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Good luck Albert. Here it will start snowing tonight and we are supposed to get 10". The front of my house still has about 3' piled up from the last two snowfalls so it hard to find places for it. I have 20 gallons of gas on hand for my cars as I put a kit on my generator so that also runs on natural cooking gas. After Sandy I am very prepared.


Yes I heard on the News that it is heading your way but it is not over yet here ... right now the freezing rain just started again (28 F right now) .... and then they predict snow overnight and more freezing in the morning ... so I guess tomorrow will be a don't go anywhere day either ... at least people stayed home and it's not a mess like it was 2 weeks ago.


Hope all goes well on your side and I am sure it will as I know you are more than well prepared.


I am sort of but do not have a generator so if we loose power for a long time I may be in trouble ... but most of the electric wires here are underground so hopefully we will not loose it. In other parts of the general area over 130 000 people have lost power already.


Hopefully nothing further away from where I live will fail so we do not loose power at all ...


And thanks for the update from your side



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Not often people show the insides of their LED unit so I thought I would put a pic up of my new 50w Chinese nano LED full spectrum units inside. I have heard people say the build quality on cheap Chinese units will be poor, well I can see nothing wrong here nor with my 120w units build quality.


We have thousands of people flooded out of their homes here in the UK. Floods have hit the SE of the country worst but other parts are flooded as well. No snow and snow would have been a god send just rain rain and more rain combined with high winds and very high tides as a result.

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Not often people show the insides of their LED unit so I thought I would put a pic up of my new 50w Chinese nano LED full spectrum units inside. I have heard people say the build quality on cheap Chinese units will be poor, well I can see nothing wrong here nor with my 120w units build quality.



We have thousands of people flooded out of their homes here in the UK. Floods have hit the SE of the country worst but other parts are flooded as well. No snow and snow would have been a god send just rain rain and more rain combined with high winds and very high tides as a result.


Nice indeed Les and that is true one does not often see the "insides" of the LED fixtures ... thanks for that


And on another note ... all is well, did not loose power, it is still snowing but should stop in an hour or two but of course none of the road are drivable .... the Highways are ok but the local roads are not and I would not even try to get out of my sub-division because the roads are covered with snow but underneath there is at least ½ inch of ice ... so not going anywhere today for sure. But the good thing is that we had no power loss and no trees falling in the backyard due to the weight of the frozen rain and snow on the branches although some are bent quite a bit but they are all fairly "young" so I do not think any will break and fall ...


​All I can say is ... we are lucky in Alpharetta as other areas of Atlanta and surroundings got hit pretty badly and the latest I heard was that over 150 000 people lost power for at least 12 hours and some are still without power.



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About 6" of snow fell in the last hour. I never saw snow like this (and I saw a lot of snow) it is very light but instead of flakes, it is coming down in clumps as large as my hand. It is snowing to hard to snow blow as it is building very fast.

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About 6" of snow fell in the last hour. I never saw snow like this (and I saw a lot of snow) it is very light but instead of flakes, it is coming down in clumps as large as my hand. It is snowing to hard to snow blow as it is building very fast.

we get that kind of snow sometimes, crazy big "flakes".. we also get some really weird "stryofoam bead" snow..


there's a guy semi-local to me that is melting down snow to use as tank water.. tds was 1 according to his meter..

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About 6" of snow fell in the last hour. I never saw snow like this (and I saw a lot of snow) it is very light but instead of flakes, it is coming down in clumps as large as my hand. It is snowing to hard to snow blow as it is building very fast.


Wow that is a lot and BIG flakes for sure ... hope all will be ok for you ...


Here it finally stopped snowing ... snowed all night but now it looks like it is over ... lots of people still without power ... 247 000 is what they just announced on the news.




Oops sorry pic is upside down for some reason




Pic may be too large ... so it post that way ... odd

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About 6" of snow fell in the last hour. I never saw snow like this (and I saw a lot of snow) it is very light but instead of flakes, it is coming down in clumps as large as my hand. It is snowing to hard to snow blow as it is building very fast.


Maybe these come through OK





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we get that kind of snow sometimes, crazy big "flakes".. we also get some really weird "stryofoam bead" snow..


there's a guy semi-local to me that is melting down snow to use as tank water.. tds was 1 according to his meter..


Wow 1 TDS that is really clean water/snow coming down for sure ....


