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Sexy Breeding -- Live nudes!


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Take all the water out and let it dry.


I like the suggestion. I'm wondering tho, other recommendations I've seen include a full sterilization of the system. If hydroids can hitch a ride on dehydrated brine shrimp eggs, then could they not hitch a ride on dry sand? The colony itself doesn't appear to lurk too deep, but I worry about the eggs and possibly the planula larvae.


If I sterilize, then I'll probably use vinegar, but that'll mean restarting my biocycle. It's not that big of a deal, but without a more effective means of avoiding hydroids in the first place, it essentially renders my DSB non-functional. It will always get reinfected before it gets up to speed.


That said, I'm not sure it was destined to be a functional DSB in the first place, as my choice of sand and the limit of its depth appears to fully lend itself to nitrification. At least, that's what the colors tell me. And honestly, it's probably better this way. The more I think about it, the less important denitrification seems. I had simply hoped to provide as complete of a biotope as possible, but the pure nitrifying capacity sure was nice. Only needed water changes weekly.


Anyway, I'm not disappointed with anything. As I've mentioned before, so long as I experiment in the ways I know I want to, I am always pleased with my results. It is not my expectation to find the magic cure for hydroids. When I experiment, I simply like to start from scratch and assume as little as possible. Thus I find it useful to better understand the "wrong" approach before making any determinations about the "right" one.


As far as I'm concerned, the hydroids have been half the fun. They really are interesting. If someone could breed phosphorescent hydroids, I'm pretty sure they'd be a popular coral. I don't suppose you know much about gene splicing? Can you point me to a good DIY?


After I sterilize, I'll switch to decaped eggs only. I'm curious to see if there is any difference in time to infection. A repeat with similar timelines would suggest the breeder water is the true source of infection and not the eggs. Tho I have since developed a bit of a theory on this and intend to test what I believe to be the critical threshold violator. Which is to say that I believe several things contribute to hydroid infestation, but that there is one particular part of the process that's tilting things in the hydroid's favor. But for the moment, it's just a hunch.

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For motivation look back at your old posts, and inspirational threads


Is it over indulgent of me to appreciate this advice most? :D


if you want it enough it will happen


Never said I didn't. :)


If I appear to have a lack of enthusiasm at the moment, it's because my wife and I have been looking at property and it's been taking up our weekends. Anyway, it's been a nice break from the brine while I consider my next steps and how I might wish to refine my process before restarting it.


Thank you for reading and joining the thread. Advice is always welcome, just often argued with. It's kinda my thing. :)

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why o why wont my sexy shrimp eggs mature? lol

this is their 3rd batch i think and they look like they r gonna fail yet again. everyone makes it sound so easy. just throw in a male and female and bingo. yet my eggs never seem to develop fully. i see all these pics of the girls bottom bursting with full fat eggs with babies clearly visible in inside them but my girls never look like that. i actually saw what appeared to be eyes in this last failed batch and was gonna put the female in my fry tank but that night she ditched them. if the eggs werent fertilized properly u think their eggs/butt wouldnt get bigger but they do and they carry them for about the full time 12-14 or so days right? tomorrow will be the 12th day but the eggs just dont seem fully formed to me.

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keyhole limpet



Would you believe....



Additionally, there are some limpets that generally do not graze on algae. The ones that we are primarily concerned about are the keyhole and slit limpets. These are limpet-shaped snails with a perforation on the top of the shell (keyhole limpets) or a slit on the front shell margins (slit limpets). These animals are generally carnivorous, and will eat sponges, soft corals, and other sessile animals. I have not heard of any specific reports of them eating stony corals, but I suspect that they would. Some of them, however, may be very useful for the control of some low growing colonial nuisance hydroids. Unfortunately, little work has investigated the specific diets of tropical keyhole limpets, so we don't know the names of any beneficial species.


Keyhole Limpet snails – Diodora is the most common


Distribution: Most are from Baja California

Water condition: 72-78ºF, sg 1.025, pH 8.1-8.4

Active time: Nocturnal

Size: up to 3 in.

Diet: Herbivore

Zone: Most like rocks, but will sometimes congregate at the sand line on the glass and they will clean below the sand line.

Pros: They are great for eating hydroids and will also feed upon all forms of microalgae.

Cons: They have been known to sometimes graze on Acropora, Montipora and other similar species.

