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BIG 20 It's dog eat dog.


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It does when they're on the glass, but they are partial to certain corals. The Scoly, Duncan's, Maxi and pink-n-gold Palys. Siphoning causes bruising on the lps tissue. Do you think my tank can support a Mandarin? K has always wanted one.

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Secret to flatworm exit, in my experience, is to do the first big treatment with big water change and carbon afterwards, then treat every 4 or 5 days, just carbon and lots of flow. After a week they were gone in my 40, 20 has them now and one treatment done.


I lost my first flame hawkfish in the 40 ... O2 sensitive and I left skimmer off too long, apparently.


Your tank looks fantastic, as usual. :)

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Thanks Mark. I just treated it the one time and didn't check out my cannister filter that I had set up with carbon. Had an issue with the impeller (user error). So was a little late in running the carbon. Plus I had a shit ton of them in the tank.

I could probably catch the clown but not the goby. The clown has literally jumped out of the tank in an effort to bite me.

Before I took out the anemene, I had my own beating stick that I used to disturb the anemene because it was expanding so big during the day that it was killing my zoas and candy cane. The clown didn't like me messing with it.

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Yes. She don't clown around. I did pick her up off the floor and put her back in the tank. I don't hold a grudge.


Starting to rain here. That's nice. I just finished watering the front and back.

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Batman has been sighted. Back of the tank on the glass behind the rocks.


Hard to see him sometimes because he is so black that he absorbs the light. Puts me in mind of a black hole.

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  • 2 months later...

Yes. Its going in the 20L. So congested with coral that the pumps I have in it just are doing it.


Maybe its time for a pic dump.


edit; aren't

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I have so many battles going on in this tank. I should rename it "20L War Zone"

Bout time. :) Screw clean glass pictures.

I'm going to clean the glass and take a decent FTS shot. Might even get the tripod out to steady my phone.

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Lol, I knew you still have a tank.....just tried to give you a hard time.


Having said that.......Geez....that is one packed tank!!! But looks good to me.

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Lots of dead spaces. Hence, the Vortech.

I have a pretty big scoly and bubble coral that you can't even see without doing some crazy head rotation ish.

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