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Coral Vue Hydros

Anthonys 5 Gallon Tanks

Builder Anthony

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Builder Anthony








1st attempt at Yellow clown goby breeding


Ive been waiting about a month and a half for Yellow Clown Gobys to come into one of my petstores.Well i seen two in seperate tanks right next two each other so i asked the owner to throw the other one in with the other goby.I seen him nip once at the other goby but the tank seemed relativly peaceful.His tank was at 23 and i didnt see any signs of ich.


The fish themselfs are young and only about 3/4 of a inch with one being slightly larger.After placeing them in my tank they stayed in my bubble caulepra and have been there ever since.They have been somewhat agressive towards each other with one nipping at the others dorsal fin causeing a few tears.Ive read that these fish change sex if circumstances are right.Im not really sure how it happens but i figure it must be something like clownfish.


I threw some brine in the tank but have about 1000 anthropods in there.They literally cover the liverock.Im hopeing that they eat some.I also added some kent marine micro fliter food to the brine and fishtank.I didnt see them go after the brine or the antropods.Getting them to eat is somethiung i want to get down right away.


Theres no other fish in the tank,but there is one flatworm i am trying to remove and that is my only concern.The fliter intake is covered with a sponge and there are no powerheads so they wont have any caustalitys.I will check on them tommrow and seperate them if the tears continue on the other fish because i dont want it getting all stressed out.

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Builder Anthony

The injurys on the fish now are on the dorsal fin with about 3 that are showing exposed bone.Not much differnt then yesterday.The two fish fish seemed to get along but the bully seems to go after the other one when he swims around near the other fishes area.Their areas are about 5 inches apart and they stay on the same side of the tank.They have stayed on the grape caulpera side sincei added them.I think they are not used to a reef setup and might be scared of the corals ont he other side though there are no sweeper things in there.


Brine was added 4 times throughout the day with a constant supply.The fish were left alone and the door shut so they were on there own undisturbed most of the day.They seem timid when i come close to the tank so i didnt want to freak them out.


A little more on the injuried fish.I seen it looking around when i added the brine but i didnt see him take any.He would go to the top and swim around a bit away from his spot.This caused the other fish near him to get a little agressive but they seemed to rest right next to each other also.I am worried at the look of this fish because his stomach looks as if he hasnt eaten but at least he/she is exploring a little more.Tommrow i will add whats left of the brine in the morning and then after work ill go pick up more.I also been adding crushed flake food for the amprpods and fish along with 3 drops of filter feeder food.


Did a water change today as well.

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Mr. Microscope

Yes! That was the only thing I could get mine to eat at first. I had it for about a week and a half trying to feed this and that. Finally, cylope-eze did the trick. It went for it like it was a toasted marshmallow. Though, I don't think it's the most nutritional it should get you started. Then, you can slowly switch to other stuff.

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Builder Anthony

Well today looks a little better in the morning 7:00am i crushed up some flake food and threw in some dried seaweed to keep the pods off my clove polyps.Nothing was eatethat i viewed by the fish.


After work around 4:00pm i added brine and they seemed intrested i think the bully took some but unsure if the injuried one took any.I droped in 3 bloodworms but none were taken.I then threw in some cyclops and they both took to that im almost positive since the injuried one looks a little fatter.the food was added about 40 min apart.


The dorsal fine has healed some but i noticed a small scale area on the side damaged that looks to be healing and i hope its not ich.I really dont think it is such and dont even want to think about ich.To me there is no cure for it.


I sen them hanging out together peacefully at times but in the morning the bully ws out like right in themorning cause the other fish started swimming around.He woke up first and was next to glass and i think i spooked him but i have to look for this flatworm.The dorsal fin looks a litle healed and im glad its not still being attacked.


The bully seems fine and i think i seen him chase some brine and he went after the cyclops.One more thing ive noticed after adding all this food is that for the first time ive seen my candy cane coral start to open up and throw out some tenticles.It was when the leds were shut down and just the flouresent light was on and its like 6 watts or somehting.They didnt open up all the way but i see around the ring small tenticles like that on a zoa.So that was cool....Thanks for the tip on cyclops i never used them before and i think they are great.hey could really be good for filter feeders.


Whats up Mr.Microscope your sporten the beard.Looks cool though its still cold out this way to.

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Builder Anthony

20 percent water change

4 feedings of small cyclops

4 feedings of live brine 10-15 per serving

1inch peice of dried seaweed

3 drops of microfeeder food

2 small peices of shrimp for the mushrooms


Everything tested fine before the water change.

Dorsal fin is healing two spines at the top are healing 1/4th of both those fins is damaged.

