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msscha's 24 gallon office cube


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Maybe it is just my monitor but the color in your tank looked more intense in the before pic. (?) I wonder if that is to be expected.

Do you like the LED look better than the PCF?


Your tank looks great BTW! And that does look like a molt from a shrimp. I see those from the peppermint shrimp in my tank too.

Thanks for all the pics. Gorgeous!

LEDs Are In!







Edited by eitallent
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Hmm, maybe a molt from your sexy shrimp?


Also, besides the lighting, I was looking over your tank and it doesn't look like you have a powerhead in there at all. Is that correct? Just curious more than anything...have you upgraded the stock sump in the back? My ricordea seem to hate me because I have a koralia 240 in the display and an upgraded sump pump so there's not really a place in my tank with low flow. One of the ricordeas went MIA a week ago and hasn't turned up since! Have you had any problems with algae forming in low flow areas in your tank? Just curious more than anything-it looks great!

I think it was a sexy shrimp molt, too. I thought their molt was more brightly colored which is why I didn't assume that straight out :). I did buy a koralia, but the flow was too much (for my taste and the softies). The ocellaris loved it, though! I upgraded the stock pump to the marineland maxijet 900 (I'm pretty sure that's the one -- if you look it up on Amazon, you'll see in the comments that it fits the stock fitting for the oceanic bc 14 perfectly which is why I went with it.) The increased flow and directing the outflow against the opposite corner keeps things swaying nicely without sand storms. I do not have sps in the tank, though -- I think if you do, then you need higher flow along with a more sophisticated feeding program (include more zooplantkon of various sizes). I do not have problems with algae that are flow-related -- my problem with algae is that my adult algae eating snails are mostly dead (my last remaining, the beautiful burgundy-velvet-bodied turbo is in the process of dying). I do have a whole bunch of baby white snails that hitchhiked in on some chaeto. I am hoping they'll get bigger fast and take care of some of the algae growing on the back wall. I do get some detritus in spots, but the back rocks are not touching the wall so there is no place with truly dead flow -- the algae on the back wall sways nicely right along with the coral!

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Maybe it is just my monitor but the color in your tank looked more intense in the before pic. (?) I wonder if that is to be expected.

Do you like the LED look better than the PCF?

Thank you, eitallent! I think the reason the previous picture looks richer is because the color temperature was warmer -- with the stock flourescents, reds and yellow glowed but greens and blue didn't pop as much -- I would notice this when I brought coral home and it didn't look like it did in the shop! In this lighting scheme, the blues/green pop and the reds/yellows have gone orange-y. This is more how stuff looked when I bought it.


As for liking the look, I'm still at 50/50. I liked the warmer color temp, but it is my fault for not having gone with a blend of cool, neutral, and warm whites (I used 2 cool, 4 neutral). I don't think the cools have "bleached" out the look, but the overall effect is of looking into blue water rather than clearish-yellow water (okay -- before anyone freaks out, my water NEVER was actually yellow! Just trying to find the words to describe perception here :D). OTOH, I do really like the shimmer -- the shimmer is what I always imagined the tank would have -- it's what looking at sunlit, moving water is really like. Last but not least, it is absolutely the case that pictures are coming out better, with crisper lines and truer color. So, all in all, I do prefer the LEDs, though would have added a warm white to the mix to keep the reds/yellow more saturated.


Sorry -- that was a really long answer to a straightforward question!


Looks fantastic!!!!! That's totally a sexy shrimp molt.


My clown freaked out too, when I switched to LED. She was fine by the next day :)

Lol! I guessed later that it was but for some reason thought the molt would be brightly colored and wondered if my perhaps-still-alive hitchhiking pistol was about :lol:!


The clown is a bit calmer today, but has taken to her OCD-esque patrolling of a single corner the way she did when I first bought her. I really want to add another fish. She seemed to enjoy having a companion in the water column, even if it wasn't another clown.

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Interesting impact of the LEDs?


This morning, I got here about 15 minutes after the lights should've turned on. Most of the coral in the tank were already open, mostly fully so. This was not normal behavior with the stock lights when it would take about 30-45 minutes for all the coral to open up (the leathers tend to be first). I wonder if the LEDs wake them up faster?


