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Innovative Marine Aquariums



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Info on the book "Nano Reef Aquariums"


Link to info on the book and update on its content can be found at :




I added a few more topics, and expanded some others. For a listing of all the topics included go to the above link.


Ordering information is listed at the bottom of the Post.


Currently 310 pages are written ! I am still ahead of target I had set for myself.



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Thank you, I am trying to make it as an entertainer.

Yes Paul I noticed and you are indeed very funny in your posts always mixing a little humor in them which makes reading them always a pleasure.


Oh I met up with Slickwill at Pure Reef last Tuesday, but we both forgot that the store is not open on Tuesdays (that was not funny) but it was nice to meet him even if we could not go into the store, and have a good chat about tanks etc. He is the IBEW member that posts from time to time on the thread here.



Edited by albertthiel
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Just dropping in to say Hi.

I'm currently reading through a couple of your threads over at RC.

Pretty entertaining so far.

Wohnen Sie in die USA oder in Deutschland ?



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A few Pictures of a Tank I happened to see Today :



















A few more will follow once I have them downloaded



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Info on the book "Nano Reef Aquariums"


Link to info on the book and update on its content can be found at :




I added a few more topics, and expanded some others. For a listing of all the topics included go to the above link.


Ordering information is listed at the bottom of the Post.


Currently 310 pages are written ! I am still ahead of target I had set for myself.




AWESOME! So glad it's coming along so well!


Beautiful tank BTW Love all the LPS.


Oh got some pics for your thread.


Top Downs of Kevin < we named the clam Kevin looks like one with all that blue/teal.



Way more blue on Kevin then I noticed at the store. He is just a beautiful clam. I am in Love



Mushrooms, and King Midas and etc



Fish Bomb



Happy Nem



Punk Rockers, Fruit Loops, Eagle Eyes, and Radioactive Dragons



Rock Top Down with a Poe Bomb



SPS with the snake fish



SPS from an angle, I love all the caves.



Placement. The Rastas are double the size they were yesterday today. I am thinking they are happy! :happy:



That's all I got for now.... LOL

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I noticed and you are indeed very funny in your posts always mixing a little humor in them which makes reading them always a pleasure.

Thats because this is a hobby and this is a hobby forum. Hobbies are supposed to be fun, if not, they would call it work. I know a lot of people have nothing but worry and problems which makes me wonder why they would do this on purpose being they don't have to.

It boggles the mind. If I find this keeping me up at night, making me go broke, fighting with my wife, becoming a nervous wreck, growing hair on my knees, I throw it in the garbage. To me it is fun, cyano, white spot, black spot, pop eye, hlle, red bugs, green bugs, flatworms, ringworm, ringdings, bubble algae, bropisis, dropsy, fin rot, diptheria, osteoperosis, skuliosis, acne, it is all fun. I laugh at that stuff, Ha Ha. I was just laughing.

But if you read through some of these threads it is like Debbie Downer from Saturday Nigh Live.

I mean like, "Really" you have that many problems with fish, "Really".

Some threads go like, I came home and the first thing I noticed was that my dog died, then I saw my urchin sprawled on the floor, my wife also left me and the cat died. The next thing I noticed was that my other dog died. My nitrates are 712 but I think my nitrate kit is from the 70s. I have a hernia and yesterday I got fired.

I think I need some fish problems. I am going to remove all my water and replace it with saw dust to see if that causes a problem. Who knows, it may cure Hlle.

I just came back with another chalk bass, a glass cardinal and a big clam. I happened to go to a restaurant next to a LFS and just had to go in. So $100.00 later and I am a happy and full camper. Of course I am fairly sure I just exceeded the carrying capacity of my tank so that may be a problem. Great, then I can go on a forum and complain about it. OMG what am I going to do? :o

This picture has absolutely nothing to do with this post. I caught this little guy and just needed something to fill the page.



Edited by Paul.b
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Thats because this is a hobby and this is a hobby forum. Hobbies are supposed to be fun, if not, they would call it work. I know a lot of people have nothing but worry and problems which makes me wonder why they would do this on purpose being they don't have to.

