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Euphyllia's Greenhouse - Highland Jungle


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and love the greenhouse i wish i wasent soo lazy or i would try something like it.....but im soooo lazy :slap:


Haha, that's where I was actually planning on ordering my pitcher plants and tillies from! :lol:


Thanks. Verifies that it's an awesome source. :)


the pics i saw of your poly carbonates


Nonono, it's a polycarbonate panel. It doesn't have many layers... It means it's plastic. :P

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i have order from there 6 or so times great place ;)


Awesome! I was gonna order from them when I was trying to scrap together a cheap viv, but it never worked out.


Euphy you need to get a blog or something to post all this stuff on


Haha, blogs are hawkward. :lol:


This is more fun because it sparks discussion!


Blogs were so 2007. :rolleyes:

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The first two are cheap pitcher plants. The third is a tillandsia that can get up to 1' in diameter, perfect for a hanging basket. The fourth is spanish moss, a kind of tillandisa, for decoration.


Remember how there will be three hanging baskets? The middle one will hold the tillandsia and the two on either side will hold the pitcher plants. I will put the spanish moss around them to make it look pretty and stuff... :P




I'll be ordering next week (probably)... :D

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Don't those things eat bugs? I meant they catch them in the cup and slowly digest them in their stomach acids they keep in there? Creepy, but cool!


I would want some Venus fly traps to!

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Don't those things eat bugs? I meant they catch them in the cup and slowly digest them in their stomach acids they keep in there? Creepy, but cool!


I would want some Venus fly traps to!


Yup, that's them!


Placing order for them right now. :)

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Here's what it boiled down to...




All of the pictures are from the website I ordered from EXCEPT for the tillandsia, which is the "air plant" in the bottom left corner. On the website, the picture was just a little 3" plant, so I decided to find one that showed how the plant would look flowering at full size. The one I ordered was "Large", so that could mean anything... The medium was listed as 6"-8", so I assume the large will be around 10" or more. That will be big enough to produce a good sized flower. :)

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Bug eating plants are so cool!


Yeah, they're awesome! I won't really have to feed them because there will be so many bugs already in there. They'll be like my personal exterminators. :P

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This is going to be an awesome greenhouse! Get some Drosera and venus flytraps to!


Haha, I'm more interested in the pitcher plants, but I'll probably end up getting some of those in my next few orders. I've already made the first order, with the four things I put in the pictures, but those are basically cheapies to test out on just so I can get the hang of watering, lighting and temperature/moisture control of the species. I will more than likely place another order after end of January IF this order goes smoothly and the plants do well.


I'm thinking about a misting system... All I need is some PVC hooked up to a hose and just turn the hose on for a few minutes, or on a continuous low-flow for an elongated period of time in the summer. Should be pretty easy and cheap too. :)


I'll post pictures when the stuff comes. :D

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Alrighty, so I just checked my hydroponic pineapple and I realized I left a chunk of pineapple where the roots would be growing through! Then I looked closer and saw this...




See those transparent-white little thread-like roots coming out through the fruit? :happy:


That's what the roots look like, but they come in about 6"-10" and really thick when fully rooted. That's when I will transplant them into the greenhouse. They shouldn't be fully rooted until a bit after I get the greenhouse fully set up, so it's chill. :)

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I uprooted that first pineapple I planted and started it in a vase of water, as I did with this last one. It hasn't grown much on the roots and really wasn't going to go anywhere but downhill. I think the water vase method is a lot easier than what I've been doing!


Cool! It's Alive!


Yup! I was surprised how fast it's grown. It's just been a few days. :)

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I uprooted that first pineapple I planted and started it in a vase of water, as I did with this last one. It hasn't grown much on the roots and really wasn't going to go anywhere but downhill. I think the water vase method is a lot easier than what I've been doing!



How I start all clippings and seeds.

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How I start all clippings and seeds.


Yup, makes sense now. I read so much online about how you shouldn't do that and why it doesn't work, but it just simply does work! That's how I'll be starting them from now on. Two are still in dirt... Wondering if I should change them over, or just let them be. Since you're a pretty experienced flower grower, what would you suggest?

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buy some plant auxins and put them in the water to stimulate root growth. youll have a much better success rate


plant biologists use auxins to regrow entire plants from single cells of a plant all the time (any of the cells amazingly)


I believe it's marketed as 'rooting hormone'

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Yup, makes sense now. I read so much online about how you shouldn't do that and why it doesn't work, but it just simply does work! That's how I'll be starting them from now on. Two are still in dirt... Wondering if I should change them over, or just let them be. Since you're a pretty experienced flower grower, what would you suggest?



mmc is right, it helps.


I would leave them if they have started rooting already, don't get them too wet, just water when you notice the sand starting to not stick to your fingers when you feel the soil for moisture.


Soaking them and keeping them in the much will only kill them by causing rot.


If you have success with the one you transferred then yes move the others, but I would wait and see if it works, or if you just planted them do it ASAP before the roots get used to the soil environment. You wouldn't think it but you CAN sunburn roots.

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