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SDartifex countertop extension [retired]


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Move it to where it gets the most light, the sandbed is fine for all species. The thing about clams is they look better for a while when light is inadequate, because it forces them to open up more. However they will decline slowly, and by the time they show it , well, its just too late to bring them back.

Nice tank btw.

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Thanks for the help guys, I'm gonna take Zeph's advice and get it out in the open. I'll get a before and after too while I'm at it.

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So the SPS box has been achived, and I moved the Crocea out into the open. She immediately opened up huge, thanks again everyone and especially Zeph!


I gave the display a good cleaning and will snap some shots once the dust settles.

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Very nice macro. Sps box Mmmhmmm.
Thanks, I wish I had a real macro lense to cut out a the nasty chromatic aberration you can see from the 18-55 kit.. Maybe once I get a chiller I can put some away for a legit lense, but knowing me there'll prolly something else I "need" for the tank lol


Haha thats creepy, but I'll take it as a compliment :)
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I love friday's, have a couple beer's


Listen to some classic dubstep, with mah brand new audiophile headset :D


And enjoy the tank of course




BTW I added some sand :happy:



I kid you not. I drank the same beer and listened to the same song last friday.


This friday, I am on Great Lakes Commodore Perry, and Ray LaMontagne.

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Nice, I wish I could be spin something fun. Instead I got a calc test on Tuesday an a Marxist crit paper due thurs :(

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Wow the tank looks beautiful sdart awesome job.Its going to look killer in another 8 months. Just a suggestion for the diatoms... florida cerith snails.

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Bitta bing botta boom! Wow, that tank! Beautiful! TOTM for sure!!!
haha thanks, It would be an honor to be featured by NR but I still think it's got a long way to go before its ready. Those twins you got on the other hand have been getting a lot of good press lately, and for good reason!
Wow the tank looks beautiful sdart awesome job.Its going to look killer in another 8 months. Just a suggestion for the diatoms... florida cerith snails.
Thanks for checking in Hype! I just added the sand a week ago so I'm thinking the bloom is from sillicates and other impuritys, but if things persist I will definitly grab some more ceriths since the few that I have already are always leaving trails in the sand. I was considering a fighting conch as well since I've always found them fascinating, but I don't know if there would be enough food for one in the long run..


I love the FTS! That's just beautiful. Close ups too.
Thanks Kat! There's nothin to it once you have some good gear to shoot with :)
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Woah, That tank is killer! I did plan to be sps dominated, but things have changed and it looks like this will be an sps only display. I just hope it turns out to be 1/10th of the epic tank MrKang's is.

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Good it should be sps only anyway lol your scape demands and deserves sps especially since you unintentionally made a mini reverse of his scape. I have faith. Do well padawon


Woah, That tank is killer! I did plan to be sps dominated, but things have changed and it looks like this will be an sps only display. I just hope it turns out to be 1/10th of the epic tank MrKang's is.

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More sps frags? This sps box is turning slick.

I'm mostly just waiting for things to encrust right now, so I have a good feeling of where I can fit more pieces. But I'm keeping an eye out for any epic frags that float through the LFS. They have a few colony's of dendronephthya that I'm waiting for them to frag for my refugium :)


Wow. Pics look great!


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