Also noted that the water was warmer than usual. So, I don't know if that means the lights never turned off (should not have been the case given the timer) or if the hour longer daylight time means the water is staying warmer overnight. Nothing seems harmed, but I don't know.


In terms of colors, greens in the acan and duncans have re-emerged big time. Will try to get some more pictures soon!

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A few before/after LED pics


Just a few to show how the color has changed! All are organized with the most recent picture before LEDs were installed then a picture after the LEDs were installed.


Yellow Limpet -- the most dramatic example




Red Acan (I know it's not really red! The LED shows why I bought it in the first place -- very South-Florida looking!)




Zoas -- hmm, doesn't look like that big of a difference in the picture compared to what I perceive when looking at them (it's a pretty boring zoa all around!)




Just a cute one of the clown -- kind of blurry but she's sort of taking up residence in the toadstool leather. She doesn't actually sleep in it, but does seem to spend a lot of time brushing by.



Post-LED Duncans -- see the green on the stalk? That is new.


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Interesting impact of the LEDs?


This morning, I got here about 15 minutes after the lights should've turned on. Most of the coral in the tank were already open, mostly fully so. This was not normal behavior with the stock lights when it would take about 30-45 minutes for all the coral to open up (the leathers tend to be first). I wonder if the LEDs wake them up faster?


Also noted that the water was warmer than usual. So, I don't know if that means the lights never turned off (should not have been the case given the timer) or if the hour longer daylight time means the water is staying warmer overnight. Nothing seems harmed, but I don't know.


In terms of colors, greens in the acan and duncans have re-emerged big time. Will try to get some more pictures soon!


Wow. So it seems they really like the LEDs. Very nice. I plan to eventually upgrade to LEDs so I am glad to know your corals are happy and you are too. :happy:


Did you ever figure out if your timer is working? Looking forward to those pictures.

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The Newest Denizens


A yellow clown goby who's already earned the name "Pug" b/c of its adorable face! Bold, she is, unafraid of the ocellaris who has nipped softly twice (and is puzzled by Pug's utter lack of response to this). Pug is currently nesting comfortably in the finger leather, just like LiveAquaria said s/he'd do!


And a neon goby (dwarf variety!). I love the racing stripe and the colors are awesome under the LEDS.


I also got another peppermint -- it's hiding in a crevice!





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It's looking really nice! I was so excited when I switched to LEDs and loved the difference, but the camera never really captures the true depth of color you get with them :P

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It's looking really nice! I was so excited when I switched to LEDs and loved the difference, but the camera never really captures the true depth of color you get with them :P

Thank you! Took me a couple of days to get used to, but now I couldn't go back -- the LEDs make the tank look like I imagined it, with movement and flow. Pictures come out crisper for me, but it's true the colors are cooler and the shimmer doesn't come through at all! Still, I just want to spend hours gazing at it :lol:!

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Woo hoo! Everyone is still alive this morning. The neon showed up from somewhere in the rock when breakfast started circulating. Pug(nacious) is looking golden and beautiful, and it is sooo freaking cute when s/he perches on the finger leather's branches and surveys her domain (totally unfair, but I do think of her as a "she" b/c the coloring. I'll look how how to sex a goby B)). The peppermint is still alive, though hiding in a crevice. I do hope it survives the stress molt. I'm going to rename the clown, but I haven't chosen anything yet.


I reassured myself last night that the lights were really working by popping into the office just after 7:00. The lights were off and everything looked cool in the moonlights. The moonlights were re-positioned after the LEDs were installed -- the guy doing the work mounted them directly into the heat sink. They are the stock lights -- on the oceanic BC, the stock moonlights are LEDS, and come mounted in a short black tube about 1" high. In the stock design, they are recessed behind the fluorescent fixture; now, they are up front, so to speak, and much brighter in the tank. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing! No harm seems to come from it.


When I checked last night, the sexies were resting near each other, heads facing each other, with their little curved tails forming the outline of a heart. I swear! It was the cutest thing :wub:.

