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Check Out My Giant Clam!


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It's just the luminance of the mantle. I have an emerald green maxima that looks purple from the side, but a brilliant green from the top. It all depends on the viewing angle.

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Nice clam, but it's starving. Make sure you have enough nitrate in your system to feed it or start dosing sodium nitrate.

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Nice clam, but it's starving. Make sure you have enough nitrate in your system to feed it or start dosing sodium nitrate.

probably a noob question but ill ask anyways how can you tell its starving?

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More or less, yes. It should be closed up.
Always wondered what that big hole is on a clam at a LFS. They have a huge one with Aiptasia all over the base and a huge hole always open.


Should look like this all the time: tsquamosaha.jpg
I see. Do you spot feed a clam? I heard the like nitrates. Sorry for my noobness :)
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Always wondered what that big hole is on a clam at a LFS. They have a huge one with Aiptasia all over the base and a huge hole always open. I see. Do you spot feed a clam? I heard the like nitrates. Sorry for my noobness :)

As much as people try, you can't really feed a filter feeder without serious effort going into it. They eat nitrogen from the water (so ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate, with a preference to ammonia) and can filter stuff up to like 15 microns or so, but they need nitrogen more than actual food particles.

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As much as people try, you can't really feed a filter feeder without serious effort going into it. They eat nitrogen from the water (so ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate, with a preference to ammonia) and can filter stuff up to like 15 microns or so, but they need nitrogen more than actual food particles.

So what you are saying is... pee in the tank?

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Clams like low level nitrates, up to 1ppm. They also process ammonia from fish waste and yes in clam farms in the far east, the workers do pee in the raceways.


You can feed phytoplankton, oyster eggs also but these are just supplemental foods as clams process light through their mantles for energy.


Check your clam at night for the gaping. This is a clam that gapes too much (this one died sadly)


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It really depends on how long they have been gaping for. If it has reached the point of the classic gape along with mantle retention, like this, aint nobody bringing her back.


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It really depends on how long they have been gaping for. If it has reached the point of the classic gape along with mantle retention, like this, aint nobody bringing her back.



sad. thanks for the info.

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Mine never gaped but I have noticed that it won't open much anymore :( I'm thinking of moving it to my 40 breeder from my biocube. Btw kat have you added the posting title to your list of dirty names? lol

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