Fighting seems to be over they just hide in the buble caulerpra all day.

Bully sleeps on devils hand coral at night.

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Builder Anthony

I guess i was wrong or he stoped eating again he has minor injury to dorsal fin but i seen him out of the weeds and he looked like he hadnt eaten.i dont know waht else to do i feed cyclops and live brine.I cant make him eat.

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are you sure you have a pair and not same sex gobies? one could be stressing the other one out into not eating. is at least one goby eating well? maybe the one that looks thin has internal parasites, anything is possible on wild fish.

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Builder Anthony

Well they hang out together so .......not all the time but they do sit next to each other without fighting.Like a half inch away from each other.These gobys change sex if both are female and can even swicth back to male from reseaching them.


He should be able to grab brine no problem its in the tank all day.Im not sure if it has parasites or not anythings possible.It kind of ticks me off because i really been trying to get him to eat,and leave them be quietly in the tank.


Most likely they are both females because thats how they start out then one turns male.

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ooo, right they can do that, I forgot. do they turn into male only in the presence of other female gobies? or do they turn male when they are left alone and then can never turn back? (like reverse of clownfish which turn female when alone and can't go back to male)


Maybe your pair is trying to figure out who is dominant like clownfish do and then one will change sex to male? research what clown gobies eat in the wild. i remember something about some type of coral involved, but that may be just panda gobies.

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Builder Anthony

Its acropla coral they hang out in i got home at around 830 from work and threw in some cyclops they both apperae to be eating but now they both look a little skinny.I could see a little bit of food on there stomachs but that stuff sucks it has no protein.I hope this guy has some rotifiers at the store tommrow.Thats if i get off before 7.Im having someone drop some food in there around 11 or 12 ill throw some in aorund 7 in the morning.

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Builder Anthony

Frozen rotifers bought today.

One fish is definetly eating and 1 spits stuff out and he is skinny.Im just hopeing hes skinny cause he is changeing sex.Im not really sure what that entails.








You can see little pacthes missing from the clam shell this is where a asteria star has been.I had a little orange sponge or tunicte it seems to liike nibbling on them.Im going to maybe bump it a little closer to the frogspawn so it will regrow.It will regrow in about 2-3weeks if not eaten.







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Builder Anthony

Added Hammer coral today


This is actually a unknown crab with a blue sponge on his back i will try to geta front shot someother time.He is also new to the tank today.


This is a peach film of some sort on a snail shell.



This is a crazy blueish and brown mushroom i had about a week and a half.Its in the back of my tank.

Added about 30 mililiters of live rotifers 1 cube of frozen rotifers 1 cube of cyclops and about 25 live brine to the tank.One fish eating one not.The one has still not eaten anything not even the live rotifers.2 drops micro feeder food.All feedings with cubes split up into about 4 feedings.The one thats not eating is turning a littl whiteish and loseing color.No fighting is seen.The eating one was roughing up the bubble caulerpra when i ran the flourestest far from the tank i think he was making sure nothing was around the area he was going to sleep.

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Builder Anthony

Salt 23


Same feedings same results.


Water has been sitting with a powerhead for 3 days.I did a fourth of a tank change then waited a hour and did another fourth of a tank change.


My kenya tree and single daisy polyp was not looking so hot before the water change.Now its back to uasul but the daisy polyp didnt open.I should have done the change yesterday ive been feeding alot.Experimenting withthe tank.


Noticed a peice of the sps was missing like something took a little sample.Im not sure because i couldnt see that side of the coral but the decorator sponge crab was by it last.Could also be a asteria mark its about the same size as there feeding pattern.Maybe its been that way.Im unsure.


The blueish mushroom in the back was about 4 inches wide today thats the biggest ive seen it.It was before the water change.I also threw everything shrimp after the change.


Added four differnt kinds of mushrooms today.Two frags of daisy polyps and two yellow sea cucumbers.Placed a single brown zoa and three small green mushrooms in the back.

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could also be a goby eating the SPS polyps but im not sure. nice tank, it looks real natural and rock looks great too. do you test your water? you seem to feed a lot i was wondering if its throwing your water quality off any; especially once you mentioned your corals not looking good until fresh water is changed in.

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Builder Anthony

Its the brownish coral in my tank.There really isnt any polyps on it.The gobys are said to nip at them.Im guessing they do it to see if it stings.But i havent seen them bother it they just stay inn the bubble caulpera.


I tested 2 days ago and everything was fine.I was just monitoring the corals and the kenya tree seem to be the only thing upset so i knew things were going up its uasualy full of water.I was also curious to see how far i could push this tank.Im really suprised how much food it actually took to set things off track.Id say 15 minutes after i did the first water change i noticed it coming bloated with water again.


