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Japanese Spiny Lumpsuckers.......


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EDIT as of 1/26/13....




For your viewing pleasure I present to you..............the Japanese Lumpsucker (Lethotremus awae)




Yes its happening.

Working out details.

I will leave you with pictures of the TWO species of Japanese Lumpsuckers.

Eumicrotremus Pacificus

Eumicrotremus Taranetzi

Better get your coldwater tanks sorted out soon ;)

Edited by AquaticEngineer
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They are quite cute in a strange way. Been a while since I've seen these guys. I remember a German aquarist breeding them a while back (probably 8-9 years ago) and offering them for sale.

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They are quite cute in a strange way. Been a while since I've seen these guys. I remember a German aquarist breeding them a while back (probably 8-9 years ago) and offering them for sale.


If only he still was it'd be so much easier to get ahold of these little turds.

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Average Size?


Will breeding pairs be available?


Care tips?


Looks Cool :D


Should know more on prices soon.


Max size on the E. Taranetzi is 5.9cm (2.3")


Max size on the E. Pacificus is 20 cm (7")


I'll be trying to pair them off as soon as possible to breed them myself but both males and females will be available.


Care tips would be low flow, lots of structures they can adhere to, and no big or aggressive fish.

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These little guys look awesome!


Would the micro-reef 2gallon nano be sustainable for these little guys?


Edited by DCstrX
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These guys rule!! Keep us posted, well especially about the E. taranetzi, perfect for a nano.
Exactly why I want them B)



Would the micro-reef 2gallon nano be sustainable for these little guys?


The exact tank I'm gonna put one in on my desk right next to the computer I'm typing on :D Edited by AquaticEngineer
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Micro-Reefs Aquariums

Holy Toledo!


Has Supernip stumbled yet on this thread? If he sees this he is going to go nuts and try to get dibs on these guys.


F@#% stop the press, I will showcase this little dude in our new 6.2 AIO temperate system!


I am freaken without words, simply one of the reason I wanted to go cold water, just to have one, I have never seen in my life something so cool as that!


And it lives in 55 degrees of COOLNESS! Hey that is what we are all about!


Stu / Josh, you guys are off the hook!



Edited by mikeguerrero
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Looks like you're gonna get a few more orders from me Mike! Alongside The Custom, a few Cold water AIO's as well!

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums
Looks like you're gonna get a few more orders from me Mike! Alongside The Custom, a few Cold water AIO's as well!


Tell me about it,


Since Stu/Josh posted this thread my inbox became full with questions about our 2 gallon temperate tank and whether it would house one of these cool critters?


The answer is yes, we have successfully had 4 tiny fish in our 2 gallon for a very long time months now for all four and since January we had 2.


Our cold water tanks are perfect to own small tiny fish from the temperate waters. If you can keep the temps down to 55 degrees, they will do the rest!


We will be working on a new banner for our company just to showcase the Spiny Lumpsucker and our new AIO system! :o

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I thought you'd like this thread Mike ;)


We are working out the details on getting these guys stateside right now, so once we have the numbers figured out we could probably do a presale on them to prevent coldwater riots.

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums

Dude you guys rock!


While surfing on the internet, I read this article on Yahoo News about freezing your soda drinks fastest and I couldn't believe the report.


Evidently faster than a bucket of cold water with ice is dropping salt into the bucket and you will drop the temperature even more, are you fuc@#$I kidden me, why wasn't MICRO-REEFS LLC notified when I was doing my R&D! :o


Here read the quote:


"The Solution

I had read that putting salt in the ice water can chill your drinks even faster. Why would this work? Salt water has a lower freezing point than fresh water (which is why salt is often put on roads to prevent icy conditions), and adding salt to a bowl of ice water actually decreases the temperature of the water.


Still, I had to put this to the test. Sure enough, after 8 minutes in salted ice water, the drinks dropped to 44°F. Ah, nice!"


They got 50 degrees with just regular fresh water and ice!


Oh my lord! I did the test with just plain fresh water and never added salt!


My tank arrives tomorrow along with my stand!


Dude this is too cool to be true, did I say too cool? Yes I did.... LOL

Edited by mikeguerrero
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Yes its happening.


Working out details.


I will leave you with pictures of the TWO species of Japanese Lumpsuckers.


Eumicrotremus Pacificus



Eumicrotremus Taranetzi



Better get your coldwater tanks sorted out soon ;)


so you gonna be sending me a pair of red E. taranetzi?

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I thought everyone knew the salt water trick. :D


you can make homemade icecream with the salt ice.


BTW, I saw these at the aquarium of the pacific couple months ago.

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums
I thought everyone knew the salt water trick. :D


you can make homemade icecream with the salt ice.


BTW, I saw these at the aquarium of the pacific couple months ago.



Nice! ;)


Very soon they will be seen not only at public aquariums but at Micro-Reefs LLC....

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I thought everyone knew the salt water trick. :D


you can make homemade icecream with the salt ice.


BTW, I saw these at the aquarium of the pacific couple months ago.

Speaking of ice cream, I got a great idea about using a dehumidifier-based chiller to make ice cream. They are super powerful and cheap.

Very nice lumpsuckers. Too bad the pacificus get 7", I like the shape of them.


And micro-reefs is going to sell livestock!?:):):):):)

Edited by asid61
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