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Biocube 29 w/LEDs: A learning experience.


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I've pretty much decided this guy's name will be Max.




Explanation: The Blue Max is the nickname of WWII Germany's highest medal for airmen, named for the color of the ribbon and the aviator to first receive the award, Max Immelmann. Immelmann also created the aerial maneuver named for him, that this fish was mimicking in front of the return grates for a while today.


Actually, this fish has been doing all kinds of cool maneuvers since he went in the DT, and often looks like fighter pilot moves. I couldn't find anything else concerning ace fighter pilots that connected to the blue color, so...

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QT and all components have been drained, cleaned with water and vinegar, rinsed twice, dried out, and re-filled. A new ammonia disk is hung, new ceramic rings, and a new sponge was soaked in the DT for five days. I'm trying a new thing instead of the activated charcoal this time. AquaClear has new filter inserts called "Zeocarb" that are supposed to be able to reduce ammonia, and last for a month.


Dracula Goby and Randall's Pistol arrive tomorrow.

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Thanks, I didn't get to take my usual picture of the Dracula in the Acclimate, the Pistol was in there doing his ultra slow drip acclimation, so I did the goby the old floating bag method. 1/4 teaspoon at a time.


The Pistol Pete did snap at me once when I was dumping him from the bag to the plastic box, though. It was cute, sounded like one of those little paper snappers you'd throw on the ground.


Ok, got a semi-decent picture of the Dracula goby in the QT.


Also, I guess I just lucked out again. The moment I bought the Assessor, it went out of stock, and it just happened again with the goby.


OK, everybody is acclimated: goby to QT and shrimp to DT.


The Randall's Pistol is under an inch long, so I may not see that one again for a minute.

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Freaky flyin' fish, Batman! I didn't know that shrimp gobies were jumpy. Nothing is near the QT right now, and the lights are off, but that guy keeps bouncing off the cardboard lid I've got on the tank, and loudly at that.

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And, after MUCH ado, the QT lid has been fabricated and should be on the way, if Kat's acrylic guy got it sent out.


Oh, and even with shipping, it cost $120 LESS than the local guy wanted without shipping.

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"Reinforcements" from John at ReefCleaners are in the tank.


Replacements for the deceased chiton and limpets, plus 4 more Florida Ceriths. (I think a couple of the old ones were evicted by hermits.


And... One brittle star. (Since hitch hikers are not forthcoming.)



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Deleted User 3
SO COOL watching the star King Kong its way around the tank.


Awww you got a starfish <3 maybe he'll hid and wave his arms at you when you're feeding like sherman did to me before his sudden illness so he doesn't right now.


PS coral photoss PLEEEAASEEE :D

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Stupidly busy day. Drove 2.5 hours (each way) to a reef club meet, picked up our new car, and I still haven't got the frags out of the bags yet to dip them. (They are floating in the QT right now, dip will be after dinner.) Two week QT is going to happen in a 1/2 gallon clear Tupperware container, right on top of the Gucci QT.


Pics soon, though.

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OK, so even after being in the bag for who knows how long, when I pulled the bags out of the QT to dip these, they were pretty nicely opened up, considering. I saw at least two dozen various critters jump out of the corals during the dip, so I guess it works. ;)


This is right after the dip in TLF Revive / Salifert FWE.


"Superman" Monti




Unknown Pink Hawaiian Zoa



I'm trying to coax them open right now for an open/extended picture.

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Also, I'm still keeping a close eye on the fish, but the single white thing I saw on the Assessor may have been a piece of sand. (Fingers crossed.)


Also, one zoa polyp opened.



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I've got my salinity issue beat. In 6 days, I raised the DT salinity by 0.005 each day, now at 1.025 again.


I've been peeking in the tank in the dark, and wow, but Kong likes to get around at night. I've found that brittle star on top of the MP10, all over the sandbed and all over the LR. During the day he stays in the cave the Firefish was using, and has made openings for all 5 arms. The Firefish, in the meantime has tried a couple different places to sleep, but hasn't found anything acceptable yet and has moved every night. Today, I made a small cave out of some of the rubble chips in there... I'll have to wait and see if it uses it.

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The new tank lid for my QT is here!


It's so svelte and smooth and dare I say? Sexy.




I'm going to make a tiny modification to the wire notch for the heater and carefully glue some bird mesh to the main opening, but yeah.


I like it.

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Dracula Goby jumped from the QT sometime last night.


I hadn't had a chance to glue the bird mesh on the new lid yet, so I had a 12-inch square of eggcrate sitting on top instead. Every time I saw him try to jump, he went straight up the glass, so I thought it'd be fine.


I guess not.


Only made it 16 days, poor bugger.


I guess I should have stuck with the cardboard box a while longer.


Further, the superman monti is probably dead. It never really got any color back after the drive back from Portland.


And finally, to add to the list of bad news, one of the two zoa polyps looks like it's melting. It too, never really opened up after driving back, but I thought it had a chance. Still have one polyp, wide open.


I think I'll move both frags to the DT today and see what happens.

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The zoa I thought was melting in the QT looks better in the DT. No clear stuff anymore, that is.


The healthier polyp opens pretty wide now. After I fed the fish today, I thought I'd try a target feed to the zoa with some of the reefcleaner food. Must be good stuff, because all of the hermits came running. I just used my tongs to move them away a couple times...

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Dracula Goby jumped from the QT sometime last night.

Further, the superman monti is probably dead. It never really got any color back after the drive back from Portland.

And finally, to add to the list of bad news, one of the two zoa polyps looks like it's melting. It too, never really opened up after driving back, but I thought it had a chance. Still have one polyp, wide open.

I think I'll move both frags to the DT today and see what happens.


So sorry to hear about your Goby. I looked at pics and it is a beautiful fish. :( I have a Citron goby and he is really fun to watch b/c he is really active and loves to eat shrimp right out of the pipette. I may have to get a mesh top for my NC 12G so he does not jump too. I have to keep the lid cracked open b/c heat from the CF lamps raise the temp too much. It would make me very unhappy to find him on the floor!


I hope your coral and zoas make it through the transition.


I enjoyed looking at pics of your tank. Good luck with it.

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Tank is looking great! I didn't even notice my last FTS is from when I first put my rock back in you can see some of the rock in my new pics I will try and get an FTS up tomorrow.


again tank and crew are looking good sorry to hear about the goby, mine swims/jumps alot but have yet to see him for for the hood, mostly just upper water column.

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