It boggles the mind. If I find this keeping me up at night, making me go broke, fighting with my wife, becoming a nervous wreck, growing hair on my knees, I throw it in the garbage. To me it is fun, cyano, white spot, black spot, pop eye, hlle, red bugs, green bugs, flatworms, ringworm, ringdings, bubble algae, bropisis, dropsy, fin rot, diptheria, osteoperosis, skuliosis, acne, it is all fun. I laugh at that stuff, Ha Ha. I was just laughing.

But if you read through some of these threads it is like Debbie Downer from Saturday Nigh Live.

I mean like, "Really" you have that many problems with fish, "Really".

Some threads go like, I came home and the first thing I noticed was that my dog died, then I saw my urchin sprawled on the floor, my wife also left me and the cat died. The next thing I noticed was that my other dog died. My nitrates are 712 but I think my nitrate kit is from the 70s. I have a hernia and yesterday I got fired.

I think I need some fish problems. I am going to remove all my water and replace it with saw dust to see if that causes a problem. Who knows, it may cure Hlle.

I just came back with another chalk bass, a glass cardinal and a big clam. I happened to go to a restaurant next to a LFS and just had to go in. So $100.00 later and I am a happy and full camper. Of course I am fairly sure I just exceeded the carrying capacity of my tank so that may be a problem. Great, then I can go on a frum and complain about it. OMG what am I going to do? :o


Your so awesome! I love reading your responses, always informative and amusing! ;)

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Thats because this is a hobby and this is a hobby forum. Hobbies are supposed to be fun, if not, they would call it work. I know a lot of people have nothing but worry and problems which makes me wonder why they would do this on purpose being they don't have to.

It boggles the mind. If I find this keeping me up at night, making me go broke, fighting with my wife, becoming a nervous wreck, growing hair on my knees, I throw it in the garbage. To me it is fun, cyano, white spot, black spot, pop eye, hlle, red bugs, green bugs, flatworms, ringworm, ringdings, bubble algae, bropisis, dropsy, fin rot, diptheria, osteoperosis, skuliosis, acne, it is all fun. I laugh at that stuff, Ha Ha. I was just laughing.

But if you read through some of these threads it is like Debbie Downer from Saturday Nigh Live.

I mean like, "Really" you have that many problems with fish, "Really".

Some threads go like, I came home and the first thing I noticed was that my dog died, then I saw my urchin sprawled on the floor, my wife also left me and the cat died. The next thing I noticed was that my other dog died. My nitrates are 712 but I think my nitrate kit is from the 70s. I have a hernia and yesterday I got fired.

I think I need some fish problems. I am going to remove all my water and replace it with saw dust to see if that causes a problem. Who knows, it may cure Hlle.

I just came back with another chalk bass, a glass cardinal and a big clam. I happened to go to a restaurant next to a LFS and just had to go in. So $100.00 later and I am a happy and full camper. Of course I am fairly sure I just exceeded the carrying capacity of my tank so that may be a problem. Great, then I can go on a frum and complain about it. OMG what am I going to do? :o

My%20New%20Best%20Friend.jpg Edited by TeflonTomDosh
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AWESOME! So glad it's coming along so well!

Beautiful tank BTW Love all the LPS.

Oh got some pics for your thread.


Yes that is a nice tank indeed. It's a 500 gallon system that is at a Dentist's office.


Book is indeed coming along well and the section I just finished is on Montipora capricornis and M. setosa.


And thanks for all the pics on your tank. Looking super Randi! And yes that Clam is so full of color that it is indeed a joy to look at ! Very nice indeed.


Thanks. Albert

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I live in good old Germany :)

I know it well, used to visit Bielefeld several times a year, many many years ago when I was importing Dupla products into the US, and went to just about every large city, and visited plenty of shops but that was in the 80's and 90's. Haven't been back since unfortunately.



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Nice! A calming tank to look at before they mess with your mouth! Hey I would Love that!


