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FS: Nano Magnet Cleaners

C Jerome

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You are very welcome, I am happy the Nimble and Super Nimble are working so well for you. If you get a chance post a photo and keep us updated.



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Hiya Jerome!


I'm buying a new 50 gallon acrylic corner tank and would like to purchase a "super nimble". Here is my email address. Quixsilver@aol.com Please send me some info on what I need to do to get my hands on one of these. Thanks! BTW you should get a website going. My wife can hook you up with a webhosting company for something like $20 a month!

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I will e mail you shortly, and I have a website that should be ready any day now. I have been busy getting ready for school and have not had time to do the final edit of the site. I will post the address as soon as I finish. Thank you for the web hosting offer.


Those who have PMed me I will get back to you as soon as I can, I am sorry for the delay.



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Received my Nimble yesterday and it works great. Cleaned up my Nano Cube and what a difference in size to the stock cleaner that came with the Nano.


Great product.

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Got mine a couple of days ago. Works great on my 5 gallon acrylic mini bow. Ive got some rock less than 1/2' from the sides and this thing has no problem at all getting by.

Thanks Jerome, your not gonna get rich off this thing, but hopefully, collectively, we can help add a coral or two to your tank.


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JDmac and lakedawgs


Good to hear your Nimbles arrived and are working well. As you said I am not going to get rich but like many others I am trying to defer the costs of the hobby, and help people keep their tanks clean. As you said one of the best features of the Nimble is that it can squeeze into those very low clearance spots between your rock work and glass. Thank you for letting me know they arrived



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  • 2 weeks later...

i got my nimle about a month ago.

I used it on my Eclipse Six acrylic tank and


just gotta becareful not to get sand caught in the scrub pad.


thanks C. Jerome.

Nimble is great, glad I never spend $ on a mag float.

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Thanks for the report back. I am glad to hear the Nimble works well on your Acrylic eclipse 6. I had one as my first nano and really liked the tank. I wish I had had a Nimble to clean it!



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've sent him several PMs, an email and have paid him by Paylpal for a Nimble and still no reply. I know he's a long timer around here, but I still can't help but get a little nervous.



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I understand being busy, but if you collect payment and still dont respond to PMs or email, you probably can see the reasoning behind my impatience. That's just being polite and good business. =)



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