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Colby's 20G Mixed Reef : New FTS


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Nice. :)


Oooh Aaaah indeed :D


im so happy to have fish again. Im probably going to do a mandarin, yellow assessor, and yasha too.

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1 Bangaii

2 Clowns

1 Mandy

1 Assessor

1 Yasha

total 6



That was the thought. I could always re-think though lol. Currently i just have the 1 Bangaii in the tank and the 2 clowns in QT.

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1 Bangaii

2 Clowns

1 Mandy

1 Assessor

1 Yasha

total 6



Um. You crazy.

I thought I was pushing it when I had 3 fish in my 20L.

You could prob pull that off if it was a Macro Dominant tank since the macros would just sluuuuurp all that fish waste up, but otherwise.....dang.

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So I have not been able to get a small heater for my QT tank. My house temp swings quite a bit and i was very worried about the clowns. They have been eating well and look great so i decided they need to go into the main tank where the water temp is very consistant. They are very happy and are swimming around quite a bit. Here's a pic.



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That list seems doable. Great tank BTW.


Thank you very much.


You don't think that would be to much of a bio load? I thought it would be ok too


New FTS also



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Unfortunately from everything I have gathered scoly's tend not to last very long, while they are a fairly hardy coral "or atleast that's the consensus" they tend to only last a few years at most in captivity which is REALLY a shame for multiple reasons

1) they are EXPENSIVE!!

2) they are BEAUTIFUL

3) they are typically collected from the wild and not aquacultured/maricultured so the small population of nice ones from AUS wont last forever


However since yours still has plenty of healthy flesh and has just pulled away from the outer skeleton I would just try power feeding it like crazy "I mean feed it every time you can, maybe 3 times a day if possible" I would also give it an iodine dip and make sure you calcium and magnesium levels are good


On a different note your tank is still looking AMAZING!!

Is there any way you can give us a front on FTS as opposed to the kinda side FTS you posted? I ask because as I have said before I absolutely LOVE your rock scape


Oh on a side note I want to vote your tank as TOTM btw...

I think it is truly worth a TOTM title

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Unfortunately from everything I have gathered scoly's tend not to last very long, while they are a fairly hardy coral "or atleast that's the consensus" they tend to only last a few years at most in captivity which is REALLY a shame for multiple reasons

1) they are EXPENSIVE!!

2) they are BEAUTIFUL

3) they are typically collected from the wild and not aquacultured/maricultured so the small population of nice ones from AUS wont last forever


However since yours still has plenty of healthy flesh and has just pulled away from the outer skeleton I would just try power feeding it like crazy "I mean feed it every time you can, maybe 3 times a day if possible" I would also give it an iodine dip and make sure you calcium and magnesium levels are good


On a different note your tank is still looking AMAZING!!

Is there any way you can give us a front on FTS as opposed to the kinda side FTS you posted? I ask because as I have said before I absolutely LOVE your rock scape


Oh on a side note I want to vote your tank as TOTM btw...

I think it is truly worth a TOTM title


Thank you very much. TOTM!!! That would be amazing!


I did try to save the Scoly through feeding but his mouth is stuck open, he can't eat at all. I may pull him out today so he doesn't foul my water. This is a terrible loss, one because it was sucha beautiful piece and two because he was expensive. Below is the straight FTS you requested.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Thank you very much. TOTM!!! That would be amazing!


I did try to save the Scoly through feeding but his mouth is stuck open, he can't eat at all. I may pull him out today so he doesn't foul my water. This is a terrible loss, one because it was sucha beautiful piece and two because he was expensive. Below is the straight FTS you requested.




I absolutely love this tank, and that rockwork is truly inspiring. Pretty lucky that your LFS had this tank for sale. All of the LFS display tanks in my area, or the ones they have for sale, to put it simply, look like ####. Just a stack of rocks. :P

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I absolutely love this tank, and that rockwork is truly inspiring. Pretty lucky that your LFS had this tank for sale. All of the LFS display tanks in my area, or the ones they have for sale, to put it simply, look like ####. Just a stack of rocks. :P


Thank you, i agree a lot of times the scapes do just look like a pile of rocks.


Amazing tank!

thanks a bunch

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So i noticed my peppermint shrimp has died. My serpent star has drug the dead shrimp under the rock where i cant reach it. Do you think the shrimp will foul my water, or do you think the star and misc other critters will eat the dead shrimp before its a problem?

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did you end up getting a yasha? i added two to my 40 breeder havnt seem them since ... and after googling "yasha goby dissapered" i see tonnnsss of people have had the same experiance "hadnt see my yasha in 7 months thought for sure i carpet surfed only for it to come out and eat today..."

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Nope, never saw the Yasha again. Or the high fin. I do plan to pick up another one sometime in the near future, with a pistol shrimp.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
amazing!! do you know how they made that rockscape stay up? is there a build for this?


See posts #53-58 in this thread

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