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Cultivated Reef

.: Shaner014's 11.4 | New Photo's! :.


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How many pounds of live rock do you have??


~13 pounds I think was bought, I knocked a few things off before splashing it in.

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So my one clown fish sleeps in the upper corner of my tank, and splashes water out of the tank down the side every night! I tried removing the lid to see if he would move his sleep spot, this didn't work.


Anything to do? I thought of changing flow, but I like how things are swayin' at the moment.

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If the clown was newly introduced to the tank that could just be its 'safe place', mine would both stick to different corners before they became comfortable with their new surroundings. Now one sleeps inside the anemone and the other either sleeps vertically in the corner of the tank to digs a burrow in the sand at the front glass. The clown would have most likely picked that particular spot due to the lower water flow so changing your flow may get it to move elsewhere.

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If the clown was newly introduced to the tank that could just be its 'safe place', mine would both stick to different corners before they became comfortable with their new surroundings. Now one sleeps inside the anemone and the other either sleeps vertically in the corner of the tank to digs a burrow in the sand at the front glass. The clown would have most likely picked that particular spot due to the lower water flow so changing your flow may get it to move elsewhere.


I figured about the flow. My clowns are attached at the hip all day, but one digs a burrow as you say in the front right corner, the other goes to the opposite upper front corner, and I guess wiggles water out of the tank. The water line is about 2cm below top, and the fish isn't big by any means.


I'm gonna try and put a frag rack there and force him out I guess? Sick of cleaning the glass every morning.

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You actually have a tank? Thisis my first time here. Did you watch TWD?


I do, but I don't mess with it as much as most. I have some decent small frags growing out, and no good camera. I might catch more attention in a few months with some growth and a decent picture getter!


I did watch, I posted on teflons thread that I was still pissed over this damn turf war!

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The old man and murl (sp) are my guesses. Andrea will probably save Michonne. Rick might get busted up but live.

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I did read that. Who you think will die this week in Rick's crew? Someone has to die.


Who you thinking? Wait don't tell me... Don't you read the comic?

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I did read that. Who you think will die this week in Rick's crew? Someone has to die.

Lawnman how dare you!!! governor lover

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Who you thinking? Wait don't tell me... Don't you read the comic?
not the whole series. I don't know to be honest. I would guess the Govenor will die this week and Glen.
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I don't really care for Glen. I wouldn't be upset at that. Murl was right to call him out for being a pussy!


not the whole series. I don't know to be honest. I would guess the Govenor will die this week and Glen.
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I have some decent small frags growing out, and no good camera. I might catch more attention in a few months with some growth and a decent picture getter!


My wife just picked me up an HTC Windows 8 smart phone - it has a great camera - I am thinking of using it for all of my pics moving forward! I played around with it and my LED-lit tanks, and it had no problems capturing the proper color of the corals and tank...

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Lawnman how dare you!!! governor lover
no I hate that guy. I think Merl will kill the Govenor this week. It has been to long since anyone important on Rick's crew has died.
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Well my clown messed all over my stand/tank again last night. Little bastard. And, I scratched the glass somehow cleaning the salt off with a microfiber rag. Musta had some sand or something on it.


Oh you said awesome? Nothing comes to mind yet, I'm optimistic though.

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Just curious how did your clown mess all over your stand? Did you take it out to pet it? Assuming you mean splashed water. The first scratch always sucks I have a few myself. Nothing awesome happening for me either other than I am gonna take a nap. :)

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Put a bigger fish in there to chase him out of his spot. lol Or get one of those fake jelly fish ornaments and put it in the clown's spot.

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I vote for a beating stick to get your clown to learn who is boss.


I do use one a 1/4" dowel to stir things and push stuff around (mostly crabs or snails away from the acan when feeding). I could probably camp out and domesticate that sucker in one night. Any area of the body I should avoid bludgeoning? Haha

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My clown like to sleep pretty much at water level so he used to splash water out every night. With my picO i have the water level lower so the splashes dont make it out of the tank.

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