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Mark's 40B and 46 bow


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OMG that birdsnest is awesome !!!!!! Wish mine would grow like yours is. I love how wild it is.


I started feeding Reef Roids after you told me about them - my corals go nuts - they can't seem to get enough :)

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Took a side shot while inspecting my new acros in the 40.




Corals are all doing well, and most are showing better color.




I sure hope these polyps stay orange instead of turning green like my other 'Rainbow' monti.




I've had this pink birdsnest for over a year now. It was a large piece and I killed all but the tip of one branch.



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Bah, wish I could do SPS betterz. Good progress tho!




I had a crash due to a housing move in my 40 breeder, and I hope to make the recovery you have made. Well done.


69 posts and 2001? Welcome back! :) Are you going to start a tank thread?

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Well, we cant make it home due to this late winter storm. Going to spend at least one night in TN, but i doubt we make it home till Tues. Will everything hang on?


I am sick of this winter.

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We are home and it looks like 0 losses, but it ws close.


Prior to leaving I had this thought about how it would suck to lose a tank to a GFI outlet failure so I hooked one pump in each tank and the heaters to non GFI outlets.


When we got home the 40 auto topoff had failed to kep up, at all, but besides a few STN areas on a monti everything looks good.


The 46 was dark with just one pump and the heater. The ####ing GFI had tripped and shut everything off, including the lights. No clue how long it had been dark but the BTA has moved up a bit, maybe searching for light? My battery operated air pump is dead, and it is supposed to last 3 days, so that tells me the tank was dark for at least that long. I turned the morning bank of lights on and within 20 minute everything appears normal. The water smells a bit, so I added some Prime just in case, but all fish alive, active, and hungry.


The little 20 has no ATO and was down about a half gallon of water. Never looked better. :)


So for th next trip I need to improve the 40 ATO and figure out a better outlet arrangement for the 46. I had installed a GFI outlet so that will have to go.

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The Anemone is still on the move, and I don't expect this to end well. He's under the monti caps now, that won't be enough light, so I expect he'll continue to search for a few days.


I discovered what tripped the GFI ... my topoff line had a slow leak that was dripping down and onto a plug, which then was slowly dripping into one of my timers. Corrected that issue, and made sure the drip loop was not sitting above a timer in case it happens again.

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I need to learn how to take pictures under blue light!


You can see the anemone under the caps now, right next to the forest fire digitata. No harm done yet.




So on the bright side, with all that went wrong while I was gone, the tanks are in pretty good shape. Some montis in the 40 are showing reduced polyp extension and some tissue loss, but all the acros are fine. The 40 ended up with 1.028 salinity and 6.2 KH due to lack of topoff. Calcium dipped to 360. I raised this back up to 7.5 and 420 over 2 days.


The 46 suffered from no topoff and no light for at least 4 days without any major issues. Some corals are still mad, but color is good and they are recovering. KH remained high at 8.0 (probably due to lack of light), calcium stays around 430.

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