Thanks he is really exceeding my expectations and I am so glad he is doing so well in the tank.


T5HO is all I am running it's a 4x39 watt fixture. Totally rocks! And I love the colors. :happy:

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always informative and amusing


Really, see, and I was trying to be serious then. I just can't win.


I live in good old Germany


I was just there a couple of months ago. I don't know if it was new Germany or old Germany and didn't think there was a difference so I am not sure which Germany I was in. We took a river criuse down the Danube whatever part of Germany that it. It was very nice. But the SCUBA diving there is kind of sucky. :blink:


This is my new best friend. She loves reef tanks.




Edited by Paul.b
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Thats because this is a hobby and this is a hobby forum. Hobbies are supposed to be fun, if not, they would call it work. I know a lot of people have nothing but worry and problems which makes me wonder why they would do this on purpose being they don't have to.

It boggles the mind. If I find this keeping me up at night, making me go broke, fighting with my wife, becoming a nervous wreck, growing hair on my knees, I throw it in the garbage. To me it is fun, cyano, white spot, black spot, pop eye, hlle, red bugs, green bugs, flatworms, ringworm, ringdings, bubble algae, bropisis, dropsy, fin rot, diptheria, osteoperosis, skuliosis, acne, it is all fun. I laugh at that stuff, Ha Ha. I was just laughing.

But if you read through some of these threads it is like Debbie Downer from Saturday Nigh Live.

I mean like, "Really" you have that many problems with fish, "Really".

Some threads go like, I came home and the first thing I noticed was that my dog died, then I saw my urchin sprawled on the floor, my wife also left me and the cat died. The next thing I noticed was that my other dog died. My nitrates are 712 but I think my nitrate kit is from the 70s. I have a hernia and yesterday I got fired.

I think I need some fish problems. I am going to remove all my water and replace it with saw dust to see if that causes a problem. Who knows, it may cure Hlle.

I just came back with another chalk bass, a glass cardinal and a big clam. I happened to go to a restaurant next to a LFS and just had to go in. So $100.00 later and I am a happy and full camper. Of course I am fairly sure I just exceeded the carrying capacity of my tank so that may be a problem. Great, then I can go on a forum and complain about it. OMG what am I going to do? :o

This picture has absolutely nothing to do with this post. I caught this little guy and just needed something to fill the page.



Paul that post made my day ... that is the funniest one you have posted so far and has got to be the funniest one on this 350 + page thread.


I could not stop laughing as I was reading it. I laughed aloud too and my wife was looking at me wondering what on earth is happening to my husband ! You are not only the super reef keeper but the coolest and funniest one I have ever gotten messages from.


And yes, you are right, keeping a reef tank "should" be fun and not a reason to have to go see a Psych and get Prozac because one's corals don't look good !


And since you don't worry, don't ... I am sure that all the fish you got will do just fine in your tank.


Even that Pinecone would fit in it, and if you had one you would not need a flashlight at night as it is bioluminescent in a few areas.. that green you see ... which gets red in color in the older ones. You should get one, they are easy to keep actually in 50+ gallon tanks with plenty of hiding spots and your tank sure has those.


Thanks for that post .. now I can go to bed and keep laughing when I think about your post. Thanks for adding some fun to it all.



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Guess what? My mandarins are spawning even as we speak, so to speak. I just went to check out my new fish and I see these two going at it. I didn't even realize my tiny female mandarin that I got so skinny was so fat. Thats all I need 417 new fish in the tank.

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Nice! A calming tank to look at before they mess with your mouth! Hey I would Love that!

Thanks he is really exceeding my expectations and I am so glad he is doing so well in the tank.

T5HO is all I am running it's a 4x39 watt fixture. Totally rocks! And I love the colors. :happy:

Yes indeed ... I guess it does calm people down before they go under that drill they use that makes your brain shake ! :-)


Happy for you that you made a real good purchase and take care of that clam ... it is a real nice addition to your tank .. and watch out for shrimp that crawl over it as that irritates them a lot ..