Additional information: There are dozens of different keyhole limpets in the hobby and close to 200 species in total. They come from all over the world but Diodora is probably the most common genus.

Why have I not heard of these before?

I feel like I just rediscovered some lost secret of the ancients.


Not the easiest thing to get a hold of however: LiveAquaria Keyhold Limpets.

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There was a guy in one of my local forums that had what he was calling keyhole limpets but were also id-ed as shield limpets. Not sure if it the species you are looking for. I'll hit him up with a pm and see if he is interested in providing a couple for the research.

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It might be worth asking the reefcleaners guys if they could get a hold of keyhole limpets since they carry another limpet.

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It might be worth asking the reefcleaners guys if they could get a hold of keyhole limpets since they carry another limpet.



This, john will have a much better idea on availability...

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Whoa great find! I hope you are able to locate a source for them. It'll be interesting to see how well they work against hydroids

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Whoa great find! I hope you are able to locate a source for them. It'll be interesting to see how well they work against hydroids


There was a guy in one of my local forums that had what he was calling keyhole limpets but were also id-ed as shield limpets. Not sure if it the species you are looking for. I'll hit him up with a pm and see if he is interested in providing a couple for the research.


It might be worth asking the reefcleaners guys if they could get a hold of keyhole limpets since they carry another limpet.


This, john will have a much better idea on availability...





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Well I managed to get a more complete reply and this is what they said...


We just don't carry them. We come across them, but I don't sell them.

They also seemed unconvinced that they would eat hydroids, so I sent them the link. :)


Best of luck. We have sent them before didn't work.

Now trying floridapets.com, since they were suggested in an old related thread I found on the subject.

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Ryan, thank you for your email. We understand your situation. We were able to procure Keyhole limpets in the past. Recently, they do not appear to be as readily available. We do know that they are in demand and we are continually on the lookout. Ryan, we will keep your email and look forward to getting back to you with their availability.

This sounds promising. In the mean time, I have found a single species currently for sale: Diodora cayenensis


It's a start. :]

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Yarrr.... maties!


If ye just be wake'n up, then savvy you didn't look it in the eye. A horrible sea creature it was. Entangled this vessel and left her adrift for days. I'ved but tooth'n nail, stabbing in the dark until...


Now we can open our eyes!


...tho be it completely off the map.




Set sail! There be a keyhole to treasure and we need only find the key!




There are approximately 200 different species of keyhole limpet. One or more of these species will eat colonial hydroids. It is not known which. Worse still, most are near impossible to obtain.


I currently have 4 Diodora cayenensis purchased from livebrineshrimp.com




Do they eat colonial hydroids?




No idea, but she's all shined up and ready to roll. ;)


I started sterilizing the system before finding the limpets, so we'll have to wait to see. In the mean time...


My Sterilization Procedure:

  1. Sterilized the equipment and tools with vinegar.
  2. Disposed of the old sand.
  3. Mildly pressure washed the system with a garden hose.
  4. Spot cleaned the system with vinegar.
  5. 14g ro/di & 1L chlorine bleach run in the system for 2.5 hours.
  6. Rinsed system with garden hose and allowed to sun dry.
  7. 14g ro/di & 500 drops dechlorinator run in the system for 2+ hours.
  8. Washed the new sand with ro/di.
  9. 2.5g ro/di & 150mL chlorine bleach in the new sand, stirred every hour for 2 hours and left covered.
  10. Rinsed the new sand thoroughly with 2.5g ro/di.
  11. 2.5g ro/di & 100 drops dechloriniator in the new sand, stirred every hour for 2 hours.
  12. Rinsed the new sand thoroughly with 2.5g of freshly mixed saltwater.




May 30, I seeded the sterile sand with frozen mysis and good old fashioned Saltwater Biozyme.



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Dang I would say that you were "thourogh" but you went far above and beyond "thourogh" haha.

I stopped short of using fire. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nitrite spike! :)


Also, I've recently received some negativity from various members here on Nano-Reef. To those who miss understand me, I genuinely apologize. Being understood is not one of my strengths.


And to the rest, I won't lie; I never do. Your ill intent has hurt my feelings. But I will enjoy my Father's day without your approval. I always do.


