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Biocube 29 w/LEDs: A learning experience.


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Somehow, the 'shroom is staying exactly where I set it, even without glue.



Did some target feeding in the dark tonight. Amazing to see how responsive the hermits and star were compared to daytime feedings.

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OMG, I'm such an idiot.


If these clowns survive, it will be because they are superpowered, despite my continual screwups.


After the WC on the 24th, I forgot to plug the heater in, and didn't catch it until today's WC. (Less of a problem in July than December, to be sure.)


Temp was surprisingly only down to 71F, and they were still eating. I let the WC water cool off a bit and turned on the heater in the QT before completing the WC, but still got about a 7-8 degree temperature jump.


Between the stress of this and the ammonia emergency in week 1 of QT, if they haven't displayed any sort of illness symptoms, there's certainly nothing wrong with them.

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Gives me inspiration to name them, though.


Kara and Jimmy


Kara as in Kara Zor-El AKA the indestructible Supergirl, and Jimmy as in Jimmy Olsen, who despite having been captured by a million bad guys, never dies.

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Oh, look. An FTS.




I noticed that the monti-cap that I placed as a sort of bridge is starting to grow along its edge into the shape of the rock next to it. I didn't think it was an encrusting type, but cool nonetheless.

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Finally got tired of my idle skimmer and decided that if I couldn't get it to work tonight, it was coming out.


An hour later, and with the upper water intake completely out of the water and dialed all the way open (!) so water drains out instead, and the bubble level is finally where it should be, the collection cup doesn't fill with clear water in 90 seconds, and it just might work.


The "recommended water level" markings are an inch and a half above the water level, maybe more.

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I have no idea.

Only one way to tell:

Experiment time!

(You do own a lab coat to go with those stilettos, right? )

Lab coat? No. But I do have a beating stick.

PM me your addy again, have some soop with your name on it.

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Finally got tired of my idle skimmer and decided that if I couldn't get it to work tonight, it was coming out.

An hour later, and with the upper water intake completely out of the water and dialed all the way open (!) so water drains out instead, and the bubble level is finally where it should be, the collection cup doesn't fill with clear water in 90 seconds, and it just might work.

The "recommended water level" markings are an inch and a half above the water level, maybe more.


I had to lower my water level about an inch and close the water exit as much as possible to get decent bubble/foam production. The problem I than had was evap would lower the water to where the skimmer wasn't do anything most of the day.

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I have an ATO now, so fluctuating water level isn't such an issue now.


Last night, I moved a couple corals in preparation for Tuesday's arrivals. Two seem quite happy with the relocations. I forgot to look at the third, actually.

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Boyd's ChemiClean is in hand. Will be treating tomorrow.


Also lucked out and one of the LFS had exactly the pellet reactor I was looking to try out.


I'll swap it for the refugium basket if it fits.


All this gives me an excuse to completely scrub out back chamber 2.

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Tank is progressing. Did you get the Kessil?

Oh and what are you going to do with the JBJ led? I want to make a small frag tank and need a new LED light.

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Haven't decided. Right now, the JBJ is still mounted and my primary light. Since the Kessil isn't dimmable, I'll probably use it for light acclimation for at least a while. The Kessil is mounted, but not plugged in yet at this point.

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Did the Chemiclean treatment last night.


Srubbed out chamber 2 and pulled the media baskets to clean them. Chemipure Elite is out during treatment and skimmer is off. Put the airstone into chamber three, just until the Chemiclean treatment is done. The refugium basket stayed out, the media basket went in with only purigen and floss.


The pellet reactor fit like a glove, and by bottom mounting it, I was able to keep my chaeto above it. (Which should melt away even faster being downstream from the reactor, I'm guessing.) I wonder if I could DIY a divider and tumble two different things in it side-by-side... Say NPX pellets on one side and 2LF Reborn on the other?

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Why wouldn't you have the Kessil on yet? Use the gooseneck to acclimate. The whole dimming thing is way overrated. Your tank and corals will be much nicer with the Kessil running over it.

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Because the gooseneck kind of sucks?


Remember, my tank is bigger, so it's further out to center the light over the tank. That means I don't have much up/down available to change the intensity, since the A150W isn't dimmable.


Eric seems to think you are after the new Kessil 350, because it IS dimmable... Was he wrong?

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Because the gooseneck kind of sucks?


Remember, my tank is bigger, so it's further out to center the light over the tank. That means I don't have much up/down available to change the intensity, since the A150W isn't dimmable.


Eric seems to think you are after the new Kessil 350, because it IS dimmable... Was he wrong?


Then shorten your light schedule for awhile.


The only reason I wanted the 350 is the color spectrum. I want a TAD more blue. 15k is too much and the 10k needs ALITTLE more. While it is "dimmable" it won't ramp up and down which is what people like. I don't like that. I like to set it and leave it. I don't need my lights slowly coming on and off and neither do my livestock. I've never had it before and I don't intend to ever have that feature.

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