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~ Candy Land ~ New Pics up Radions are UP! Tons of Top Downs.


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is there a better suited tang for a tank like this? Just wondering cuz I'm thinking about getting a 40B in the future.

No. The Ctenochaetus tangs are the smallest they come, and the least aggressive tang is the powder brown (Acanthurus japonicus) but it gets larger and needs more space to itself than ctenochaetus tangs. None are a good match, IMHO, unless you have plans to move them quickly, as tangs aren't slow growers (except the really large tangs, like the clown or orange shoulder).

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Thanks guys just mulling it over. I loved his color and would love to get another bright guy. We will see what I can get local since I do not want to risk shipping again.


Jedi thanks for your input greatly appreciate it.

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Hey candy im really sorry to hear about poe...i felt the same way when i lost my blue midas. And from what you described mine died in a very similar fashion... :(


The tank looks absolutely fantastic. look forward to seeing it grow in.

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Awesome! Glad to hear from you, sorry I have been MIA guys, alot going on with life here.


Also, it took me this long to be able to post that last Wednesday was a very sad day the star of this tank Poe is no longer with me. I got home and found his dead under a rock in the tank. I have no idea what happened, he was eating and acting great then just gone.


Everyone else is doing well and is fat and happy though. I have some pics I have to post tonight of both tanks but I needed to give a small update just for the thread.


Now the decision, should I get another Midas or should I get a Kohl Tang.....


Any suggestions on a replacement?


Thanks for your well wishes and codolences ahead of time I may not be on for a bit. JUst a tough last 2 weeks with life and then losing him last Wednesday. I'm worn out. :closedeyes:


I sm very sorry to read what happened to Poe, Randi, I know how it can feel as we get so attached to all our critters and pets.


He gave you great joy and pleasure and I am sure you will find either another Poe or a different fish that can give you the same kind of good and happy feelings.


Again I am truly sorry for what happened for reasons unknown apparently.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey candy im really sorry to hear about poe...i felt the same way when i lost my blue midas. And from what you described mine died in a very similar fashion... :(


The tank looks absolutely fantastic. look forward to seeing it grow in.


Thanks Hype for dropping in and thanks for your condolences. I am glad I am not the only one at a total loss at how this happened and something similar happened to you. The tank is so empty without him right now it sucks.... not as bright.


Thanks too on the tank it is recovering after 3 weeks with no WC but back on track now. Pics soon I promise.

Sorry to hear about Poe :(

Thanks Maria


I sm very sorry to read what happened to Poe, Randi, I know how it can feel as we get so attached to all our critters and pets.


He gave you great joy and pleasure and I am sure you will find either another Poe or a different fish that can give you the same kind of good and happy feelings.


Again I am truly sorry for what happened for reasons unknown apparently.

Thanks albert, he was a real pretty midas too. I am just glad I had him for nearly 2 years and was able to give him a pretty good life while I did have him.


On a side note so excited about your book! Soon very very soon! ;)

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Oh no! Not Poe! He was my favorite fish on all of N-R. I'm so sorry to hear that this happened.


I actually lost my midas blenny a couple weeks ago but didn't post about it at the time because I was just too upset. Mine was also active and eating great and was the boss of the tank and then just vanished. I looked around everywhere and he didn't jump. I also never found a body but he's definitely gone. I don't know what happened and was super upset. Getting attached to fish is always the worst.


RIP Poe! :tears:

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no more poe???!!!! ohhh noooo!

Yeah IDK what happened seems quite a few people are having the same issue with the Midas, wonder if there is a weird disease with them we know nothing about.....


Oh no! Not Poe! He was my favorite fish on all of N-R. I'm so sorry to hear that this happened.


I actually lost my midas blenny a couple weeks ago but didn't post about it at the time because I was just too upset. Mine was also active and eating great and was the boss of the tank and then just vanished. I looked around everywhere and he didn't jump. I also never found a body but he's definitely gone. I don't know what happened and was super upset. Getting attached to fish is always the worst.


RIP Poe! :tears:


I am so sorry for your loss! Seems you me and Hype have had the same issue with these types of blennies, I wish I knew what happened if it was a disease or a parasite or what. But he was so happy, eating good, and active not looking hurt or damaged then all of a sudden bam, gone.


I found a partial body, all it had was his head and pretty blue eyes and the spine with a tail. I was so bummed, I am going to look but for now I am just trading the EVIL purple dotty that killed a firefish and ate the cleaner shrimp. I try to be a nice person and save this fish from a 12 gallon nano tank and he ups and kills 2 of the SUMP inhabitants. His @$$ is grass. I caught him a few days ago, ripped the sump apart and he happened to be in a rock, now he is in a floating cage awaiting the transfer to a baggie then to the store. Good riddance.




So I have been thinking about it and may just go with a wrasse, probably my 6-line I have had before, any other suggestions for a DT centerpiece fish in a 40B that won't kill or harass the current DT inhabitants. (2 clowns, Xerxes the Mandarin, and Krispy and Creme the Yasha/Pistol pair) I am a bit worried about a wrasse with the shrimp and the Emerald crab in there....


Or I may just wait and get another midas..... I do love the color and attitude.