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B) I am by far," not" a nano tank expert. I have kept most, if not all of the fish that you would normally keep in a nano and I think I can I can keep most of them for their normal lifespan. I was never taken in my the new crazes although I did use a wet dry but I installed it long before they were invented. I think I got that from Guido Huckstead in the 70s. It just made sence to use bacteria and air to grow more bacteria, we just didn't care or even hardly know about nitrate. We kept no corals and the fish don't seem to care much anyway. I just came home with my wife from grocery shopping and I also picked up about two months worth of fish food. I bought two chowder clams for about a buck.

To me this all seems so simple, maybe I am old, set in my ways, or just plain stupid. I really don't know but for a hobby that has been around for 42 years there seems like an awful lot of problems.

Over on RC there is a debate (argument) going on on an ich thread. I tend to stay away from those because my theory of just keeping the fish in breeding condition by feeding live foods gets tensions up and tempers flairing. I hear all the time my tank is a time bomb because I don't quarantine. A 41 year old time bomb, I wonder when it will explode? They keep mentioning scientific theories, ich life cycles, theses'es done by marine biologists with more degrees than thermometers, but none of them, not one has done a study for 41 years and also none of them has an old fish tank, if they have one at all.

I once mentioned that I can cure PopEye in a few seconds with a hypodermic needle and I got all kinds of hate mail saying I can't tell people that because it is to hard and only a veternarian can do it. I'm an electrician and have done it dozens of times, never lost a patient. If it sounds different, people shy away from it. If my reef wasn't so old these "experts" would laugh me off the forums. But they have no explanation. I keep asking for anyone with an older tank who doesn't use a UG filter to raise their hand,

but I never see any hands. Just look around, no hands up. :P

Forget when I posted that I sometimes use Clorox to treat NSW and that the water in my tank now was treated with Clorox a long time ago. A whole cup as a matter of fact, great stuff, Not as sexy as "Purple Up"

"Red Slime Remover" Easy Off Overcleaner" or "Oil of Oley" but it works for me. It is very cheap so I guess it can't work. I also add a few drops of it in my skimmer cup when I clean it, but what do I know? I am sure there is a

$10.00 bottle of something else I could use. I bought a 50lb bag of Dow Flake ice melter about 6 years ago for my calcium, still have half a bag of it left. Seems to work even though t it turned into a rock and I have to chisel off pieces. I also use some baking soda, that is maybe 50 cents but the Epsom Salts must be about twice that amount.

Yes this is an expensive hobby. One season with my boat costs about what I spent on this tank in almost 42 years. B)

Only a union electrician could do what you're doing. I linked a few of your posts here to another reefer on my local club forum, he found them very helpful.

Keep it going bro.

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Really, see, and I was trying to be serious then. I just can't win.

I was just there a couple of months ago. I don't know if it was new Germany or old Germany and didn't think there was a difference so I am not sure which Germany I was in. We took a river criuse down the Danube whatever part of Germany that it. It was very nice. But the SCUBA diving there is kind of sucky. :blink:


This is my new best friend. She loves reef tanks.


No you can't but I like the funny and that new friend needs more than a seatbelt I think. Of course given my age I could be wrong ...


On the Danube at least it was Germany or Austria and not Romania, Hungary or Bulgaria :-) And true not much SCUBA in the Black Forest where it originates. I think I told you before, I took the Vienna to Budapest Hydrofoil but unfortunately it was the Russian made one .. not to much luxury on those :-(


Good night ... Albert

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Guess what? My mandarins are spawning even as we speak, so to speak. I just went to check out my new fish and I see these two going at it. I didn't even realize my tiny female mandarin that I got so skinny was so fat. Thats all I need 417 new fish in the tank.


Wow ... nice but you better get a big scoop to get the excess fish out of there so your tank does not crash because it is overloaded with all those extra tiny mandarins ... :-) :-)



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Yep, there spawning, I didn't even knew they liked each other



Well it sure looks like they do like each other indeed ... !


Pleasant caring for those 417 that you already counted .. :-) that was fast :-)



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