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Cultivated Reef

FishBrawler ReefStock goodies


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llama roadkill
You ever lost faith in humanity? [img=http://i1324.photobucket.com/albums/u613/FishBrawler/IMG_66689259161779_zpsbe803bd9.jpg]Screenshot_2013-11-24-10-43-06_zpsfca007

Now you have! That ain't no dori for god sakes! That isn't even the right fish! My goodness people!

Tank update. Only had time for a few crappy pictures, but here.[img=http://i1324.photobucket.com/albums/u613/FishBrawler/IMG_20131123_182853_zpscd47f168.jpg]IMG_20131123_182700_zps8efbf94f.jpgIMG_20131123_171716_zps9fc2db54.jpgIMG_20131123_183028_zps90a92dd5.jpg

No good pictures of the sps. Ill grab some later!




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Double float and the top sensor didn't stop it or was one of the floats in your reservoir?
I guess I had it in the wrong mode! That's dumb of me... I've never had this problem before though...
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just when I thought nothing else could go wrong my protein skimmer on this tank just broke. & I don't know. I dont havemoney to fix it so I'm basically not going to have a protein skimmer for 2 weeks or so. What should I do?

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What on it 'broke'?

I piece on the collection cup. I tried gluing the hole and that works a little. I then just put duct tape over it. I am going to order a new cup. On the bright side, I did order a new skimmer (Christmas gift from my dad). Lets just say that its a vertex for the new tank!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
http://s1324.photobucket.com/user/FishBrawler/media/Mobile%20Uploads/Screenshot_2014-01-20-08-40-56_zps8s9sj5yy.png.html'>Screenshot_2014-01-20-08-40-56_zps8s9sj5 Well the tank was doing good. Fragged up some zoas. Still trying to sell my montipora capicornis colony. We had a power outage last week. Tank went down to 72 and also tripped the gfci so several other things went out... but we are back on track I guess haha! Still slowly working on my newer tank build. Anyone know any places for a new glass tank? That's not going to cost me an arm and a leg??? I am only 15 haha! And why are your guys thoughts on this new dose coming out? I thinkI am going to try it! :) and for some reason I can't post the image at the end so there it is at the beginning haha!
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  • 1 month later...

I havent updated this in forever! Mainly because of musical! But tonight is the last night! Reef stock is coming up also! Ill update with picture and stuff later today or tomorrow! :)

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Nice tank

nice tank

stuff is growing. Its taking its sweet time. I have had alot of set backs recently, but things are picking up haha!
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Long overdue for an update! Tank is doing good. Lots of growth on the softies. I just fixed a leaky bulkhead. Skimmer is also pumping it out. Got some new goodies and hoping to get new fish soon. Here is the picture update. Oh and a cool think that is happening, my monti cap is turning red pink from red orange!











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Looks like you picked up some choice pieces. Everything is looking really good.
Lookin gooood!

Thanks guys! I gotta start keeping track of my parameters. We just finished our musical at school so I should have a lot more time to keep this updated!

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