HELP! :blink:

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I vote you get another Midas. Or if its too sad to replace Poe, you should get a starry blenny. Same attitude and although not as bright they've got cool patterning and the little "antennas" above their eyes are awesome.

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I'm sure you remember that you and Poe are the reason I got my Midas, Dr. Seuss. If for some reason I lost mine, I'm sure I'd get another one........they are just too cool. No other fish like them.

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I am going to hold out for a Midas. I was severely tempted by a gorgeous flame angel at the LFS that was bright alert not a mark on him but don't want to risk Kevin or any of my corals.


Man I miss my bright fish.

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Noooo! Poe was the best! How old was he? I'm sure it was old age. He was very loved as you can tell from the 20 posts sending their condolences for his death. Could be one of the, if not THE, most popular fish on N-R! :(


Tank is looking amazing, nevertheless. :flower:

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Noooo! Poe was the best! How old was he? I'm sure it was old age. He was very loved as you can tell from the 20 posts sending their condolences for his death. Could be one of the, if not THE, most popular fish on N-R! :(


Tank is looking amazing, nevertheless. :flower:


I am so glad everyone loved him as much as I did and truly flattered that he was so well known.


However today at the LFS they had some blennies, they had Tribals and canary, I got a Monster Tribal Blenny and a Mini Colony, pics tomorrow when everyone is settled in.


I just couldn't get another Midas, I wanted to but none will ever be as cool as poe.


Thanks again everyone for your condolences and well wishes. Sorry I have been MIA and not posting pics I promise pics this weekend. And I mean it this time. ;)

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I am so glad everyone loved him as much as I did and truly flattered that he was so well known.


However today at the LFS they had some blennies, they had Tribals and canary, I got a Monster Tribal Blenny and a Mini Colony, pics tomorrow when everyone is settled in.


I just couldn't get another Midas, I wanted to but none will ever be as cool as poe.


Thanks again everyone for your condolences and well wishes. Sorry I have been MIA and not posting pics I promise pics this weekend. And I mean it this time. ;)

Pictures!!!!! :happydance:
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I have a few coming give me 30-40 minutes, I have the new colony and a few from a while back that I forgot about, but I can't get one of Matumbo right yet, (that's what A named him! LMAO) :lol:

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I have a few coming give me 30-40 minutes, I have the new colony and a few from a while back that I forgot about, but I can't get one of Matumbo right yet, (that's what A named him! LMAO) :lol:

He's so good at naming :)


YAY...pictures :happydance:

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My Tank Has Crabs.... :unsure: I though I tought it to be responsible, oh well. :lol:



Yasha and Pistol doing well.



I see you!








Xerxes, he is such a hard fish to get a pic of, he always moves at the last minute or hides behind something, here coraline.



Kevin my love.


He has grown so much




The ummm new "Mini" colony.... and Kevin for comparison.....



So yeah can you see why I got him..... I'm so bad.



When I dipped him I noticed a little Acro crab, too bad he was a bad one so he is gone. There are barnicles all over him so cool.



Zoa Top Down









Candlelight doing wel



So different now.



ORA Scripps, this thing is a weed, I mean the second fastest growing SPS I have in the tank, #1 is the Jose's Candlelight. You can seel daily changes as it gets bigger. So crazy.



Poci Top Down




So a small dump, wanted to show the new Acro, and Kevin off, also had those of the Krispy shrimp and Kreme so more when Matumbo is more camera friendly I promise.

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This is Matumbo



BIG fish





FTS with him almost Dead Center, fricking BIG fish.



Funny Blenny Face.




There I even got pics of him, I didn't think I would but he was would and grazing.


Hope you like. :happy:

And Thanks for Looking.

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You gots skillz....ow. congrats on keeping the mandarin so long. I give up on them. The last one I got was belly up after 17 hours..


Im gonna try a pair of blue star wrasse this time..around ugh

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You gots skillz....ow. congrats on keeping the mandarin so long. I give up on them. The last one I got was belly up after 17 hours.. Im gonna try a pair of blue star wrasse this time..around ugh



I thank you sir! I do not think I gots the skillz but I guess I do if I can keep the Mandy and the Clam alive along with SPS.


I really ust picked one from the LFS and my tank was established enough that if he ate or not it didn't matter. I have not fed him since I tried training him, he is fat and happy even went right up to the new guys face to face to challenge him yesterday. Was saying WTF you doing in my tank, your not Poe.


This blenny's eyes have blue in them too, not the whole eye just that line around the pupil. SO cool.


Thanks again man your build is sick!

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I thank you sir! I do not think I gots the skillz but I guess I do if I can keep the Mandy and the Clam alive along with SPS.


I really ust picked one from the LFS and my tank was established enough that if he ate or not it didn't matter. I have not fed him since I tried training him, he is fat and happy even went right up to the new guys face to face to challenge him yesterday. Was saying WTF you doing in my tank, your not Poe.


This blenny's eyes have blue in them too, not the whole eye just that line around the pupil. SO cool.


Thanks again man your build is sick!


Lol thanks. And yea maybe I just haven't been able to find a good specimen.


Yoyr blenny is ####in huge lol

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