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Veng's 20L - Black Friday Madness!


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Here are the three parts of the tanks, hand held shots. You can actually tell the stuff on the left is different colors!







I'll be running 2x ATI Blue Plus as my actinic only for the last hour before full lights out. Grabbed this picture of the Blue Tort last night under them. Sorry for the shallow depth of field, was lazy and didn't grab the tripod.



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What fixture did you get, Veng?

2x of the 2 bulb FishNeedIt. After their 50% off sale and shipping, it was 50$ per fixture. They came with the fishneedit bulbs that I'm not using. The ATI bulbs were 20$ each, the GE about the same after shipping.
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Sounds pretty awesome. Which t5 are you going with?


These fishneedit are... well... cheap. :lol: But they seem to get the job done. They're not built like a tank by any stretch of the imagination. But for the price, I'm not complaining at all. Formed reflector, looks nice, fanless, I've got no complaints.

Do you have a laser thermometer? If so, check the 'cold spot' on the bulb and see what temperature you get after they've been on a couple of hours.

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ATI bulbs, huh? I've been mulling over the LED or T5 thing. It seems a lot of people have switched back to T5 or have chosen to supplement their LEDs with T5s.


For 50 bucks each, that's a decent price! I love the LED energy efficiency, and the price point between LED and T5 isn't that much different, but I hadn't seen the fishneedit fixtures. Did you go with the 24" fixture? Heck the 24" 4 bulb fixture is 100. It'll cost about 100 for bulbs, though so the reefbreeders LED is still probably the best light option for me right now.

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Do you have a laser thermometer? If so, check the 'cold spot' on the bulb and see what temperature you get after they've been on a couple of hours.

I don't. The reason they can run fanless though is because they move the ballasts external to the fixture. Regardless the fixture has been on the market for years, without major problems. I don't run a canopy either, so they'll be cooler than most anyways.

Looks great! You have so many cool corals in that tank!

Really easy to see in those close up shots!

Thanks! I'm really happy with how it turned out. I'll probably find some time to take some better pictures this weekend. Need to get back some of my lens that I loaned to my parents. :lol:


ATI bulbs, huh? I've been mulling over the LED or T5 thing. It seems a lot of people have switched back to T5 or have chosen to supplement their LEDs with T5s.

LEDs can be nice, MH can be nice, T5s can be nice. They all have benefits and problems. It's like shopping for a vehicle, I'd love something that is corners like a sports car, can carry 8 sheets of plywood, and hold 9 people, but it doesn't work like that. ;)

For 50 bucks each, that's a decent price! I love the LED energy efficiency, and the price point between LED and T5 isn't that much different, but I hadn't seen the fishneedit fixtures. Did you go with the 24" fixture? Heck the 24" 4 bulb fixture is 100. It'll cost about 100 for bulbs, though so the reefbreeders LED is still probably the best light option for me right now.

I went with the 30" fixture, it still uses a 24" blub, just fits the lenght of the tank much better. Let me grab a quick picture.

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Just joined the club again Veng...got rid of my sand. Dirty filthy stuff has no place but on a beach lol. Just LOVE how your tank is filling out :)

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Here's a couple pictures. You can see the sump/ATO Res behind the tank, and the equipment breadbox on the right. And the GSP that's going to take over my left wall in a couple of months... :eek:






Just joined the club again Veng...got rid of my sand. Dirty filthy stuff has no place but on a beach lol. Just LOVE how your tank is filling out :)

Thanks! Wish I had my 8mm so I could get better pictures of what's on the bottom of the tank, but you can see it pretty well in the first picture above.


Ironically I keep thinking about adding sand. :lol:

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Here's a couple pictures. You can see the sump/ATO Res behind the tank, and the equipment breadbox on the right. And the GSP that's going to take over my left wall in a couple of months... :eek:







Thanks! Wish I had my 8mm so I could get better pictures of what's on the bottom of the tank, but you can see it pretty well in the first picture above.


Ironically I keep thinking about adding sand. :lol:



hahah go ahead and try it....I promise you after bring BB you'll be pulling it out a week later lol. Just picture your tank completely covered wall to wall (and bottom) in corals :)

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I don't. The reason they can run fanless though is because they move the ballasts external to the fixture. Regardless the fixture has been on the market for years, without major problems. I don't run a canopy either, so they'll be cooler than most anyways.

I didn't mean for failure reasons, I meant for bulb longevity. 95F is the target temperature for the 'cold spot' of ATI bulbs, any higher and their phosphors degrade faster than normal (so bulb replacement would be around 6 months instead of 9-ish).

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I didn't mean for failure reasons, I meant for bulb longevity. 95F is the target temperature for the 'cold spot' of ATI bulbs, any higher and their phosphors degrade faster than normal (so bulb replacement would be around 6 months instead of 9-ish).

I've never kept a single fixture for longer than a year, so I'm not really worried. ;) But I do get what you're saying.
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Why do people like the GE 6700 bulbs? So yellow to me. I like the Blue+ Purple+ combo, and coral+. Is the GE for growth only?

Blue+ and Purple+ w/o the coral+ is too blue for my tastes, I don't have a coral+ to add to try. I thought about grabbing one but grabbed the actinic to screw around with instead. It's really just a matter of what color temp you like I think. I might pick up one to try in a few weeks.
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Blue+ and Purple+ w/o the coral+ is too blue for my tastes, I don't have a coral+ to add to try. I thought about grabbing one but grabbed the actinic to screw around with instead. It's really just a matter of what color temp you like I think. I might pick up one to try in a few weeks.


I have one of each because I can never decide. :) Coral+ and blue+ without a purple+ is too washed out. I have an AquaticLife 6700K and even with 5 blue+ bulbs along side it's too yellow. :)

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Is the baby here yet?

Still no baby....

I have one of each because I can never decide. :) Coral+ and blue+ without a purple+ is too washed out. I have an AquaticLife 6700K and even with 5 blue+ bulbs along side it's too yellow. :)

Haha, yeah I have no doubts I'll pick one up at some point to try out. Just too cheap not to screw around with.
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