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SDartifex countertop extension [retired]


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That is genius.

Thanks Kat, but I can't take credit for the idea since I've seen it elsewhere around the net


Just saw your new fts and sump pics. WOW :blink:

Looks fnatastic and all that monkey sex down below.......love dat stuff. :D

Lol thanks a lot Spiro! I can't stand the BB look, so that's going to change back very soon. As for the uglys down below I need to spend a few days and really re-organize the whole area, but I'm waiting for some new equipment to come in before I get into that :)

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Nope not a sump. I'm pretty disappointed that my order didn't ship Friday since they claimed it was in stock and should ship same day. But I kinda expected as much from the reviews going around about CADlights lately.

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well the pipless is 4.75x4.75 assuming thats the one you got. i dont see why you could get something in there. what kind of reactor you looking at biopellet only or all 3 in 1?

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A little update, the gorgonian has been closed up for a few days now and I've been noticing other corals not looking to hot. I tested everything and my water is great, temp is a tad high from a local heat wave but still good, and there are no visual signs of pests. After mulling it over for a while I decided to check stray electricity on a whim and found 40v and .4a in the tank. No specific Item is releasing it, just a little here a little there kind of thing. So I have a grounding probe coming in and am using a gold plated audio cable as a temporary ground. Hopefully the stray power was the issue and things start looking happy again

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I did a little ghetto kitchen sink science yesterday and got some validation on my chilled feeder project.



I froze the probe in water in under 30min without any insulation.


So now that I have a proof of concept for everything I just need to get the parts designed and built, starting with a waterblock to use on the hot side of my TEC.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What are those little silver fish? haha


And how much was the Mame? I wanna buy one and sent them an email. So I'm curious.

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They're red spot cardinals (apogon parvulus). One of the few species that school and are small enough for our nanos. You gotta be ready to feed them 3-5 times a day though.


The mame was about $250 Shipped. But since the first one came in broken replacement parts made it closer to $300. Expensive, but for the concept of this tank I think it was well worth the aesthetic appeal.

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Thank you NanoTopia, I still have a few pieces to place so the new scape is still tentative but I'm liking it much more so far.


There is good and bad news today. It seems one of the red spots went missing last night.. My guess is it jumped and one of the members of my feline clean up crew found it before I did. Also I forgot to mention it for some reason but my mandarin had disappeared in a similar fashion about 3 weeks ago.. It's always your favorites fish that jump first :(


Since it is becoming a problem I'm putting all other projects for this tank are on hold as I decide how to cover the tank better than the floating lid has done.


The good news is this came in the mail today


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  • 2 weeks later...

They're red spot cardinals (apogon parvulus). One of the few species that school and are small enough for our nanos. You gotta be ready to feed them 3-5 times a day though.


The mame was about $250 Shipped. But since the first one came in broken replacement parts made it closer to $300. Expensive, but for the concept of this tank I think it was well worth the aesthetic appeal.


They made you pay for the replacement parts? That is weak.


How are you liking the Apex? I love mine. I'm setting up a Solana and bought another EB8 and a 25ft aquabus cable so I can run it under the carpet and across the room to control it haha.

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They made you pay for the replacement parts? That is weak.

Yeah they didn't want to start a claim for it with the post office, and being the receiver I have to wait for the shipper to start an insurance claim to complete it. So I never got any money for the busted goods, buyer beware when dealing with them.


How are you liking the Apex? I love mine. I'm setting up a Solana and bought another EB8 and a 25ft aquabus cable so I can run it under the carpet and across the room to control it haha.

Its awesome for sure, the frst day I monitored my temp swing ~4F and decided to hook up a fan and program the apex to keep things within 0.2F and so far has been working great. Now I've been adjusting my dosing schedule to keep my PH swing as low a possible, from .5 swing to .1 in under a week. Plus now water changes and maintenance are a breeze when I can just turn on feed time 5 and have everything shut off for 15 min while I siphon/work. Its a great piece of equipment for sure, I just wish it had a couple digital outputs for DIY fun.. Regardless the breakout leaves a lot of options and I'm currently testing some conductive liquid level switches to do a simple and space saving ATO setup and maybe get rid of the osmolator I've been so far.


Do they make 25' aquabus segments? I thought Neptune Systems only makes them up to 15'. I suppose you could find a 25' usb cable (if those exist? lol) since there the same thing.


Anyways I got some more eye candy, I'm really happy with how this Bali tricolor has been coloring up lately :)



BTW Eddie did you get that tank from Zia yet? I really wanna see that thing get built!

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Yeah they didn't want to start a claim for it with the post office, and being the receiver I have to wait for the shipper to start an insurance claim to complete it. So I never got any money for the busted goods, buyer beware when dealing with them.


Its awesome for sure, the frst day I monitored my temp swing ~4F and decided to hook up a fan and program the apex to keep things within 0.2F and so far has been working great. Now I've been adjusting my dosing schedule to keep my PH swing as low a possible, from .5 swing to .1 in under a week. Plus now water changes and maintenance are a breeze when I can just turn on feed time 5 and have everything shut off for 15 min while I siphon/work. Its a great piece of equipment for sure, I just wish it had a couple digital outputs for DIY fun.. Regardless the breakout leaves a lot of options and I'm currently testing some conductive liquid level switches to do a simple and space saving ATO setup and maybe get rid of the osmolator I've been so far.


Do they make 25' aquabus segments? I thought Neptune Systems only makes them up to 15'. I suppose you could find a 25' usb cable (if those exist? lol) since there the same thing.


Anyways I got some more eye candy, I'm really happy with how this Bali tricolor has been coloring up lately :)



BTW Eddie did you get that tank from Zia yet? I really wanna see that thing get built!

Glad you like the Apex SD, BTW Apex says the Aquabus cable is not the same as a USB cable and never to use one in place of the Aquabus cable. Something about them being heavier duty. I would consider that. That tricolour looks stellar SD :wub:




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Interesting Christine, I was under the impression as long as the cable has a decent gauge in it (no uber cheap cables) it should hold well. But unless someone knows the amperage they use in their aquabus It would be hard to say what is acceptable.

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Interesting Christine, I was under the impression as long as the cable has a decent gauge in it (no uber cheap cables) it should hold well. But unless someone knows the amperage they use in their aquabus It would be hard to say what is acceptable.

True, you may find a heavier gauge USB that would work, I would post a question on the Neptune Systems Community or do a search there, you likely find the answer you need :)




EDIT: Did it, this is what I came up with.



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