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WOW, changes to the tank since i've last been here. Congrats on the LEDs, the tank looks amazing, seems like everything is liking the new light.


New fish are adorable, Pug looks very cute perched in the leather.


Everything's looking great!



Sorry about your mam, i hope she feels better soon and wish her a speedy recovery.

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Pug is very cute. She is intensely yellow. She must have been well cared for at the LFS.


How do you like the dwarf neon goby? I looked at one as a friend for Skipper, not that he needs one as he seems to ejoy being the center of attention. However, it was always hiding in the display coral. Does your neon goby hide a lot? I want a character like Skipper and Pug. I guess I am spoiled for other fish now! :lol:

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Pug is very cute. She is intensely yellow. She must have been well cared for at the LFS.


How do you like the dwarf neon goby? I looked at one as a friend for Skipper, not that he needs one as he seems to ejoy being the center of attention. However, it was always hiding in the display coral. Does your neon goby hide a lot? I want a character like Skipper and Pug. I guess I am spoiled for other fish now! :lol:

So far, the neon is kind of hiding -- I can see him, but he's hanging out on the back rock in the cave. Pug is hilarious, though! She's been "swimming" around (gobies aren't always great swimmers) -- she goes for 10-15 seconds, then settles on some nearby support. Currently, she's riding the red grape caulerpa. She is adorable and goofy, and I hope she lives! My first attempt with this fish lasted only a few days, and it was miserably shy the whole time. I wish I knew what Pug was out looking for! Maybe she is hungry, as I haven't seen her go for food as fast as the neon did.

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Monday Morning Report


Everyone is still alive :D! I always worry about newcomers during their first few weekends. I am a bit concerned that Pug (the yellow clown goby) does not seem to be eating. She nibbles food that gets snagged by the finger leather, and she ventures out into the water column and swims around (and frequently gets nipped by the ocellaris for her boldness), but I've not seen her take food out of the water column. The neon goby is eating very well, though!


I've had to turn up the temp on the water heater -- my tank actually gets cooler as the day goes on now. I think what happens is that the fans turn off with the LEDs, and the heat that has been absorbed then dissipates, keeping the tank warm over night. When the fans come on the next morning, it actually gets about 1 degree F cooler within a couple of hours.


Also, my last remaining algae eater (other than at least 1 florida cerith that I don't see often) died, so I've ordered a snail-only cleaning crew from Reef Cleaners. This is my first mail order for live goods, and I'm curious to see how it goes.

Edited by msscha
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I have had the experience.


My first green clown goby hid all of the time, never ate, then jumped.


My current one is always out and is just adorable!!

I cannot tell just yet if the yellow clown goby is going to make it. Right now, she's exploring the various corals, and seems to be feeding...she stares, nips, stares, nips -- then goes off to rest in the finger leather. The neon is interesting to watch because it often swims upside down. I wonder if adding fish also energizes other inhabitants? The trimma goby doesn't care much, but Mama Sexy shrimp is out exploring more of the tank than I usually see her in.

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A seriously photogenic fish...


Can't help it! This fish is waayy cute :lol:! The acans aren't very happy about her attention though.








The neon is a bit harder to catch hold of



just a tank scene



UPDATE -- son of a #####, I think the neon has ich. It didn't see anything on it when I put it in the tank on Friday, but now, it is covered with white spots. I cannot deal with this today -- will have to look at this tomorrow. I am NOT HAPPY. My fault for new QT, and I know, I know, the new guy at lfs has just not been as good, but seriously? Damn damn damn.

Edited by msscha
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Enjoyed a panicked exchange with original lfs owners this morning -- I am going to try an intermediate step before going putting up a hospital tank. Since the neon is eating well, and actually seems to have fewer spots today, I'm going to try Herbtana first and see if an immune booster will help. Then, I'll keep a close eye on the fish to see how it goes. I have a 10 gallon I can use if it doesn't work. My new CUC should arrive today or tomorrow and that will help take care of the growing algae problem!


