cyclop-eeze and half an empty bottle of soda to put over the clam when I feed it. I took this picture on my iPhone but it actually didn't come out half bad. Let me know what you think!



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You should finish drinking the rest of the soda before feeding it! J/k


It is a beautiful clam, I just put in an order for some new lights so I can get one myself, I cannot wait! When you bought it was it attached to something? How big is it?

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Have you read somewhere that they actually eat cyclopeeze? I was under impression that the little ones needed phytoplankon, which is something totally different.

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LOL I'll be sure to drink it first =). Awesome, your going to love it when you get one. It wasn't attached to anything because the pet store didn't have it for long before I bought it. Its about 2 - 2 1/2 inches so its not able to feed itself by photosynthesizing alone yet. The second I put it on the sand bed it started opening up, it was great.

Well I've read that cyclop-eeze can be used for clams but I was also under the impression that they needed a different type of food as well so I'll be looking more into that before I do the first feeding. If anyone has any type of food they prefer to feed their clams please let me know.

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I believe that's a blue deresa clam, I have the same one. I have never fed mine because they are filter feeders. All it's need it's some low nitrates, iodine, and calcium in your system. I don't dose any of those nutrients, I just replace them with weekly wc using reef crystals.

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Clams do not eat cyclopeeze. You should feed phytoplankton, especially golden varieties if you can find it. Or you can culture your own.


They are great for nutrient export, if you run a dirty system, they will be happy using the nitrates and phosphates.

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Where in the world did you hear that clams can eat cyclops? The can only eat particle sizes of about 20 micron and smaller, bt it is rather unnecessary, they primarily absorb their required nitrogen directly from the water column, preferably from ammonia or nitrate.

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