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NanoTopia's ZEOvit 80L [ ]


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Fantastic shots :D

Thanks Lalani :)



woah Christine you just got a compliment from the master! :D





W'oh! Is that a blue monti cap? I've never seen anything like that.

Montipora cebuensis


Like a monti cap but much thicker, plates the same way.


Funny story, this cebuensis is technically 3 years old. I scraped to off the reef two years ago because it died, so I thought. About 6 months ago I saw something growing in the place nothing had been for over a year. Like magic it has comeback to life from virtually nothing. It never had blue polyps when I remember it last time. The T5's have given it some really nice colour now so I thought it would be nice to post a pic.

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It's a very subtly beautiful piece. Something similar happened to a sunset montipora I had in my reef a few years ago. It fell over into a deep hole for a few weeks and I forgot about it. I was redoing my scape when I found it, all gray with barely any tissue, and I decided to place it back where it used to be. It ended up growing huge and bright and became one of my favorite pieces.

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This Acan is outgrowing the tank, something has to be done :P



When she was just a baby...


I've got a 4 head frag, is this what they look like bigger :) so purty

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lovely tank of course congrats on 2 years. I feed coral frenzy 2x a week, I figure they are too small to target feed and I don't want to foul the water but eventually I will do that.

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Marie, I feed frozen mysis and sometime clam with tongs. I gently place the food, piece by piece near the mouth of the polyp. I don't feed everyone each time, just randomly maybe 5-10 polyps 3 times a week. It sounds like a lot of work but really it isn't, I just do it when I feed fish. I am also feeding the Blastomussa this way. There is no waste as everything is consumed and I haven't notice nutrients rise because of it. Of course I would not over do it, just a little each day or couple times a week is fine.

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Beautiful shots :)


Are you dosing PIF and Jod Complex? I'm still having a wee bit of trouble with blues. Though I'm not on Zeo anymore, still have the supplements :)

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Beautiful shots :)


Are you dosing PIF and Jod Complex? I'm still having a wee bit of trouble with blues. Though I'm not on Zeo anymore, still have the supplements :)

PIF only, I was thinking to add JOD complex as it is a mix of organic and inorganic Iodine. PIF is only inorganic iodine. I have found potassium helps also with the blues a little but nutrients in general seem to make most of the difference along with light spectrum. The dark blues and purples are hard to get in a nutrient starved tank like a Zeovit one.


I have a purple millepora that just refuses to colour up despite every attempt and method, but it is growing quite well. I think corals that have been damaged or subjected to pests and dips etc, sometimes can never come back. It's like they are damaged somehow, maybe the DNA or some mechanism that determines pigment colour. Just one of my theories though. ;)


I say start dosing the PIF and see what happens. Then switch to JOD and see what happens. Most people dose a little of both.

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I've had a similar experience, a couple of blue millies that just refuse to color up!!! One of them started out royal blue, then green, then brown, and now green again....I don't think its ever gonna come back....and I seem to have this problem most often with millies/prostrata. The other acros color up just fine, regardless of dips/pests. I agree with your theory about them crossing the line of no color return :). But if there's a way, I'd like to find it.....just no point risking the whole system, while chasing colors for a few :)


I do alright with the other blues, lighter shades of blues. No deep blues, but then again, doubt I even have a deep blue coral to begin with.


Come to think of it, I don't remember seeing any exceptional dark/solid blues in Zeo tanks either...Hmmm

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I've had a similar experience, a couple of blue millies that just refuse to color up!!! One of them started out royal blue, then green, then brown, and now green again....I don't think its ever gonna come back....and I seem to have this problem most often with millies/prostrata. The other acros color up just fine, regardless of dips/pests. I agree with your theory about them crossing the line of no color return :). But if there's a way, I'd like to find it.....just no point risking the whole system, while chasing colors for a few :)


I do alright with the other blues, lighter shades of blues. No deep blues, but then again, doubt I even have a deep blue coral to begin with.


