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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Dr.Eclipse's swagtastic 20L!


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i wasnt worried about the firefish fighting, i had a pair in my 55(i know i lot bigger) and they were best friends, until one died in the power head ):

i was worried about the clowns getting pissed off.

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i was worried about the clowns getting pissed off.

this also might happen, if the clowns have already establoshed a territory then there might be a problem

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alright just moved over my mandrian to the 55, hopfully itll be a lot happier in there (:

had to about take down my tank to catch the ####er though! >.>

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alright, so now my tank is 100% ammonia free! :D (for those how didnt read, ive been having a slight ammonia problem for like 2 weeks now.)

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alright so the 20 long is pretty much ####ed as of last night.

all the corals were sunken when I got home from school. and never reopened. and I saw some bleaching on the favia where it gets the most flow.

I think it it was the huge temp swing that day. the A/C had been broken up stair for like 3 weeks now and the tank was running about 83 so I took out the heater. well they fixed the a/c and opened the balcony door in my room so it the tank got down to 63 degrees. I put the heat back in and I'm now slowly raising the temp. I think it's at like 70 right now. and to make matters worse I broke the pump for my protien skimmer while cleaning it. the rubber tips like fell apart when I opened it so now it's useless. I'll try to go get a maxi jet 900 today.

is the tank in any serious trouble or are the corals just really stresses and need time to recover?

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wow, that sounds ruff DR.E, I'd give it time b4 you call it a failure... maybe you will lose a few but I highly doubt everything will die..


water params, if you have tested them?


That is a total bummer to get home to view your tank and everything looks fckd.


I work @ my Dad's HVAC company and have no AC or heat in my house, I use the ceiling fans in the summer and my wood stove in the colder months. But the summers here are somewhat mild, the hottest it gets is in the low 80s.


and as long as im home in the winter the tank stays around 77-79

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yeah I'm gonna give it a couple more days before I start really freakin out. I didn't look at it too hard this morning but the clowns were swimming fine and the snail and hermit were all moving. so Im thinking it's gonna be alright. but only time will tell.

I don't know the current water params but I tested a couple days ago and

everything was fine. amm, trate, trite o pH 8.3... 11.2 dkh..mag 1500... I don't have a calcium test. I know the salinity is a pretty high, like 1.028 but Im getting ro water today to fix that.

the heat over here gets pretty intense in the summer, 90's-100's

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I got the light btw, thanks! I fired it up yesterday, worked fine...


I used 2 live in FL but never had tanks when I did. I hate any weather above like 80 unless your out west.

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thats great to hear! :D

alright got some good news and bad news.

good news the corals are opened, but they look extremely frail. fish and inverts and all good.

bad news, Xenia are pretty much dead. the most hardest coral i have and its green and melted. doesn't make much sense at all. other bad news, nobody put the dogs up after i left for school and they pretty much destroyed the house, theres a 5 lbs of rice in the living room, they ate a whole bag of pretzels, and whole tub of treats. tore up the aluminium foil. they threw up on my parents bed[lol], ate all the crap on my brothers floor.

all i got to say is, thank god my door was shut.

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I'm lost, is this where we go now that MD is gone for the week?



Sucks about your house. Hope the dogs know they messed up.

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i geuss we can chill here for now :D


and oh yeah, i about killed them. they're still throwing up....i hope they didnt eat anything too bad for them.

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picture updates! so i got the temp and salinity under control.

im pretty sure thats what did it a 63 degree tank and salinity of 1.29

everything is looking a million times better.


AOG zoas, new head. but ones melting.





a little bleaching but nothing too bad.









chalice lookin like sh!t.



so after testing extensively and water changes. and getting the salinity and temp perfect again. i decided to pick these up, only 10$ very awesome :D anybody know what they are?


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Don't know what it is, but I like the new purchase.

I would have KILLED those dogs.

Why you keep having such crazy stuff happen to your tank?

Glad you have it under control now.

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thanks weet. i really like them too, its a really bad picture thought. the skirts are actually green and the eyes are deep blue with a green ring around it.

i keep have these problems because i never think things 100% through, generally nothing bad ever happens but this time it did, well actually twice haha! but now everything is under control and i wont be as careless for now on! so far ive only lost one coral. and im thinkin im gonna loose a ric. but it was dieing before this incident because it got stung by the frogspawn.


EDIT: weet i forgot to ask, hows your tank doin? well i could just scurry over to your thread...

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lunar eclipse palys melted away today.. ): everything eles is open but my dragon eye zoas. and one polyp of AOG

other then that the tank is looking extremely better.

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Very sorry you lost the Lunar Eclipse.

I really like those, and the only frag I ever had got eaten by monster granddaddy Pods.

O well. :(

There are mysterious goings on w/my tank. :ninja:

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im definitely gonna get some more, i really liked em, and i was getting them to eat mysis shrimp. oh well ):

the fish gods are unhappy with you, thats why your tank is having problems. :ninja:

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