And yes we get those odd shaped flakes too when we have snow in ATL, which is unusual ... happens every couple of years ... I think the last substantial snow fall was in 2005 :)



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I always say that a TDS reading only tells half the story. Yes a low TDS reading is desirable but a zero TDS reading is ideal. The reason being a low concentration of solids might be made up of very bad elements. EG what if you had say a TDS of 5ppm most people would consider that quite good and safe but what if that 5ppm was made up of mainly cyanide? OK hardy likely but heavy metals liked copper or others could be departmental to your corals in low PPM concentrations. It's whats in the PPM of your water that matter most IMO.

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I always say that a TDS reading only tells half the story. Yes a low TDS reading is desirable but a zero TDS reading is ideal. The reason being a low concentration of solids might be made up of very bad elements. EG what if you had say a TDS of 5ppm most people would consider that quite good and safe but what if that 5ppm was made up of mainly cyanide? OK hardy likely but heavy metals liked copper or others could be departmental to your corals in low PPM concentrations. It's whats in the PPM of your water that matter most IMO.


True the number itself is only a measure of what remains but without knowing what it is as you say it is difficult to determine whether even a low level is fine ... now cyanide as you say is unlikely but copper is always a possibility in certain areas where the water comes in through copper pipes as it does in many many areas .. but other heavy metals may be dissolved also and over time could cause their levels to rise too high to be safe for the corals and even for some delicate fish and shrimp etc ...



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We got about a foot of snow so far and now it is raining just for the sloppiness factor. My snow blower can just about throw the snow higbh enough to clear the piles from the last two snowfalls and it is piled now about 5' on the side of our sidewalks.

My 40 year old snow blower keeps chugging along. I just had to replace a spring today which is not bad for a machine that old. And I used to use the thing commercially years ago when I had a snow plowing business.

So now I will go have a Brandy and sit in front of my fireplace. My fish don't care a bit how long it takes me to clear the snow, bunch of good for nothings.

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We got about a foot of snow so far and now it is raining just for the sloppiness factor. My snow blower can just about throw the snow higbh enough to clear the piles from the last two snowfalls and it is piled now about 5' on the side of our sidewalks.

My 40 year old snow blower keeps chugging along. I just had to replace a spring today which is not bad for a machine that old. And I used to use the thing commercially years ago when I had a snow plowing business.

So now I will go have a Brandy and sit in front of my fireplace. My fish don't care a bit how long it takes me to clear the snow, bunch of good for nothings.


Must have been a real good quality blower you got if it has lasted for so long and is still kicking as they say ...


Enjoy the Brandy ... no that is not used for Carbon dosing also :)


Here everything is starting to melt as the sun is out and now we have the sludgy mess everywhere ... and of course the next thing will be that the melting slow will cause rivers and whatever else to overflow ...


But good thing that on your side it seems like it stopped also ... and hopefully this will be the end of all of these storms although I am not totally convinced that it is yet ... early in the year still and with everything that has been going on I fear there will be some more but HOPEFULLY I am wrong



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We are getting another 2-4" of snow tonight, that will make five feet of snow we had this year so far and it is the fifth snowiest winter so far in New York.


Well I remember from when we lived in CT all the snow we used to get every year or just about, but of course here in Hotlanta , oops Atlanta, snow is not a regular occurrence ...


This year we had not only 2 snowstorms so far but an Ice storm on top of it.


Right now everything seems to have thawed at least from the trees and bushes and in the streets for the most part, but they are expecting below 32 F temp tonight so all that moisture is going to freeze again ...


So I went to Sports Authority and bought a pair of skates for tomorrow :) Just kidding ...


And yes I know that NY and the NE got hit real bad this year but then so did a lot of the Country .... Randi .. in the Carolinas got 8 inches I read and I think for her area that IS a lot too ... not sure about others as I did not see any posts about it.


My fish and corals didn't seem to care btw .. they just went on "doing their thing:, especially eating Clam meat and some Cal. Blackworms I had left, and then today I fed them some LRS Frenzy for Nanos from Larry ... and they love that too ... This morning they got Cyclop-eeze and snow or snow it did not faze them a bit from what I could tell ....






Oh and since it is Valentines Day tomorrow I got some flowers for Sarah, and I am wishing all readers a Happy Valentines day ...



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I have some snow pictures but my picture posting does not work again. It only works certain times of the day on this site which is wierd



Yes I remember you had that happen before I think ... odd indeed Paul ...



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Oh good, it's snowing here for a change, How nice. :wacko:


Gee Paul ... it is not giving up is it ?


Snow and more snow ... and then more snow ... I think we need to change the City name to Snow York :)



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This is from my front door


It could be worse.


Man oh man ... and we thought it was bad here .... jee ... well hopefully that is the last of it ..



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