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Pod Your Reef

Dr.Eclipse's swagtastic 20L!


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but i dont wonnnaaaaa! its really cool though, its purple with neon green eyes. about 5 inches across. takes up a good part of the sand bed.

I know but you will see it better on the rocks..

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Just a little advice on the mandarin for you.


I'm not going to be that d-bag who says keeping one in a smaller tank is impossible, but just keep in mind that it WILL take some extra effort, especially considering, from what I got from your posts, yours doesn't already eat frozen food (is that correct?) .


When I bought mine (also a green spotted) , I got lucky and found one after only a couple trips to fish stores that would eat frozen brine when the guy at the store fed it. That alone is a huge hurdle to overcome (getting them to eat something that isn't a live pod) .


I didn't check the links, in this thread, but what i've heard seems to work is to start with live brine, once its eating that, switch to frozen brine, then eventually mix with mysis .


Hopefully yours will take to frozen food quickly (honestly i skipped a couple pages here, maybe it already did, if so, you can ignore most of this post)


It seems that the green ones for whatever reason will take to frozen food more readily, but that's kind of just from what i've seen.


Good luck though, they're so much fun to watch! fingerscrossed



Edit: by the way, your start in saltwater sounds an awful lot like mine. I had 2 clowns and a firefish , all 3 died from ich. The second try has gone MUCH better. Lol

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yeah, im planing on either getting a hob fuge or train him..or both! i just dont have the funding right now. but hes still doing great!

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yeah, im planing on either getting a hob fuge or train him..or both! i just dont have the funding right now. but hes still doing great!


From what i've been told , usually a fuge isn't enough to support a big enough pod population in a small tank...


honestly I dont know if that's true or not. Most people like to find reasons why people like US shouldn't have nice things.... haha



training it would really be the best option (short of starting a 90 gallon tank full of rock) but I guess you could see how it goes. If it starts looking skinny though, you might need to rethink having it... Hopefully it'll just eat the frozen food and you'll be good right away, but i guess you'll have to see...



I Know ORA sells tank-raised frozen-eating mandarins (or maybe they eat pellets, don't remember) , but I don't know how much the cost or how you'd go about getting one unless your local fish stores buy direct from them. ALso, I've found that my mandarin really likes Nutrimar Ova. Its prawn eggs frozen in a flat plastic bag. You just break off a chunk, thaw, and squirt it near the fish. The nice thing about nutrimar is that the other fish seem to like it, but the eggs are so small that the bigger fish (clowns) don't tend to try and eat it all because its just not really very substantial (they're really small eggs) . If you can find some, that might be a good place to start when trying to get it to eat. they're also really nutritious and dense so the fish gets better nutrition from them than they would from eating brine or something

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the zoa you were asking about looks similar to an armor of god Zoa, but usually they're a bit more vibrant. Could be your lighting, water conditions, or maybe its not an AOG at all... I have a small colony of zoas that look prettys similar to that one, and was told they weren't aog's, but yours might be... hard to tell sometimes

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@ gats, i saw those there but these are from blue ribbon. i might pick of the 10$ frags of blasto they got, really nice looking.


@eclipse when i bought them they were AOG i think they might of morphed..becasue that dark spot wasnt there before. showed up in like the last 2 weeks.

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thanks man! i really like the left side but the right needs some work.


yeah.. im trying to a borrow a nice camera from a friend, but everytime i see him i forget!

i make the pictures small cause it increases the quaity of the picture, if you want a larger picture of a certain coral just ask!

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@ gats, i saw those there but these are from blue ribbon. i might pick of the 10$ frags of blasto they got, really nice looking.


Wait who has the $10 blasto frags?

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Wait who has the $10 blasto frags?

A-Obsessions does! there red with green eyes.

and they have an open brain, freakin thing looks like a bag of skittles in color. only 75$ about the size of my hand.

hey, do you have any softies or lps youd like to sell? my dad just started a 55 reef and is looking for some coral.

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A-Obsessions does! there red with green eyes.

and they have an open brain, freakin thing looks like a bag of skittles in color. only 75$ about the size of my hand.

hey, do you have any softies or lps youd like to sell? my dad just started a 55 reef and is looking for some coral.


Well if they have a couple of the blastos I might have to pick one up. Other than a rock of green shrooms that have never really fit in my tank. I don't have a whole lot unfortunately.

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alright, would it be to much to ask for a picture?


as of right now, candy cane MIA neon green ric MIA sandsifting goby MIA presumed dead. :tears:

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