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Our friend Jeremai has passed away.

Christopher Marks

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I am not a lounge poster...just a lurker. So I had witnessed Jer hazing newcomers. Probably a couple of years ago I posted a totally noob question in the photography section. I saw that Jer had posted and thought I was going to hear it. Actually, he was clear, to the point and extremely helpful and never mocked my noobness. He even sent me a follow up PM to offer some more help. I read all of his posts differently after that.


I would be happy to contribute to something in his memory. A quick suggestion....maybe CM could contact the family and find out what would be most appreciated. Maybe he had a favorite charity that money was sent to instead of flowers or maybe he has a niece or nephew that needs help. You never know until you ask. Then we can put our resources in the most helpful direction. Just a thought.

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I'm more than willing to support whatever you guys choose to do in memory of jer, but I'd feel more confortable about it if we could contact his family.


To them, we're a bunch of strangers, so they may not take our good natured intentions the right way, especially if it's out of the blue.


I would really like to get ficklewaters saved as well if we could.

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Ugh. :tears: I have known Jer here for at least 4 years. He has helped with product development in some way or another via PMs. My brother just passed away at the same age and all those feelings come right back. WTF. This will be his parents worst Mother's Day :(



I was sorry to hear about your brother as well. I contributed to your sale in your brothers' name.

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I'm more than willing to support whatever you guys choose to do in memory of jer, but I'd feel more confortable about it if we could contact his family.


To them, we're a bunch of strangers, so they may not take our good natured intentions the right way, especially if it's out of the blue.


I would really like to get ficklewaters saved as well if we could.



I have made contact with his sister. I have pointed her towards this thread so her family can see how many people Jer actually touched in his life.

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I have made contact with his sister. I have pointed her towards this thread so her family can see how many people Jer actually touched in his life.


Excellent, thank you.


Should I still donate to your paypal?

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I have made contact with his sister. I have pointed her towards this thread so her family can see how many people Jer actually touched in his life.


Just don't let her go in The Lounge!! :huh:

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I found a cache of http://ficklewaters.com on Archive.org's Wayback Machine, but it seems to be only the front page that got crawled. I'm currently looking for a way into the Google cache of the site to see how much of it was crawled.

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Excellent, thank you.


Should I still donate to your paypal?


That is up to you. The donations will be used in a way to honor Jer. That way has yet to be determined. I have asked for his sisters help in that.



Just don't let her go in The Lounge!! :huh:


haha. She might get a kick out of some of his comments. I know I have been over the last hour since I discovered of his passing.

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Wow cant believe this....He was wise beyond his years. He was the first member to teach me the right way to take a photo...He will be sorely missed


R.I.P Jer

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Thats really terrible, 27 is soo young.



What really sucks is that the older you get, the more people start dyin on ya....


Ive always enjoyed reading his posts.

My condolences to his family.

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Jer, you will be missed. Even though most of the posts I saw were in the lounge, he was the best of all the lounge goers. Never rude to me when I asked stupid questions, always helpful when I asked reef-related questions. Just one of those amazing people that is nice to everyone and perfect all around. So sad to see you go, and we will remember you for as long as we live. :tears:


Avatar changed for Jer.

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Thats really terrible, 27 is soo young.



What really sucks is that the older you get, the more people start dyin on ya....



As I am 61, this is so true! :huh:


But I'm not plannin' on goin' anywhere soon!

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As I am 61, this is so true! :huh:


But I'm not plannin' on goin' anywhere soon!


Im only 35 dude, and I seen some of my best friends die right in front of me.

Just lost a guy I knew since I was like 6 last week, suicide.


In the end, we're all goin to the same place....

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:o That's terrible!

Good thoughts and prayers to Jeremai and those you know and remember him. Your bouncing elephant will be missed and remembered. -_-

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