Update: it's the next day (Wed) and the neon looks even better than yesterday. He is so active in the water column and feeds as crazily as the clown does. I love to watch his blue stripe rippling through the water. This is a very attractive fish!

Edited by msscha
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My snails arrived from Reef Cleaners yesterday -- woo hoo! I had just purchased some salt water so I put a cup each into each bag, brought them into work this morning, and they are busy temp acclimating. There are a ridiculous number of snails...hope they all survive :huh: --and all of these from the 10 gallon snail package.


The neon looks nearly spot-free this morning :happydance:! And I think Her Majesty the Clown is in love with the Toadstool leather. She spends lots of her time undulating gently underneath it. For its part, the leather doesn't seem to mind at all.


Reefcleaners Awesome Haul!





Already at Work!



Snail Party!



Bonus Hermit Crab! (possibly red banded)



Curious Nassarius




Good Morning from Pug


Edited by msscha
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Aw! Pug looks precious! Lovely color. Is she eating a little better?


What a relief to know that neon will be OK!


I got the same order from Reef Cleaners. Everything lived!!! LOL

They seem like a lot but they all disappear into the sand, nooks and crannies of the tank. In the late afternoon I usually see the dwarf Ceriths appear, slowly eating their way up the tank. The Nerites usually congregate on the back wall by the pump nozzles during the day. I am sure they are having their daily zoning and planning committee meetings. Once in a while I also see a Nerite, gone rogue, on the live rock.


The pretty Florida Ceriths stayed closed for at least a week. I thought the were goners, but I was wrong. They stay safely, nuzzled in the sand. I notice they are really cautious and slow. This behavior of course is opposite the Nassarius snails who zoom around the tank at snail break neck speed! If there were such an event as snail races I would have to bet on a Nassarius after a morsel of food! LOL




My snails arrived from Reef Cleaners yesterday -- woo hoo! I had just purchased some salt water so I put a cup each into each bag, brought them into work this morning, and they are busy temp acclimating. There are a ridiculous number of snails...hope they all survive :huh: --and all of these from the 10 gallon snail package.


The neon looks nearly spot-free this morning :happydance:! And I think Her Majesty the Clown is in love with the Toadstool leather. She spends lots of her time undulating gently underneath it. For its part, the leather doesn't seem to mind at all.


Reefcleaners Awesome Haul!





Already at Work!



Snail Party!



Bonus Hermit Crab! (possibly red banded)



Curious Nassarius




Good Morning from Pug


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Aw! Pug looks precious! Lovely color. Is she eating a little better?


What a relief to know that neon will be OK!


I got the same order from Reef Cleaners. Everything lived!!! LOL

They seem like a lot but they all disappear into the sand, nooks and crannies of the tank. In the late afternoon I usually see the dwarf Ceriths appear, slowly eating their way up the tank. The Nerites usually congregate on the back wall by the pump nozzles during the day. I am sure they are having their daily zoning and planning committee meetings. Once in a while I also see a Nerite, gone rogue, on the live rock.


The pretty Florida Ceriths stayed closed for at least a week. I thought the were goners, but I was wrong. They stay safely, nuzzled in the sand. I notice they are really cautious and slow. This behavior of course is opposite the Nassarius snails who zoom around the tank at snail break neck speed! If there were such an event as snail races I would have to bet on a Nassarius after a morsel of food! LOL

I love the fish design in your signature -- very cool! I am also relieved about the neon -- he's such a pretty fish and I am so pleased that another fish is zooming around the water. He's already figured out I mean "food" and wherever I stick my face, he is there, with the clown right behind. I think the clown is happier, too, now that there are more active fish in the tank. It does seem that clowns are social, and do better with company, even if it's not their own kind :happy:.


I am not sure if Pug is eating or not -- I have seen her "dive" and "snap" at the rock/coral. I did some more reading on yellow clowns today, and while they are carnivores, they are planktivores, and do not go hunting so much as they wait for food to land near them. The trimma learned to eat out of the water column as did my rainfordi goby, so I have hope for Pug -_- . In the meantime, I am making sure to include cyclop-eeze at least once a day so there is food for her to eat.


Thanks so much for stopping by!

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