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Angler Away! - Wartskin Macro Tank


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That is awesome beyond awesome.


And its going to look even better as stuff grows in.

Thanks! I'm very happy with it. I think there are a few more different types of macros that I want to add and then call it at that.



Also, I completely forgot to mention forgot to mention that I found (and ordered) saltwater ghost shrimp! They arrived with the rest of the macros yesterday and are hanging out in the back fuge section! I'm not sure if they will breed or not, but they are living very happy back there with some ulva.

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Beautiful macros, love the setup!



Thanks! I can't wait for it to all grow in. Should fill out nicely.

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No new pics to share (yet) but wow have things grown a lot. It amazes me how much these macros grow just over the weekend. I left Friday and came back today to find some much new growth it is amazing.


And the most interesting thing is...Pods....Everywhere. If I had a mandarin or six line in here, they would be in heaven. Every single wall of the acrylic is covered with Pods. I wish I could get my camera to capture it, but no luck yet.


The new gorgs are looking really nice. Full polyp extension and everything!


If things keep going at this rate (which I hope they do) I should be able to start trimming some of these macros and selling :).


The slowest growing so far looks to be the ochtodes. Everything else is growing like crazy!

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Lol...Nice pics. Too funny that you posted those, as the little guy was just doing that the other day. He always does that in the same spot too!





  1. Thoughts on branching coralline algae? I found some branching coralline algae for sale and was thinking of adding it to this. Anyone have any experience with this or pics to share? The type I found looks to come in 2 different colors, pink and purple.
  2. Green Hair Algae - It would appear that there is green hair algae growing on a few of the macros. Is this normal? Would it be wise to toss in an emerald crab to help remove it? Not sure if he is safe or if he will eat the macros or if the angler will try and eat him?
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That macro is really stunning, I've got to get my hands on some clippings!


I should be able to trim some before too long and can get some out to ya. Very easy to ship this (just ship via priority mail). I actually have a few smaller pieces that have broken off that are just floating around now, lol.


btw...your tank should be there today!

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Came back into the office today having not been here since Friday and wow! Brown tank walls!


Took the magnet scrubber to the tank and got off as much as I could. But it was all caked on there (honestly, I had been noticing specs of algae growing on the acrylic, just didn't think it would go crazy :)).


Anyways, decided it was time to take action and took out the never before used Acrylic Scraper. A little elbow grease and a few minutes of time and everything looks good as new.


Will try and get some pics at lunch after all of the lights are one. Right now, only the blue are on.

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Is that cactus caulerpa on the right?



what's the one that looks like cherry blossoms? :huh:

The one on the far left ? Paper towels :). Macro is still wrapped up in them!

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what's the one that looks like cherry blossoms? :huh:

I think that's the pattern on the paper towel its wrapped in :lol:


EDIT: Damn, got ninja'd!



That macro looks awesome! Won't be that helpful in a tank with a powder brown tang, but I definitely want to find a place to put it! :)

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They'll go in the tank in a few minutes. Then I have to leave the office. Not sure if I'll have time for pics. If not, I'll snap some tomorrow.

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Man, I gotta get some cuttings of those macros for my G. Ternatensis tank. PM me when it's time to trim.


I'd offer you some dragon's breath, but you already have some. Mine is ready to thin out. That stuff grows fast!


I have some pretty non-invasive caulerpa if you want. It's the flat-leaf variety (caulerpa prolifera). I would imagine you already have some. Let me know if you want some.


My blue ochtodes is going nuts under the 14k light in the pest crab tank, too.

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