Moving on. :]

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I had a positively lovely Father's day. :D


We flew kites and frolicked in the park! I have a stunt kite that I like to fly, even tho it tends to be more trouble than it's worth. Whereas my wife and child made a plain paper kite and danced upon the hill immersed in warming light. :)


When our fun was done, they made their way to the rest room, while I stayed behind to pack. It was then that I was approached by a man, child in hand, with an interest in my stunt kite. Or at least that's what he said. But I had taken it apart already, and judging from his demenor, I think what he really wanted was something more intangible. The child looked just as joyless.


I don't mostly exist in coporeal form. I have little interest in interacting with those that do. None-the-less, it's a part of my nature to wish others joy, so of course I offered them the paper kite nearby. I watched as he snatch it up eagerly, attempting to mimic what he had seen. He ran this way and that, twirling it about, trying to find whatever it was that made our kite so special. Neither ever smiled. Confused, he gave up, gave it back, and left in disappointment.


How could such a simple thing have so much power for us, yet none for them?


I know some "men" are all about the money, cars, and women, but look at what I have! I have my wife, my child, and a paper kite. Honest to "god", I could not be having a more wonderful time. Why do you suppose that is? ;)




To those who would rather watch others fail then to help them succeed, you are the 'ones' who need help.


Here are your choices.

  1. Start enjoying your life and stop picking on others for enjoying theirs.
  2. Or... STFU; GTFO. :haha:

I'll show you how. Don't believe me? This is what I do to liars. Want to see what I do to bullies?

Just.. you.. wait.


I've attached my latest trinket below. I appologize for the file size, but in truth, it's no larger than my life. :]




Enough with the negativity! I'm feeling very generous today. I've decided I want to let one of you in on a little secret I've been keeping. It's a photo of what's hidden behind the cardboard on my kreisel. ...Want to see it? :)





This game is open to all and here is how it is played.* Answer the five riddles below. Answers must be given via PRIVATE MESSAGE ONLY. Anyone who answers out loud, anywhere I see it, will be disqualified. Answers must be submitted in full, in order, no extras. Incorrect answers will be returned with a strike-through, no more than once per day. First person to correctly answer all five, WINS!



  1. Show me step zero.
  2. Why is 5 afraid?
  3. Who are Jetsam & Lagan?
  4. Who's the short one?
  5. What is the answer to life the universe and everything?


:haha:Too easy!



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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I had a positively lovely...







Happy Holidays everyone!




Hang on to your Santa hats, we had one crazy Christmas party... wink.gif


Things started out ordinary enough: a little eggnog, a little mistletoe. And of course, Amber was her usual bubbly self --but then it happened.


I don't know who brought it, but she was clearly on it. Amber got dark, became hysterical, and ripped her top off! She was frothing and spitting up everywhere, rambling about her past, about getting infected, becoming sterilized, and not having anymore babies. Only Jade could finally calm her down, but long story short...


Now the whole house reeks of bleach. tongue.gif




Turns out Amber has a daughter: Crystal. Jade gave her a call, and as luck would have it, her and her girlfriend Misty needed a place to crash. Yeah, she's a bit of a drifter -- just like her mom -- but I've found with a little structure, she settles right in.


Here they are trying out my new hot tub! smile.gif



Misty is the red-head. ;)


Now I know what you're thinking and you can say what you want, but at half the size, I still find these two attractive. laugh.gif




I would like to take this post Christmas oppertunity to appologize...
















...to this man here.




If you've clicked the images near the beginning of this project, you'll see I've had a bit of fun at his expense. I don't apologize for the humor mind you; it's valid. But I do apologize for not adding that he and I have a couple of important things in common.


One, we share a love of plastics.


And two, we both intimately understand that there is no separating one's life-philosophy from one's life-work.





I've read a lot of different recommendations for decapsulating brine shrimp eggs, with regards to duration and concentration of the acid bath. So I decided to run some tests of my own.


I first hydrated the eggs for an hour in fresh water. I then prepared a 100% concentration and laid out 9 containers of fresh water. After each minute interval I removed a small sample of eggs and dropped them in a container of fresh water. I then inspected the samples under the scope.




In chronological order from zero to nine minutes.



Unfortunately, I was hoping for something more conclusive. I really don't see much difference after the first minute. Tho at the end, I did notice a thick raw-egg-yolk like consistency to the mixture and very few of the final eggs actually hatched.


I think I'll rerun this test for one, two, three, and four minutes intervals, then test hatch results for each.

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