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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Local mystery fish ID


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My 6 yr. old brought a couple fish home from the beach last night & conned me in to putting them in our tank.


Anyone know what they are? Neither of them are bigger than an inch and he caught them both scooping up sargassum clumps.


NUMBER ONE - I'm guessing it's a Sargassum Fish but I didn't really get a good look at it. He latched on to my dead rock instantly.



NUMBER TWO - No clue, he hasn't come out from that hole all day.




Last but not least, what should feed these things? I didn't really think they'd make it this long.

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Deleted User 4

The 1st one looks likes a frogfish/angular fish and will eat smaller fishes when it gets bigger. As of now, seems like it's small so it will eat ornamental shrimps. The other fish...I do not know what it is but it looks like it can get bigg?? haha

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Deleted User 4

I'm sure the angular fish can eat brine shrimp, mysis. If anything, you should just give these 2 fishes away to the lfs haha.

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Could #2 be a sergeant major?


Definitely not a sergeant major.


I'm sure the angular fish can eat brine shrimp, mysis. If anything, you should just give these 2 fishes away to the lfs haha


I probably will end up getting rid of them.

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I don't care about taking them from the water... Probably done more humanely than commercial collectors. It is stupid to take anything that you know nothing about though. How did your kid manage to get a bucket filled with water in the car without you noticing?

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He did it all under GiGi's (his grandmother's) watch.


Busted in the door like a kid on Christmas... "Dad! Look what I caught!"


Grreat :rolleyes:


I did not plan on adding fish for another week or two.


His CADLights 8g comes in tomorrow. I'll probably transfer them in to it and let them be 'his' new fish even though his heart is in crabs.

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You shouldn't give them away IMO. Why waste some perfectly nice fish on an LFS?

Not to say LFS are bad, but still, a sargassum fish is a nice find.

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Here's a better shot of the second fish, he's much more active at night.


He doesn't really have that blueish hue, I couldn't get the WB right.


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Both are definitely cool fish. I agree with above, no sense on getting rid of them now that you have them already. Whatever the second one is, feed a very diverse diet untill you zero in on what it will eat. Number one will take various shrimps and small fish like stated above.

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You shouldn't give them away IMO. Why waste some perfectly nice fish on an LFS?

Not to say LFS are bad, but still, a sargassum fish is a nice find.


No, he definitely should. Anglers are pretty difficult to care for from what I've been told from knowledgeable people on here. You have to like feed them live fish/shrimp and crap weekly.


It is a nice fish, but I'm sure it won't look nice floating on the surface. :rolleyes:


Both are definitely cool fish. I agree with above, no sense on getting rid of them now that you have them already. Whatever the second one is, feed a very diverse diet untill you zero in on what it will eat. Number one will take various shrimps and small fish like stated above.


If he can care for them, then keep them. If he has no clue what to do and doesn't want to have to deal with the constant care, then give them away.

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If you can care for the angler, I think it's worth keeping. Read up on it. Also I think the angler will eat your other fish.

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whatever you do, do not put them back into the ocean under any circumstances.


Can I ask why?


I must admit I have thought about riding out to the first weed line and freeing them. I'd think they'd probably be better off out there than rolling around in the surf where they were caught, no?


Certainly a better place to be than my week old 12 gallon.

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Can I ask why?


I must admit I have thought about riding out to the first weed line and freeing them. I'd think they'd probably be better off out there than rolling around in the surf where they were caught, no?


Certainly a better place to be than my week old 12 gallon.

Do not do that under any circumstances. The live rock in your tank could have any number of nonnative species and pathogens. Even if that rock was originally from aquacultured from Florida, it's been exposed to countless other things from the Pacific and Indian Oceans at the wholesaler and LFS. Florida and the rest of the Caribbean already has a major lionfish problem.

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Can I ask why?


I must admit I have thought about riding out to the first weed line and freeing them. I'd think they'd probably be better off out there than rolling around in the surf where they were caught, no?


Certainly a better place to be than my week old 12 gallon.

there are bacteria and parasites and things that are in your tank that arent in the ocean (not here, anyway). if you release them, they will free that into a non-native ecosystem and can really #### it up.


if you dont want them, give them to someone that absolutely will not ever let them free, or put them in the freezer in a cup of water. one of the most humane ways to euthanize a fish.


Wait... So there's no laws against catching these fish? :mellow:

of course there are. to collect anything you need to be licensed at the very least with the paid florida saltwater fishing license, otherwise it is collected illegally, such as in this case. if either of these fish are protected, it just went up in severity.

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there are bacteria and parasites and things that are in your tank that arent in the ocean (not here, anyway). if you release them, they will free that into a non-native ecosystem and can really #### it up.


if you dont want them, give them to someone that absolutely will not ever let them free, or put them in the freezer in a cup of water. one of the most humane ways to euthanize a fish.



of course there are. to collect anything you need to be licensed at the very least with the paid florida saltwater fishing license, otherwise it is collected illegally, such as in this case. if either of these fish are protected, it just went up in severity.


It is not illegal to release native species back into the wild. In this case it is advisable. It's unlikely, if not impossible, that these fish have been exposed to any pathogens that they wouldn't normally encounter. If left in an uncycled tank, they will be exposed to ammonia, the insides of their gills will burn, and they will die a slow painful death.


P.S. it's inhumane to freeze a fish to euthanize it. I don't know where you got this information, but the AVMA and every other organization that I can think of specifically says this method is NOT acceptable because it is slow, painful and torturous to the fish. It's disgusting that you would do something so cruel to a fish, and it's pathetic that you continue to spew this misinformation around.

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Anglers can be weaned onto frozen foods quite easily. I'd recommend that you use a target stick. Also, the angler will eventually reach around 5". Sargassum anglers have been known to jump, and do so very well. Many anglers can eat things twice their size and often try to. Good luck.

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there are bacteria and parasites and things that are in your tank that arent in the ocean (not here, anyway). if you release them, they will free that into a non-native ecosystem and can really #### it up.


if you dont want them, give them to someone that absolutely will not ever let them free, or put them in the freezer in a cup of water. one of the most humane ways to euthanize a fish.



of course there are. to collect anything you need to be licensed at the very least with the paid florida saltwater fishing license, otherwise it is collected illegally, such as in this case. if either of these fish are protected, it just went up in severity.


Kid was 6, not collected illegally. That is why you should always hire child labor.

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