Come to think of it, I don't remember seeing any exceptional dark/solid blues in Zeo tanks either...Hmmm

Bello, I am trying something a little unconventional ATM with KZ Sponge Power. I am dosing 10x the recommended amount (don't try this at home) right now, once a week. My hypothesis is that it will boost zooxanthelle reproduction and tissue growth on SPS corals. The experiment is young but I see some positive signs already, not conclusive of course. My main test subject is a Millepora that is growing quite well but I cannot get the body to colour up fully the way I expect it should be. Tips are showing colour along with polyps but the body is more in the light browns. Coralline growth seems to be benefiting with this higher dose of Sponge Power, deeper colours and increased growth. Time will tell and I will update in a month or so.


There are really two types of Zeovit tanks, ones that dose tissue lightening products (B-Balance/ZeoSpur2) and those that don't. You can achieve some good solid colours in a low nutrient system if it is running efficiently. By that I mean effectively controlling nutrients in a balanced way. This would allow for extra feeding while still keeping the nutrients low. Low nutrients leads to pale colours and slowed growth, if feeding is not done at a suitable rate you will see corals begin to do poorly. I think we have all experienced this at one point or another. If you can get the biological filter working efficiently, you can begin to feed AA and other foods that will darken tissue. With the right light spectrums in conjunction, you can pull off some really nice colours. This is easier said than done and requires a lot of experimentation with dosing and light spectrums. I am still experimenting which means I am not 100% happy with my colours. :)

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Bello, I am trying something a little unconventional ATM with KZ Sponge Power. I am dosing 10x the recommended amount (don't try this at home) right now, once a week. My hypothesis is that it will boost zooxanthelle reproduction and tissue growth on SPS corals. The experiment is young but I see some positive signs already, not conclusive of course. My main test subject is a Millepora that is growing quite well but I cannot get the body to colour up fully the way I expect it should be. Tips are showing colour along with polyps but the body is more in the light browns. Coralline growth seems to be benefiting with this higher dose of Sponge Power, deeper colours and increased growth. Time will tell and I will update in a month or so.

Not a fan of spongepower, just recently stopped dosing it.


Caused bubble algae and bryopsis, maybe it was b/c it took a tank with enough nutrients and put it over the top.


Same exact thing happened with a friend.


Sponges loved it, clam and acan did as well, only problem is so did the nuisance algae.


I wouldn't say "don't try this at home" simply b/c every tank is different and it might work for some people. If people wanna experiment with their tank and understand the potential risks, go for it.

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I am curious if it works, like many others. From what I understand about the product, it will... or should :)


Ben, once your fingers touch the magic blue bottle you will be forever a Zeovit user. :)


Yes I :wub: you Ben :rolleyes:

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After I posted that I thought that I should have put "do you still think I'm pretty?" Lol


It says 8 weeks of dosing for severe infestations. Mine isnt to that point yet, so we'll see!

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I am curious if it works, like many others. From what I understand about the product, it will... or should :)


Ben, once your fingers touch the magic blue bottle you will be forever a Zeovit user. :)


Yes I :wub: you Ben :rolleyes:

It has that affect on people





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I always enjoy visiting this thread. :) That Montipora cebuensis is quite attractive ... will have to add to my list of too many montis.

Thanks Mark, nice to have you here on my thread :)


The monti is growing albeit slowly, I hope to start fragging it in a couple of months. Normally I am not big into fragging but where this one sits it is in the way so it's going to get chopped.

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Thanks Christine...It's certainly possible....I've got about 200ml of SP still left, so I'll wait till you update, lol :). Can't risk being a guinea pig this time around. I'm pretty happy with about 80% of my coral and colors.........It's just the last hurdle IMO.


BTW, I'm now 99% sure, I'll be taking down the dropoff....will start a new thread about my ghetto nano frag tanks, so I can hang around NR some more :)

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