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Peter's petite pair of picos


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I agree. When i can actually find mine and watch it I will sit there forever just watching it wave its fans around. We just got 2 huge ones in our shipment at the store yesterday. Huge claws, the biggest I have ever seen.

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i like how you keep both tanks so clean. also is that a bubble coral in yours? it looks like its destroying that torch/hammer next to it..

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The bubble coral is in Ang's tank (sorry I didn't differentiate the two!), and not near to the torch she has in there. I have the hammer, near the candy cane and favia (I worry it slightly touches the edge of the favia, but seems okay so far).


As for keeping them clean, I guess that must be the phostphate remover we both have in there. And the 75% water changes every week, with fresh seawater.

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heh, I guess with the fact that mine 'leans' left and Ang's right, they do kinda look like one tank with a gap in the middle.



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Hmm good question, and hard to tell really. I would say inbetween ... no growth per se, but they all look extremely healthy and show good size themselves.


I do have plans for a PAR upgrade on these, but for now they seem to be doing just fine.

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You are going to love when you get some par bulbs over the tanks. Its going to bring out so much more of the colors in the corals. What lights are you planning on upgrading to?

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just get one par38 and set it in the middle.

Thats what I was thinking as well. With the right optics and the right hanging height it would cover both tanks pretty well.

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Really? Hmm I was assuming I would need two. Plus when we move next year we may not keep them side by side ... I was thinking of having on in the kitchen for example. But I might try one for now. Thanks for the idea!

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So firstly a question about the crabs. Do they ever move? haha. Mine has been sitting on the same 2" piece of rock since day 1, and Ang's hasn't moved for about a week after exploring the tank for the first couple of days. They are still cool, but I figured they would switch position more ... or maybe they do at night and have moved back again by the time I see them.


Also noticed my hammer is stinging the edge of my favia, with a small piece looking like it is dying. Not sure there is much I can do and figure it's just part of reef life, right? I have also been wondering whether my hammer is developing two heads ... the hammer patterns now form two swirls rather than just one lump?

(you can see the proximity to the favia, and the two swirls, in the pics above)

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Oh yeah, and here are my plans for moving things around.


Xenia down the left side, duncs in the xenia's place, mushroom in the 'cave' entrance.

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So firstly a question about the crabs. Do they ever move?
Are these hermit crabs? My hermit is pretty lazy. Feeding the tank gets him riled up, otherwise he just kinda chills. Usually on top of any handy coral. :rant:
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Nope I mean the porcelain crabs. They just sit and filter, filter and sit, sit and filter, sit and sit. My hermit is actually fairly lively.

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Wow is all I can say. Your pair of picos are simply amazing, they totally rock!!!! :) And your pic's are fantastic. After seeing your tanks, I'm going to have to try harder to locate one for my next setup. I found the IQ3 but really did not want to go that small. Thanks for sharing your adventure with us, I'm sure going to be following your thread a bit more closely now.

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Crab seems to be doing well, he's moved from his original spot eventually =0)


The postman today delivered ...



Two Nimble Nanos! They are so CUTE, haha. Tiny little things but the magnet is really powerful. Not sure how they compare with the nano mag, but I like the look of these better and wouldn't be against keeping it in the tank.


Got a free replacement pad set thrown in too, which was a nice bonus!


FYI, I did purchase this magnetic glass cleaner and it's now in the same tank with my MagFloat magnetic cleaner: http://tinyurl.com/5thp94e


A couple of observations about the Nimble Nanos:



  • They're smaller and can get into spaces where the MagFloat can't


  • They don't float, so if it 'unlinks,' the inside will drop to the bottom of the tank, perhaps injuring a coral. The MagFloat 'floats.'
  • They're not near as strong and you have to work really hard to remove some algaes from the inside of the glass. But to be fair, the do handle most of the basic stuff pretty well.
  • The pad on the outside gets damp and is very very difficult to make dry. I usually have to go over the outside with a cloth after using the Nimble
  • Not sure if this is too much of a Con, but I did notice MagFloat has a patent pending on it's label. Not so with the Nimble-- so not sure how long it would stay around. I suspect a cease and desist is probably on it's way. What is it with the aquarium industry suing everyone over everything? I'm sure if they could, one of these guys would try and patent saltwater itself!

All said, I think both actually complement each other well.

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Interesting. As for the strength, there is a Super Nimble available too, but that is a bit thicker. I guess the main Pro for me is aesthetics - it looks good/cute, and is clear. I have a standard cleaner on my freshwater tank (full size) and hate the way it looks if I leave it attached to the tank, which I like to do to encourage me to use it more.


The other cons I can live with, so far. But then as I mentioned I haven't had much to clean as yet!

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Confession time:


During yesterday's water change on Ang's tank, the syphon tube caught the edge of her ric and started sucking it up the pipe! At least half of it was in the tiny tube before I managed to remove. Luckily it looks okay today, but I didn't tell the wife when it happened. Whoops =0)


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Thankfully, no =0)


Though I did confess last night, as the ricordea was looking healthy and full again!


The duncan in Ang's tank is not coming out any more, and mine are not extended as fully as they were. Not sure what the issue is, and odd that both tanks are affecting the same coral (all others look good). Eh, they're not dying, yet ...

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