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Animalmaster6's Box Of Nothing! :D


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:rolleyes: Sometimes I wonder if people know I'm in school and have stuff to do. People :rant:


You only say it all the time... :rolleyes:



Anyway's.... How's the 125g?

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Just a reminder, I have soccer practice every day plus two or three games a week, plus band, and honors classes. I just started high school thus I don't have much money. I have no time right now. I try to get on N-R as much as possible. Also, if you notice my amount of posts per day dropped a ton over the past month. If I'm not on the top poster's list every day then you know I'm busy :lol: I'm telling you, soccer is ending in a week or two, then i'll actually have time to set up this tank.


You only say it all the time... :rolleyes:



Anyway's.... How's the 125g?

:lol: I know.


Remember, I basically shut the build down for a year or two. Money was too tight to set it up. That's why I got this tank, to hold me over until me and my dad can financially afford the 125. This tank will be long term though, even when the tank is set up.

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maybe you should reef instead of post.... just a thought..... its fun to give someone a hard time

lol I'm sorry for being an active member. This is reefing. Do you know how much info I've collected from helping people and posting. that's why this 7.5g is gonna be frieken awesome ;)

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:) Waiting face is waiting, and waiting :)


You going with all live rock, or some or that nice dry white rock too?

I dunno yet. I was thinking a good amount of live rock but some dry rock too. I want a good microfauna population from the live rock. That's why I want that in there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been nonstop this past two weeks. I had my last game today (Btw we did fantastic, awesome game) so I can get this started... FINALLY

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blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, no pictures, no water, no point, just blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah..... you get the point. at least put a dead goby from a friends failed tank in there so you can say you have a fish tank, cause right now its just a piece of glass

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by us complaining about no water.


am- your'e turning me into a hater, and i hate that too. do something with this thing for god's sake!

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You guys are idiots lol. You do realize that this got to 19 pages by you constantly asking for updates.


:rolleyes: Be patient, that's how you have a good tank.

I just finished soccer and will be starting buying things for the tank Monday. Calm Down...

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You guys are idiots lol. You do realize that this got to 19 pages by you constantly asking for updates.


:rolleyes: Be patient, that's how you have a good tank.

I just finished soccer and will be starting buying things for the tank Monday. Calm Down...


I swear. What else do you need?! :mellow:

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