My mushrooms also seem to open there mouths a little on every water change.Like they are sucking up nutreints.Im hoping to do two more fouth of a tank changes so theres no reason for me to test.

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Builder Anthony

Ya i pretty much do..... its just when my five gallon bucket runs out then i wait three days for the salt to mix real well.


Keeping the cover on top of it helps keep out dust..The only thing is the cord from the power head that allows a small crack in the seal from the lid.

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Drift Monkey
Ya i pretty much do..... its just when my five gallon bucket runs out then i wait three days for the salt to mix real well.


Keeping the cover on top of it helps keep out dust..The only thing is the cord from the power head that allows a small crack in the seal from the lid.

Before you actually use it, it might be good to leave the lid off for a bit, and point your powerhead towards the surface to get it nice and oxygenated.

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Builder Anthony








































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Builder Anthony

Tests are running high im going to empty about 2 inches of water out.Most likely another tommrow as well.


Damage done to hammer coral in the center.Brushed up the damaged area with a airtube and damage is also seen under the tissue.Parts of the bone structure was taken off by something.Most likely the new small flat decorator crab.You can also see the whit claw marks on the algae on the bottom right.


Here is the crab.He is the blue sponge.This coral also has slight damage done to the side not visable in the picture though.


This image shows some claw marks.They are the algae eaten off the liverock.See the white claw marks on the right.The green leather was struck by one of the sweeper tenticales and put out a thin mucus from one of its polyps.....about a 2 inch clear mucus.It has since stoped.Most likely coral warfare.


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Builder Anthony

Yesterday alot of tissue was gone.It seemed to disappear in the dark cycle.Heres right before turning off the lights.


The crab was also caught yesterday and wasnt able to eat more of the hammer coral.All that damage was caused i guess the first night and its just been melting away.Heres the amount of water i change daily.You can also see the decorator crab spnge on the right it is his new home.I been feeding him dried seaweed and flakes.Doing another aterchange and taking out the amount of water in this container.


Odd enough this coral awalys seems to shed brown gunk when the lights are turned off.I fliped the lights on to take these shots.It does it every night and is back to the pale blue color by morning.In the light it is somewhat browner.Maybe look at some other photos and compare.It does seem to like where it is with the lights on because its fully expanded.


Finally got a decent shot of the fish that wasnt eating.He has been poking around at things latey.Notice how his color is a whiteish color.It could be from him not eating or it could be him changeing into a male.


I think the ricordea is starting to split.Its been haveing this crease in the ring on and off the last two days.


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Builder Anthony

Tissue seems like it moved off the rock and is not inflating during lighting period.It doesnt seem to be deteriorating.


Mushroom in the morning lights on 2 min


Sponge rock back shot


Yellow sea cucumber


Candy cane


Candy cane....Hard coral top left has crab damage


My narcerius snail at the shrimp party.


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Builder Anthony

First real matinence on the tank

1.Trimmed all macros.


2.Adjusted the dark green mushrooms to a lower light area along with the light blue mushroom.Moved the flourest blue mushroom to a high light area because it was in low light and has lost its color.


3.Moved xeina to a low light area but theres really no good spot for it now.I buried it in the sand at the base to try and get it off these horrible white frag rack peices which it was grown on.


4.The candy cane fell further into its hole which is a good thing.Its resting nicely on the rock and hopefully will attach in a week.


5.Disturbed the sand bed a litte by the new layout for the mushrooms.


6.Removed small bits of cheato from zoas and shrooms along with bubble algae removal from ricordea.


7.Removed hammer as peices started floating around and fallng on mushrooms.Didnt want them stinging things if it came back.had enough problems trying to get things stable.




New layout on bottom left for mushrooms


Close up


New mushroom coral was slightly attached to another rock i peeled it off it was ticked for like 10 min.


Another Mushroom coral.Its actually on a bumbulbee snail but i buried it.Nice little weight for it though.


After i did all my stressful matinence i did two jugs that the decorator crab is in and tested like a hour later.To my suprise it is really high.I had someone feed my fish when i was gone and i seen alot of a cube sitting on the bottom uneaten.It was overkill on the feeding plus i know i mixed up alot of things cleaning.So i guess ill have to do one more jug at least tonight or ill drop the salt level in the tank because i really only have like 2 jugs i can replace in the tank.Waiting for things to simmer down before i decide.....Salt 24


Went and did a freshwater add droped salt to 21 and added a little 26 water.Corals were acting funny .......shut down the lights.

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